
Sunday 17 September 2017

One Word and Many Things

Hello, I am a writer, and I'm called Jack Snider. For those that have followed me over the years or those that have recently had a peek at what I do, I am me.

Nevertheless, over the years my writing style has changed, for better and for worse. However, with every change and season there is an opportunity to reinvent yourself. While blogging is a wonderful thing and I have enjoyed it over the years, I believe a new fresh style of writing is in order.

As to how it will look, I'm not too sure, but I know one thing, I want to change the way I write to you guys. Whether I will write more or less is hard to tell. However, I'm willing to give it a shot, so let's see where this leads. Anyhow that's enough jawing off let's think about something and talk about how one word can change everything.

There are some words that will stick with you forever. It can be one line or just one word at times.

For those that have been in a relationship, you know two words that can change everything, love or goodbye.

In many ways I believe that words are powerful, but at the same time I don't believe they are powerful. What I think is powerful is sometimes the words that is behind them, that makes everything different, the feeling or passion.

But to say that it's always that would be wrong. Sometimes the most careless words make the most impact, or maybe they're the tipping point. Nevertheless, either way words hold great power, and sometimes they don't.

Which make words quite the grenade, that may go off or not. So should we walk on tip toes? Not really there's enough of that in our society to last a lifetime, but maybe just realize the words you say to those who you hold dear, because while others are more important, they are the ones who you will live or die for in this life.

I leave you with this thought, how can your words destroy or change the world?

Sunday 10 September 2017


Hey guys,

This week I won't be writing for the blog as I'm super busy. But with that in mind, have a great week everyone, and stay safe!

Jack Snider

Saturday 2 September 2017

All the Money In the World

You can be prosperous and you can be rich, but just because you are rich doesn’t mean you are prosperous. Prosperity means you are making more wealth with each passing day. Riches, means that you have a large sum of money, they are two different things, and there lies why some are people poor, and why some are rich.

If someone was to inherit a large sum of money, if someone was to find treasure, or if someone was to win the lottery, they would be rich. On the other hand, if someone built up a company from nothing and was receiving wealth from it or if someone was able to use their hands and with everything they touched they turned it to gold, you could say those individuals were prosperous.

The difference between those, is that riches are just something you got saddled with, but being prosperous is about you, as an individual making your own fortune. Furthermore, sometimes, with those who have riches, aren’t really wealthy, or truly well off. The reason so, is that the reason someone is prosperous is that they are are so because of their life choices.

Often those with riches squander it, because they never had the skills to deal with it, the maturity to deal with it, and the life lesson of earning those riches. With some people who do have sudden wealth, it can sometimes extenuate their reason for not having wealth in the first place: bad saving habits, caving into friends and family financial demands, etc. For instance, if someone won the lottery, they would most likely spend it on things that they could never have, meaning expensive items, and if not that, they spend it on others.

This doesn’t necessarily mean that the money is not well spent, it just means that riches are being depleted, but it also means that the money whether good or bad, is not being wisely spent on finding a way to make more of it.

It’s interesting how, no matter how many riches you can give someone, they will never be prosperous, just because of their outlook on money or the unwise choices that they choose to do with money. There is sometimes literally no way to help them with money. In fact, giving money can be the last thing you want to do, because it will make things worst.

There are many reasons people are rich, but there are only a few reasons for someone being prosperous. Just because you are rich does not mean you will always be so. Too often people want to be rich, yet don’t realize what it really entails. Being rich does not solve problems, because sometimes the reason people are not rich is the very reason they will not be so, even if they had riches.

There is nothing wrong with being rich, but at the end of the day, if you cannot handle what you have, you will not be able to handle what you don’t have.

Sunday 27 August 2017

Love and Shiny Things

Humans need emotional connection. Without connection, there is no love, there is no friendship and there is no bonding that ties people together. Often humans may be attracted to a certain trait to someone that draws them to a person, but often, that trait, will not, and cannot sustain a relationship. If there is no emotional connection, a relationship is doomed to failure.

People may like someone, love someone, for a certain thing that helped them establish a deeper relationship, but that first connection, is not usually an emotional connection. With an emotional connection, it is the thing that will define a relationship, whether it will last or fail.

As human beings we long to have a meaningful connection to someone. It’s interesting, there was case of a woman who was absolutely torn, because she couldn’t understand why her husband had an affair with another woman. Another woman who wasn’t nearly as stunning as her. It turns out, simply put, she was an ice queen. Although, the other woman was not as beautiful as this woman, her husband was able to connect with this other woman.

Why humans long for this connection would be, because we are more heart than head. If the heart is happy, the head will be so. Often the head will make the decisions from the beginning, but once the heart is truly involved, the head will lose against the heart.

A lot of decisions, as humans will be made by our heart. If there is no emotional connection to another person, the heart will not be satisfied. And if the heart is not satisfied, there is not heart, literally and figuratively speaking. 

So what can be learnt really is this, you don't have to be anything or want anything from a person, as long as you can find someone you have an emotional connection. You don't have to worry about looks, you don't have to worry about  many things. You just have to really worry about one thing only, do we have a connection that can enable us to talk for hours or spend time with another person in just comfortable silence. 

If any relationship is to succeed, despite the benefits or shiny things that someone may bring to the table whether it be: sex, looks, talents. It cannot compare to emotional connection. If you want to truly know who are the people you really want in your life, it is those who you have an emotional connection to.

Sunday 20 August 2017

The Nazi That Wasn't

Nazis, in general were horrible people. People known for their hatred of the Jews and being German. Despite Nazis being horrible people, not all the horrible people can be categorized in this world as Nazis. Furthermore, this distinction is important, and not everyone who is evil can be called a Nazi.

Nazis were founded by Hitler in 1925, they spread terror and killed millions of Jews, minorities, and many other types of people. Their reign of terror has scarred the world. So much so that, often people who see anything that looks like a Nazi, people will immediately count someone as a Nazi.

To further add to this confusion would be Neo Nazis, who are a group of people who follow the Nazis way, but with some added jargon. These people hate the Jews and are racist. These people, for want of better words are the real Nazis of the day.

While they are not really Nazis, as Nazis, where just Germans or people who fought for Hitler, maybe not necessarily always sharing his ideals or committing or the horrible atrocious as many did, but Nazis any way. With Neo Nazis, they are just people who worship Hitler and some of his ideals.

Although seeming, unimportant this distinction, it really is, as not all evil people are Nazis. Furthermore, it is too broad description, and it makes it all to easy to lessen what happened to the Jews and all the other people who died because of the Nazis. Because if the description of a Nazi is someone who is mean or just is racist, then many people are Nazis, and that would be inaccurate, but also making Nazis seem less horrific. 

Furthermore, sometimes if you mis-caterogize something, it means that it can be harder to deal with an issue. Take for instance, the so many words we use to describe a disease. If they all had the same word, we wouldn't know how to treat each problem differently. Like trying to deal with cancer in the same way you would deal with a heart attack. 

Nazis are evil people and so can others who seem like that. However, if we don’t make the distinction between the two, we will find that people are classified more evil or good than they really are. There are levels of evil in this world, and if we do not categorize them correctly, we may find we may call others who look like them when they are not. So thus, making a world that is more hateful than it should be.

Saturday 12 August 2017

Take A Risk, Hurt Doesn't Last Forever

In life you get hurt. You can get hurt emotionally, physically, and mentally. Life, you could say when you are hurt or feeling pained, is a big ball of pain. However, life is more than the pain, hurt we feel. To live life is to hurt, but it is also, the great chance to have love, joy, success, and many good things that you would never experience without taking the risk.

When you wake up you might get hurt because you remember the past events from the week or day before. So when you wake up, you feel hurt. After hopping out of bed, you could step on something, and get hurt. You could go brush your teeth, there are more things that you could stub your foot, trip, just from walking to the bathroom. You could go eat breakfast and you could cut yourself while buttering toast. You could leave the house, and there are infinite more dangers. Broken hearts, cancer, flu, small to medium children that are rude, and many more things that could spell you being injured.

However, being hurt is not bad, it’s not good, but everything that we do, we always run the risk of getting hurt. Sure, it sucks when we get hurt, but think about all the things we would be missing if we don’t give ourselves the opportunity. Being hurt is normal, and there is nothing wrong, even if it’s just little things that make you upset or get you hurt. It’s normal.

Nevertheless, what you do with that hurt is the million dollar question, if you let that hurt fester, or if you just stuff it down, that is when hurt, just goes septic. Most people, don’t know how to deal with pain, and in turn they can sometimes get more hurt, in their ways of trying to hide, or get rid of it. With hurt, you can sometimes think that by secluding yourself or being less trustful, will make you get less hurt, it won’t, you will still get hurt. Also, you will be losing many opportunities to do things, if you hide away.

The ability to deal with hurt, is the key to greatness, because if you are always hiding away in your hurt, you cannot push yourself to talk to others, to go out, because you are afraid of getting hurt. It’s understandable if you are wary, but don’t let the fear of hurt stop you. We aren’t invincible, sadly, but we can be fast healers, by letting the hurt out, not on others, but sometimes by: telling others, singing it out, screaming it out, punching it out. Whatever way, hurt shouldn’t stay with you, because it breeds like bunnies on a fine summer day.

Life is painful, but do you know what is more painful? Missing out on life, because you were afraid of being hurt. Take a risk, it’s what life is, and if you get hurt, pick yourself, and if you are really hurt, go heal yourself. But whatever happens, don’t let the hurt stay.

Saturday 5 August 2017

The Ability To Watch Rain Drops For Hours

Patience is a virtue that many don’t possess in life. Patience can be a difficult virtue to acquire in this life, especially now that things can be so easily, and speedily brought towards us. In a matter of years, or the slow events of a century, our society has come comfortable with the dizzy velocity that we have with each day, so much so that we are often taken unaware by the slow plod of life at times.

Patience looks like the ability to stand against a storm and keep on moving at the same pace diligently along. Neither going faster or slower, but just moving along. It’s the ability to stand against pressure and hold fast. While that might sound a like a different definition from the common term of patience, it can be best explained like this. When one has the ability to sit still, and just sit there, that is dealing with the pressure of the need to do something, or fidget, that is standing against pressure. This is the reason, when one has patience, they can said to be able to stand against a great force.

Being patience really builds character, especially seen from that perspective that when you are using patience, you are actually standing against great forces and staying firm. It’s almost like how you could say that a rock is patient as water surges around it, trying to make it move, but the rock just patiently just sits there.

Patience is an excellent virtue to have, as it teaches you not to rush things. It teaches you to control yourself when you cannot control things around you. It’s been said that if you can control yourself, you can control others. While a bit of a dark saying, often at times in life, we have no control of the situation, but we can always choose how we react and respond. By being patient, you can access situations better and make better situations.

Patience is a lost art, because we don’t have to control ourselves or wait for things as often. Nevertheless, just because we have moved so far into the future with learning, technology and other such things, we still need the simple, yet powerful virtue. So as you go about life, don’t be afraid to practice patience, and understand that you aren't just being patient, to be a more calmer person. You are actually learning to engage to learn to push back on pressures, making you someone better at handling stressful or consuming tasks.