
Sunday 23 October 2016

Informing You About Information

People say that we live in the age of information, and the fact that ignorance still abides means that people are willfully choosing to be ignorant. That in itself is ironic, because if someone is to truly believe that, they are only, and truly ignorant.

Although information is much more easier to find or access, the great secrets of this earth, are still very much not willing to reveal themselves. In fact, despite how smart or knowledgeable we think we are, we still cannot even prove how we came to be.

Before Google came to this world, people had to hunt for knowledge through books or life experiences. It was very much slower than it is. It is much faster now just saying or searching Google to find what we want to know.

Now, at the touch of a button, so to speak, we have some of the knowledge of this world. However, Google does not hold all the knowledge, let alone all the knowledge on the web. Google is only a search engine, arguably the best, but just a search engine. A search engine created to find information. It finds information, but it doesn't mean that it will find the necessarily all the information that other search engines will.

Now to put that in perspective, that is just the web, and even with the best search engine, you are not going to find all the information on the net. Nevertheless, even if you could, and you had whole life times to do so, all access to webs and understandings of languages. You wouldn't hold all the information in the world.

The thing is, there is knowledge, information, that you will never have to access. Secrets. Or just really books that haven’t been put onto the web. Ideas or experiences that haven’t been published on the web. To say that this age is the age of information, is ignorance. Believing that we can be ever free of ignorance is ignorance. If anything, in this age of “information” we only just have information on how much we don't know.

So do we live in an age of information? No, but maybe it could be described as more information than the past, but we are still very much just stumbling around in the dark. We might have found better methods to find information, but truly we do not know much. Furthermore, even though we have information, information is just information, it does not mean true, right, or correct.

In this age, judging those that are ignorant, is ignorance. Information does not equate knowledge. Well knowledge of the truth that is. We may be able to click on information, but it does not mean we truly know everything, or anything close to anything. Ignorance is not truly gone, and the more information we find, we realize just how blissfully unaware we are of that.

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