
Saturday 26 December 2015

Steamroller Coming Through

The purpose of human life is to serve, and to show compassion and the will to help others. ~ Albert Schweitzer

What is your purpose for living? For the religious: A good Muslim does everything necessary that Allah desires, a good Christian loves their God and people, a Buddhist helps everyone with their reawakening, and other religions usually have a goal in mind. However, what do people of no religion do, what is their purpose? Love everyone? That usually never ends well, and is very ambiguous. To have love without any goal is not a purpose, and can lead to fecklessness. So what gets you up every day? What is the purpose of living?

If people lack a vision they will perish. If they see no reason for living or waking up out of bed, it'll kill them quicker than cancer or a gunshot wound to the stomach. Humans need reasons to do things. Even those who seem absolutely insane, do things for a reason. It may not make sense to you, but it will make sense to them. There is always a reason for doing something.

People have many ambitions, but that is not necessarily a purpose. You may set short goals like: I'm going to be a billionaire, I'm going to get that pretty girl, I'll never be hurt. However, those aren't really purpose.

Purpose is like: My life goal is to save the whales, my life goal is to bring peace, my life goal is to not bring peace, my life goal is to end poverty. Those are purposes.

Goals of these type are truly fulfilling for a human being, as they provide determination, and clear reason for living. The knowledge there is a reason. They may not know why they are here, but by God, they're going to change the world; Do or die.

One of the major purposes in our lives should be for the next generation. A lot of cultures around the world give everything for a better life for the next generation. Sadly, a lot of Western cultures don't seem to incorporate such ideals, and have a rather individualistic view.

 Nevertheless, looking out for the next generation is a good ideal. As it makes one rethink the actions of today. Will this make a better world tomorrow? If I do this, will my children's children be able to enjoy this?

Additionally, if we are seeing into the future, we see the bigger picture, we realize that our actions are accountable. Arguably, one may or may not believe in God because they can't see him, but one does believe in children to be, even though one cannot see them. So, whether you believe that a higher entity is going to make you accountable for the destructive things you did or did not, our actions are accountable. Whether they be to a God or to our children. One for a eternity and the other for the future, for the next generation inherits the problems of tomorrow.

While we can live a life that is pleasurable, there is always a cost. Furthermore, what is the point if we only live for that? Pleasure is only for a moment. A life of pleasure is an existent for one, and a cruel fate at another's expense.

In the long run, we can live lives that were just for ourselves, or we can live lives that eternity will echo in our honor. Living a life for self never pays. Having a life that gives to another is more pleasant. It doesn't have to be fully for selfless reasons, but also pleasurable ones. One should live life, and love life. However, it doesn't mean we can't have purpose and goals to living honorable and rightly, that our children can be proud of.

Thursday 24 December 2015

Would To God, That They Would Change


The more I learn about people, the more I like my dog. ~ Mark Twain

While people aren't animals, or animals aren't humans, it can be easy to forget who is who when you see the way humans behave, and the way how noble some animals can be. Nevertheless, we can take analogies from animals and put them into human perspective. In this case, we can point out that some animals are like that and some humans are like that. With that in mind, we can see that people can be inflexible. Regardless of what we do, people will never change, for they are stubborn mules.

With dealing with rams, as in male sheep, people are told not to be friendly with them. You must treat the animal like an animal. Otherwise the rams will attack you. As a friend once said,”The friendliest rams are the most mean ones.” If you pat the ram and treat it nice, it will turn against you. There is nothing you can really do, it's just like that.

So with dealing with humans, what if they are rams? What if there is no redemption for them? Or if there is, it's not going to be done by you, the next person, or the very next, next, next, person.

It was once said that you should let by gones be by gones seventy-two times. However, what is the point if the first time they did not learn the lesson. It would only seem that after the first three times they're only going to be doing it again: Today, tomorrow and ever more.

Time does not change people. Rather, situations, traumatic ones, exciting ones, and ones that opens their eyes, changes people. Time will not cause that affect, people rarely change, and if they do change, it's sometimes, to little, to late.

There should be no hate, there may be anger as it's understandable, but you must realize for what they are today. Love, forgive, but do not forget, less you forget the lesson. If people change that is the best thing ever. However, it doesn't mean that while you want them to change, you let them step on you. You must be firm in the change that you desire in them. You let them learn their are consequences for certain action. The love is all there, but until things change, you will have to let them learn. I love you still as much, but what you did was wrong. Until your ready to change, than things can go back to being normal.

 Finally, if you cannot do it alone, remember that two is better than one. Work with others to support you in inducing the change in the said person. Tackle the problem head on, be honest with them and yourself. Also, remember, the blind cannot lead the blind, you may want to look at yourself and then to others. Furthermore, ask yourself why do you want them to change, look at your intentions to find if they are strictly kosher. 

With all, seeing change in someone shouldn't be seen as impossible. However, it is important, I suppose, to recognize that some people for you will never change in this moment. Impossibilities can happen, sometimes the situations needs more backup or time, but if the list keeps on going for the things you need, you may want to rethink it through. Less they do not change, but you. Sometimes people will stay as they are, because it's not you, but them. However, you must always love them so, even when it hurts.

Saturday 19 December 2015

Prenuptials will be needed: An analogy of the on going struggle that a country is facing

Marriage is an attempt to solve problems together which you didn't even have when you were on your own. ~ Eddie Cantor

Honey, we're going to get married.” Jane smiled at the words of a her soon to be husband, John. She loved him dearly, and his life before he met her was a tough one. He once said to her that he was running, she thought it was trouble, he just gave her that winning smile of his, “No dear, I'm running to you. And when we're together, we'll change the world.” 

She thought of his words fondly. But as quickly as the fond memory came, another one came. 

“Jane, baby, I want you to change, I know I'm moving into your place, but look, you have to respect me, I'm your soon to be husband.” 

Respecting his wishes, she gave into his strange requirements. They ranged from, him building a strange building on her front lawn, which made an unearthly racket five times a day, special food that she had to make and buy, and his laws, that one, they still argued about. However, she new sooner or later she would cave.

Howbeit of late, she was having a lot more trouble with John. He was ever increasing getting more assertive around the house. Despite, it being her house. 

Also, of late John said that he would be moving his family in. However, what he failed to tell her was that some of his family members were violent and destructive. When she confronted him about it, he said, "They weren't his family members, and that they weren't his true family members." Carrying on this, he went on to say,"His true family were peaceful and loving family members

Staring at him with disbelief, she was shocked at his complete and utter denial of what his “family” members were doing.

Walking into the room, John went to greet his wife to be, “Jane dearest, I have news for you, I'm having friends over and they're going to stay. Some of them may be violent, but you will let them into your home”, grabbing her shoulders roughly, he looked into her eyes and growled,Because otherwise you won't be loving or tolerant. In fact, you'll be discriminating them if you don't let them in.

After a few more weeks of living like this, Jane decided to leave John. When she left, he screamed that she was intolerant and yelled something that sounded like " your is lama phobic", but she couldn't remember as she was too distressed and didn't understand why John believed her to have a phobia of lamas. At the time she shouted back,”Hell yeah, I'm intolerant to madness.”

When a couple gets married, they merge, in a sense. The habits that they use to have drop away to make way for new ones. While as a bachelor, a man may leave dirty laundry strewn across the floor, such behavior is no longer acceptable when married.

Furthermore, when a country receives immigrants there is a merger. However, a couple/country, need to work together to respect each other. Every relationship is giving and receiving. If one party is to demand for everything and not ask but just demand or never yield to the wishes of others, the marriage will fail. So in the same manner, immigrants must learn to do away with the things they were before. They are a changed people. When they enter into a new country, parts of themselves will stay, but much will change.

In addition, if they are not willing to change, the “marriage" between country and immigrant will immediately fail. The host country must respect the immigrants and the immigrants must learn to realize that they have to embrace and learn to take on the culture of the country.

At the end of the day, if a certain culture is not willing to play ball, how can things ever work out? Furthermore, as mentioned: if all relations are about giving, what happens when the major gift someone gives you, if not the only one after giving everything to them, always goes boom! Blowing in your face just like a running event at Boston.

Wednesday 16 December 2015

Not Very Helpful

I hate cynicism - it's my least favorite quality and it doesn't lead anywhere.

Conan O'Brien

It is wrong to give into cynicism. It can be justified, but in truth, it can be very despicable. The idea of, never try never fail. That type of attitude is one of the major causes for evil. The mentality of letting something happen, because we're all just going to die any way right? Such thinking is foolish and weak.

Cynicism is interesting, it's the idea of giving into believing that everything is horrible and basically a pessimistic view of life. It can come in very small to very large amounts. It's really a self-defense mechanism to handle against all that life has hurled at us.

However, the thing about cynicism is that it's lazy an easy. Being hopeful or looking on the bright side of things, takes effort and skill. Sometimes it would be so much easier to just give up and let the world or things to go to hell. Henceforth, why people are cynics, it takes too much effort to believe again. It's just plain too scary.

Howbeit, if you take that view you will always be proven right, because what you believe is generally what you receive. This is so, as you cannot receive anything that you don't believe true. If you don't believe something you cannot accept or use it, because it is not real.

On the other end of the spectrum, people who are cheery and happy are annoying, but if they are really not faking it they are amazing. They are really to be admired. However, most people aren't usually always cheerful, it's impossible. Things happen and get's us down. This doesn't mean faking is anything wrong, it's sometimes good to fake it till you make. However, if things are bad, sometimes it would be best to stop faking to yourself and everyone, and just admit things are bad and fix it.

With all, it's easier to be a cynic, but what is easy is not always good for oneself. Usually the hard path is better. Harder at the beginning, but easier at the end. It is better to challenge oneself and have a chance to live the impossible than to never try, and thus automatically fail.

Saturday 12 December 2015

The Children of Africa

Leaders in Africa are so corrupt that we are certain if we put dogs in uniforms and put guns on their shoulders, we'd be hard put to distinguish them. ~ Stokely Carmichael

Have you ever heard,”You should be grateful, the children of Africa have nothing.” The children of Africa are a very interesting topic. They seem to be something that pops up all the time. How long they have been around, it's hard to tell. How long they have been in our culture doesn't really matter either. What matters is that there is a lot more then meets the eye.

Children of Africa starving should really be an oxymoron. However, it isn't. Why should it be an oxymoron? The reason is that a imagine a man sitting an on a pile of money and starving. Seeing such a graphic picture, you get why it is an oxymoron. Africa is arguably one of the richest continent in the whole world. Having everything from: diamonds, gasoline, fertile lands, gold, rare minerals, and just about everything to set anyone set for life and the next. 

So why do we see those ads and why are the children of Africa dying? The truth is, they're not, well not the whole of Africa. Yes, some are, but not all are dying of starvation, only certain parts are. With the ads, we see them because a lot of charity organizations are corrupt. It is only natural that people would advertise a scam. Nevertheless, another reason is bad management. While the resources are there, someone is usually getting all of it while everyone dies, or there is a war raging on.

The thing with the children of Africa, is that they shouldn't ruin over lives, or make us more sadder. That doesn't help them at all, nor does impulsively deciding to help them and give into a charity that is actually a scam.

With the children of Africa, they will always exist, until the corruption stops. This is seen with the case of a dictator stopping aid to his country. The food that was given was just rotting in warehouses, while people starved. That is why, you cannot really help Africa. You can help her in the short run and help children not starve. But realistically, in the long run, something needs to be done to stop the corruption and the misuse of resources to really help. However, that is easier said than done. Furthermore, the type of help needed would be one that started a revolution to remove the evil powers in place. Which ironically, could make things worse.

Truth be told, in general, the children of Africa has been blown way out of proportion. There are other children that need help, let alone other people. Helping the children of Africa is a noble deed, but there are other people who need more help than them. There are children in countries were they are being raped and are starving, or other worse atrocities compared to Africa.  

Furthermore, it's important to not forget your fellow country men and women. Why don't you help them? A starving person is a starving person, whether they be in Africa or right next to you on your doorstep. It seems wrong to put others above them when they are dying in front of you so to speak.

Moreover, the thing is that we don't need to help the children of Africa. We do not have any obligation, you could live your whole life perfectly without helping them. It would be good to help them, but there are other things to do in life.  

In addition, the children of Africa really don't need your help, they need to help themselves to fix their country. The resources are all there, it's a bit like helping a child with homework, all that they need is there, you give advice, but you don't do the homework.

Altogether, do the children of Africa even want our help? We talk about them, but rarely do we hear their own voice. The thing is, the so called "children of Africa" has  a life of it's own. Something that is breathing and living. Making it hard to know what does the real children of Africa need. So it's really important that we fine the real children of Africa and ask what do they need. Furthermore, you can only really help someone who wants to be helped. Pouring resources into Africa is useless, as they already have the resources. It is like giving money to someone sitting on money. Rather, what we need to do is teach the children of Africa to fish for themselves. To use things wisely, Africa has flourished before, but only through correct management. 

Wednesday 9 December 2015

Mr & Mrs Perfect

Being politically correct means saying what's polite rather than what's accurate. I like to be accurate. ~ Robert Kiyosaki

There are whole worlds to offend. More so really, as there are worlds in worlds. This being so, is why people are political correct. The ideal of watching where one steps, less one trod on the feet of many. However, in reality being political correct is impossible. To please another is to offend some other. There are so many people willing to be offended and wanting to be offended. Even this title could be counted as offensive, it says Mr & Mrs Perfect. The LGBT could take it is as a slur. It could be seen as saying that only heterosexual couples are perfect. All in all, being political correct is silly, for you are usually tamed, shackled, and left to saying nothing. Effectively killing you, leaving you with an empty husk.

It is so much easier to be politically correct. It's safe, your friends stay with you, you don't get rejection, and it's seems so much nicer. Especially since, there are a lot of people who don't want you to say anything. These certain individuals, are willing to doing anything short of killing you, just to stop you. Sometimes it is so much safer to be: someone who is saying everything and what everyone thinks is quite acceptable.

Although, the range of acceptable things are a wide range of things, they are still limited words. So in the same manner, as the cage is big, so is what is acceptable. However, in the end, the important words are never said; The people fall, and everyone wonders. 

In the same way, people wonder why the Nazis were able to do what they did. People also don't realize that what happened to the German people is not that far away from happening to us. A small aggressive minority using media and fear tactics to submit the masses to their will and desires.

With the state of society, we are told to be non-offensive and willing to get on. However, sometimes we need to realize that, things must be said, feelings will be hurt, and we may be seen as people who are intolerant.

Sure, you don't want to offend people, but people always get offended. Sometimes they get offended just because your breathing. If people are not willing to take the risk and do what is needed, society will pay. Just as we pay now. People ask why things happen, they don't just happen, we allowed it in some form or manner. Everything that has happened, in a sense, is from doing nothing. We allowed ourselves to be silent.

In life, people name idiots and bigots. These people come in black and they come with blond hair. But do you know what, sometimes they do seem like what people say. However, something that should be admired, is that they're trying, and that is something lot better than others. While others do nothing, they are willing to step up, not be intimidated, saying the truth that others would not wish to be heard.

There are really no words of wisdom that can be said, except, you have to crack some eggs to make an omelet. Do what must be done, be quick to apologize, but strong to stand for what needs to be said. For if we are silent, the battle is already halfway lost.

Saturday 5 December 2015

Lies, Lies, and Patron Saints

Objective journalism and an opinion column are about as similar as the Bible and Playboy magazine.~Walter Cronkite

Over the course of human history, the latest news has been reason for kingdoms to either fall or stand through centuries on end. Whether it be about the results of battles or kings and queens falling, the news is a vital part of humanity. With new technology and better roads, news is swifter than ever. However, while it may be swift, the truth is inaccurate, if not worse still.

The startlingly thing about the news is, most of the time, it is false. It's not a lie, there is no nice way to say it. The news is knowingly and unknowingly spreading untruths about events in our world. This is sometimes making a small mistake as the age of someone, to completely reshaping the truth. What's even more shocking still, is that it is well known documented fact. However, we still trust it. It's not like some crazy conspiracy theorist, smelling faintly like cabbage telling you this. Universities, any university worth it's salt will tell you that when looking for information, not to trust the news.

With the news, most news reports are bias. They pick a side, and demonize the other. Sometimes, at the cost of innocents being wrongly picked on, and horrible people being glorified. This is morally wrong, and a crime against humanity, but it happens. Furthermore, the news will sometimes swap things around when they realize they are on the losing side. Other times, they will report things incorrectly to get more views, even to the point where they are almost blatantly lying.

The way the news can do these unethical practices is that they are just reporting things; What they are really reporting is questionable. They do this sometimes by omitting things, and showing a one sided story. This is seen by showing certain images and cut-scenes to support their argument. The problem with this is, we cannot argue against them, because we are not there. 

The news could show someone being mugged and show the robber in a good light, just by cutting and editing. It wouldn't be a lie what they are showing, it is exactly what happened. But it is heavily edited. Or another example would be, when they say researchers, they could put a sign on someone who isn't a researcher and say he/she is a researcher. Or the news could ask that person to say they are a researcher and thus provide “facts” for the public from a researcher. When in reality, these researchers are just German aunties and mothers. 

To further delve into this matter, when the news say research, this could be from a trustworthy source or an untrustworthy source. The problem with this is, it is only one source. It would be like visiting one health site and treating it like gospel truth. People make mistakes, that is why it is so important that one have many sources. All it takes, is for the news to find some obscure journal article and say something is truth. It wouldn't be a lie, they got it from a journal article, right?

However, even journal articles can't be trusted. There was one journal article that was titled, Where Is My CENSORED Mail. It had grafts, charts, and all the bells and whistles saying, Where Is My CENSORED Mail. The point is, even if they pick a journal article and call it research, it can mean anything, from truth to false.

The news is not full of lies, rather what they are doing is skirting around an out right lie. However, if it waddles like a duck, sounds like a duck, it's a duck. When you play around with the truth and change it so much, it might as well be a lie. The problem with this is, they distort the truth, and no one really has the time to search for the truth. It seems disappointing that something so big would be so wrong.The fact is, we cannot trust the news, except about major events to be true, and even then, they will be bias.

Friday 4 December 2015

Your White, Be Sorry, Right Now!

No one is immune from addiction; it afflicts people of all ages, races, classes, and professions. ~ Patrick J. Kennedy

Everyone should be proud of their own race, no matter what race. However, It doesn't mean that you uphold your race above others, nor does it mean that you should be ashamed of your own race. Every race, that has ever been, is not perfect. All races, have the same problems, some a little bit more unique than others, but mostly all the same.

There is a joke, a black man says to a white guy, I'm black, and I like it. The white guy says,”cool.” Then the white guy says,”I'm white and I like it.” The black guy replies,”That's racist.” In many ways this seems to be the embodiment of what has happened in a lot of culture: White people are racist, and the rest of the world has to deal with it.

The white race has made a lot of mistakes: slavery, butchery, lies, thievery, and forcing drugs on a nation, that begged for it to not happen. It's all there in the history books, all in its shining horror. White people have made mistakes, no one will deny it. It's not something to be proud of, or should it be forgotten.

However, the problem with that is, it seems that people seem to just focus on the problems of one race, and fixate  all their emotions on it. So in the course of things, everything is to be blamed on that one particular race, taking no responsibility of their own actions.

When in reality, all races have made mistakes. Before white people came in these certain countries,they already had problems: In Africa, before white man came, they were taking each other slaves and, eating each other, in the Middle East, before the Crusades, some Muslims found a way to not break the Quran and murder other Muslims, in China, they may have had not a drug problem, but they certainty had problems, and lastly, horrible acts have always existed in every culture and race.

There is nothing glamorous about any race or culture. It's important to not going around shaming each other. We need to be aware of each races mistakes less we repeat them. However, we should unite in our common failure, instead of saying who was more terrible or violent. You cannot go have some movement supporting one's race, and take care of it only. We're all in this together, for want for better words. Every race has received racism, so what makes yours so special? No race is above or beneath, whether in good deeds or bloodbaths. All in all, all races matter.

Saturday 28 November 2015

For the Love of War

Love of money is the root of all evil ~ Loose translation of Christian Bible

Humans love to fight, we do it all the time. Through peace, war, in between those two, and if we survive long enough, in space. Some people would like to think that religion is the cause of most of our fights. Howbeit, if you were to take it out of the equation, you would still have fights. In a sense, it would be comforting to think that religion is to be blamed. If it was, it would make things much more simpler, and easier to fix the problems of the world. However, that is a false comfort, to hide how crazy humans are.

In life, people don't always fight over religion. Sometimes it's: Joe and Jerry fought over a banana. Joe was of this religion and Jerry was of that. When they fought, they asked for the courage to win this banana from their respective gods.

While they did that, Martha walked in. Martha is an atheist, this means that she believes that all the crazy unexplainable things in life, are explainable, and no one, so to speak, is pulling the strings. Seeing, Joe and Jerry fight, she heard them utter their gods to give them strength. Hearing this she believes that they war, not for the banana, but for their gods.

However, what really happened is that they are fighting over a banana and not over religion. Rather, that they so happen to be of different religions. The thing is, that banana is very tasty. If you were desperate to have a banana, it is only natural that you would evoke something very precious to you.

With Martha, she will walk away with a wrong analyst of the situation. Furthermore, Martha has a past with religion, she was raised with it. Whether it didn't sit well with her or she had a negative experience with it, it's hard to tell. Whatever it was, now she is biased to religion. She won't admit it, but it is there, rightly or wrongly. Will she see what is really going on with Joe and Jerry? Most likely not.

Ultimately, the problems of the world cannot be attributed to one factor, the world is not that simplistic. Additionally, wars are complicated things. Is religion to be blamed? Yes, no. Yes, because people have fought wars over religion. No, because money is not a religion, and that is why all wars are fought fundamentally. Does this excuse religion? No. However, what it does is, expose that human nature is to be blamed. Furthermore, if we credit war solely to religion, we will only try to solve one aspect of war. Leaving other problems very much at large. Overall, religion is a gun, whether it is in the hands of sweet loving grandma or the local serial killer, is to be seen.

Thursday 26 November 2015

Singing Is Breathing

The only thing better than singing is more singing. ~ Ella Fitzgerald

It's funny when you turn on the Tv, the two shows that will always be showing is, beside reality Tv shows, is cooking and singing; always singing. The two go hand in hand, and they are equally important. Whether singing while cooking, or while cleaning the aftermath. Whatever it be, sounds are part of humans, and humans are made of sound.

Many talk about singing, everyone sings, and even those who some wish wouldn't . Singing relieves stress and makes one content. It's impossible to live without singing: it's art, it's soul, it's human. It's something that can easily go across culture, just like food. Food and singing, truly one of the best parts of humanity. It can bring out the best, or unite us under a common banner.

It's really hard to explain why someone should sing. The easiest way to describe it would be like this: Imagine, happiness is lodged in your throat, you might not know it, but it's there. You have the choice to release it, or keep it there. While that may sound wild, it's rather true. This is so, as singing releases good feelings, so that it works like the same feelings a gym bunny or a druggy get. There are so many reasons to sing, that it far outweighs the reasons not to.

The sad thing about singing is that some would stop singing. Whether through great sadness or fear. Either one, is saddening that one's voice would stop. In many ways, a tragedy. This can be from people telling that they have no voice, or that one's spirit is so down. However, truth be told, there is no such thing as a bad voice, and there is no such thing as a dead soul. For the bad voice, it's only lack of cultivation, training, and limited range.The low spirit, it is something a bit more complicated, but singing with others can fix that to.

With fixing a voice, it's really a matter of stretching the voice or deciding to work on it. Whether you choose to learn from a teacher or by yourself, it's really just about singing. Even up to the point, where your just singing like a drunk. If that's your starting point, good! The important thing is just starting somewhere.

In addition, sometimes it's best not to do it in front of others. Sometimes what they say is a bit too much, especially if your shy. Instead, slowly building it up. Whatever it be, you must choose to keep on singing, for if you live without it, the world will look gray. Furthermore, your voice is an instrument that can be brought any where. Thus an instrument of happiness, that can be brought wherever you are.

To live a life with song, is to live a life with joy and happiness. Lifting your spirits and sometimes others. If you feel that your not experiencing life properly, take up singing. For in it is the words that the soul cannot express. 

All things considered, a voice in training is a voice in training, and may not always sound nice. However, a voice in training is a voice that will flourish one day or tomorrow. All, which can be forgiven and forgotten, with diligence, reverb, and auto-tune.

Saturday 21 November 2015

Dear God, A Letter From the People

If God did not exist, it would be necessary to invent Him. ~ Voltaire

If there was 100% proof that God was real what would you do? In the course of human history, it has been fraught with tales of gods, goddesses, and higher beings. If God did show on your door what would you do really? Would you swear at this entity, talk, hide, or would you try and kill him for what he has done or not done?

Science cannot prove that God does exist or doesn't exist. In sense, it is rather amusing that it is so, as you have the religious and the atheist arguing. Then again,  it can get rather irritating, but sometimes it can be quite humorous; having a yelling contest of what hasn't been recorded in camera or picture.

In honesty, there are so many arguments about God, to the point it would be impossible to mention all of them. Some people say that God doesn't exist and that we are all Gods, because we can change the world. Others say that He is a She. Whatever it be, everyone has all their different ideas.

However, what would you do if a God decided to park just outside of Earth? It would be quite shattering for everyone: For the Atheist who didn't believe and for those who had a different God outside their planet to their religion. Besides those individuals, someone would probably try nuking God, others would want to prove it's not real or dissect it, while some would worship.

Howbeit, if the ideal that God is omnipresent true, it means that He has been everywhere always. Does it change anything that you can see Him? It would not make it anymore legitimate the claims of those who claim to be His mouthpiece. Also, if He was always around originally, that means that talking to Him just outside Earth wouldn't change things. It would be business as usual. The only thing that would change really is how you perceive a God. Maybe making it into a Christmas like thing: Believe in Santa Claus so he can bring presents.

Ultimately, God is near as far just as you perceive. For He is either there or He isn't there. For if you believe that He is real, He would be everywhere and in anything. However, if you didn't believe He was real, he wouldn't be in anything or everything.

Thursday 19 November 2015

Flourishing, and Not Surviving In Your Environment

My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style.~ Maya Angelou

The world is a dark and dangerous place. While that may sound a tab bit melodramatic, there are a lot of nasty people out there. So much to an extent it's easier to be cynical and turn reclusive. However, that is no excuse really to be jerk about things. While the chips may be down for being a good person, it's worth it. If you give it time, you'll have everyone singing with you.

As humans we are like batteries. Whatever you plug into or hang around, you end up soaking it in. Whether you willingly or unwillingly desire it. With working, or spending around people who are not very nice, it can rub off onto you. Making it hard to come clean and be free from things you would rather leave behind.

Since this happens, it's important that you charge up everyday to face what you face every day. Although you cannot pick who you spend time with always, balance the people who you don't want to be with those who you want to be. Other techniques are, spending somewhere quite and do some soul searching, mentally sorting things, cleaning up things and chucking things out. Also, taking a walk with a lot of greenery also is pretty good; Smelling the sites and just having that quiet. Letting things just go, choosing to release things, unhealthy things that are just best gone.

The trick really, is learning to limit certain things. Opening one door and closing another so that you don't end up facing two wars on a different front. The reason this is so important is that so the world doesn't bring you down. For if you are brought down, you may find others fall too. That is why you must recharge your batteries, brush away things, and let things be gone. Otherwise things will get too much, it'll all build up, and when that one bad day happens you'll fall apart. However, if you're prepared and regularly detox from all the junk that life throws at you, you can instead flourish.

 In life, it can be tough out there in the world, but hey your a flower. A flower that if you take care off, and treat well can flourish anywhere; a gladdening sight for everyone.

Saturday 14 November 2015

Who We Are Today

The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do. ~ Walter Bagehot

What others say about you shouldn't define you. However, this doesn't means you take on the attitude that disregards others feelings or any authority. It's rather irritating that humans sometimes only have two extremes: Docile or really ferocious. Despite that, what people say don't and do matter. The problem is learning when to listen and when not to listen.

In life, people say hurtful things. Sometimes they don't say hurtful things and it still hurts. When that happens some people just start to not care for what other people say. While it might sound great that you are no longer bound by what people say, it's not really so.This does not free you to go to heights, which others were held back from. Rather when you stop caring what people think; You may inadvertently start stepping on everyone's toes.

We should care what people think as they are very much in our lives. However, we have to learn to balance and ignore the rubbish that spews out of people's mouths. The trick is learning to notice who actually speaks wisdom and who doesn't. In general, you'll learn how to notice those who wish you truly well, and those who only speak with words, to cause death. You might not always notice them, but it certainly helps being able to filter things out.

With people who wish you harm, it's best to block out what they say. Especially, if they're attacking you, and not being constructive at all. It's really best for everyone to avoid talking to such characters. Otherwise, you sink to their level. This doesn't mean that you won't have people who can be mean, and yet say constructive things. It won't always be effective, but it can help filter things to a reasonable amount. Sometimes if what people are saying just gets to you too much, just walk away. Take a breather, sometimes you might not have the option, but any chance to recuperate should be taken.

We have to listen to what people say, it's polite, we share the same planet. It's something you just have to bear. In those moments you have to keep chin up, always see the humorous side of things. Sometimes you can share the humorous side of things, and you get what that quote says: Laughing men, are not dangerous men. It can get hard, but one just has to learn to learn to listen. To choose whether to carry on after the first initial words that someone speaks or to stay.

 To sum it up, it's really about ignoring those don't matter and listening to those that matter. Howbeit, that doesn't mean that you can't give people the benefit of the doubt.

Bully For You

Bullies want to abuse you. Instead of allowing that, you can use them as your personal motivators. Power up and let the bully eat your dust. ~ Nick Vujicic

Most people do not wake up in the morning and say,”Thank God I'm a bully, I love this job!” Most people also don't wake up in the morning and say anything. Anyhow, the thing about bullies is this: Do they know what they are? Naturally of course most people do know, but honestly, would someone be willing to admit that they are one?

With being a bully, it can be categorized into four main areas. These four areas of bullying are: cyber, physical, social, and covert. Cyber bullying, is bullying someone online or through some form of technology, physical is your typical bullying where you see Bobby beating up Johnny, social is when the cool kids sit on one table and then run like the plague when you sit with them, and lastly, but not least, is covert bullying. Covert bullying is spreading rumors or lies about someone.

However, all the above doesn't really matter at all. The reason is that no one actually believes themselves a bully. Most people will not believe that they are bullies even if they are. The truth is not something people are willing to tell themselves. As a whole, bullies are despised group of people. 

The problem with all these campaigns, is that they never addresses how to really know if your a bully. Or even how a bully can look like anyone, and not just the stereotypical bully. The irony is that bullies could actually despise bullies, yet not know they are one. Most people are casual bullies. In fact everyone has been a bully before, you might just not know it.

Also, another flaw with bullying campaigns is that they aren't very clear. Stop bullying. Well that's nice, but how? It needs to be more concrete. While changing the wave might be nice, sometimes you have to change yourself so you can change the wave.

Victims usually can't change bullies, unless the roles reverse. And that is not really that great. The only thing you can really change is the victims. It might not be what people want to hear, but you will always be bullied. For every social place will have a bully or someone who has the potential until a victim walks in. If someone carries themselves a certain way, they will attract certain attention. The thing about bullying is that there must always be a bully and victim. If you remove one them out of the equation there is no bullying.

 Howbeit, just because you get rid of bully one does not mean you have won the war. If you get rid of one, another will pop up. Or if you stand up for someone who is being bullied he/she will just be bullied when your not around. Helping someone that day may be a life saver, but in general we should see the bigger picture.

All in all, anti-bullying campaigns should continue. However, maybe they need to be focused on something else. Bullying, over the years hasn't lessened, but increased. This doesn't mean that bullying should not be stopped or that you should let others be bullied. However, what it does mean is that people need to rethink how they see bullying. Bullying can be stopped, it's not impossible, but people will always be mean. It would seem to be better to help victims so that they can no longer be bullied.