
Saturday, 25 February 2017

True Love?

Hollywood makes a lot of fiction, and one that they do the most would probably be romance. While seemingly harmless, the way the world views romance, to a certain extent is shaped from what we see on the big screen or even just the little screen. How we view romance to a certain extent is shaped because of what we see. The problem with this, is that our view of romance is shaped by the lens of fiction and not truth.

Expecting romance to be portrayed or taught accurately by Hollywood or other fictional sources, would be like expecting pornography to teach sex ed accurately to people. Both are based on fiction and are created by what people have dreamed up in their spare time to give to an audience.

While it might seem credulous that someone would actually believe that romance is actually like how it is portrayed in fictional sources, it all really depends on two things: How young was a person when they first saw romance being shown a certain way, and how often. When people are young they are malleable, and that is when facts or what they see stay like cement. And how often they see something, will shape their mind, because a lie, if repeated often enough and long enough, can become the truth in a mind.

Although it might seem harmless or surly unreasonable that someone could believe anything they hear or see, romance don't really affect the brain, it affects the heart, and though the brain might be smart, the heart isn't like that; It feels. So subconsciously you may believe something that might not be so. 
Granting that it might seem like making a mountain out of a mole, expecting or going into any relationship that is built on a lie, is already the road to disaster. And if not that, living through life with a lie, is just as bad. Believing that everything will work out, or that everything will be alright as long as you find romance isn't something that is going to happen.

While it might seem not such a big deal, being lied to about romance, or just relationships, it would be like buying a toaster to do your washing, or a trash can to be a lifeguard. The problem is that relationships aren't like toasters, and people can get hurt. So if you keep on looking for a fantasy that doesn't exist, you are only going to end up looking for someone but no one, because they only exist in fiction;People aren’t perfect, and Hollywood is. So people won’t work.

Nevertheless, the issue isn't so much that Hollywood or enjoying any fiction about romance is going to harm you, but rather to a certain degree it can affect your views. Many things do, but if you are looking for romance to make things right in your life, it won't. And to the bigger or lesser degree that you believe what fiction has told you about romance, it will actually affect your real romance.

Romance is a great thing, but at the end of the day, it has it's limitations, and you should be aware of them, because otherwise you will be disappointed that you aren't getting  what you felt you ordered. The best way to describe it is like this, you want to go fishing, but your idea of fishing is spear fishing. While similar they are different, there is nothing wrong with the two, but you are just expecting something that simply isn't there and if you keep trying to do fishing like spear fishing, it's not going cut it, because they are two different things. So in the same manner, romance and fiction romance can be like that.

Friday, 17 February 2017

Paddling Ducks or Dogs Swimming

Looking at the Trump administration, one thinks, is it scary that they seem to have so many public fumbles and they seem to be constantly trying to fix their mistakes? Or, having said that, is it more reassuring. Reassuring that they are working through things and even though it is very public, at least you can see they are trying.
Often in the world of politics and governments, people have cited that they believe that their government should be more open and more honest. However, ignorance has often be thought a bliss.

So with that said, would you rather know what is going wrong and its being fixed as we speak, or be ignorant of the truth. Comparing to the last administration, who were very  smooth, the Trump administration seems messy. The last administration was: smooth in lies, smooth in action, and smooth like a duck, but paddling like hell underneath.

The last administration had problems and so does the new. The last one left ISIS, debt, and the other problems we haven’t faced yet, so while we may not have seen all this, we just weren’t aware.

If you have someone who makes mistakes, and someone who never makes mistakes, or covers them up. Who is really better? I suppose it depends on the situation. If we are talking about people, I would prefer the person who makes mistakes but always tries to do better. Compared to the person who never makes mistakes or if they do they cover them up and never address the issue.

However, on a national level you think, this is a different ball game. It’s not just what you think, but the whole country.

Nevertheless, someone who makes mistakes and changes mean they can change. Someone who never changes is a dangerous person, because they are only willing to change others and not themselves. For they see others as the problem and never themselves. Meaning they have a very real danger of stagnating, which as we all know means death.

To sum it up, is it better to have a government that you know have their problems and you can see them, or a government that hides it.  Ignorance is only bliss for a fleeting moment. If you are falling down without a parachute, knowing or not knowing, will most likely yield the same issue: Going splat. However, with knowing at least you can do something, even if it be limited. So is it better knowing or not knowing?

Who Do You Think You Are?

When you think of a humanitarian, you think of someone with a bleeding heart, or someone who really cares for the well-being of others. However, when you really think about what does a humanitarian mean, you might find that a true one is a lot colder and harsher, then what we originally have seen with other humanitarians.

Championing the issues that surround refugees, that sounds a like a humanitarian cause. However, what if it’s not to champion them, but rather the people who don’t want them? While it might seem strange, what if the humanitarian saw it fit to help that type of human being?

Humanitarian, doesn’t really mean that you champion just anybody who seems a stereotypical cause. As the world goes, we might just seem different types of humanitarians. For a true humanitarian, is one who does things for the good of humanity. Furthermore, the dictionary goes on to say that a humanitarian, is someone who tries to make humans happy.

It is rather ambiguous isn’t it? Make humans happy, make humans welfare better.
However, what we see in most cases, is that humanitarians, only seem interested in the plight of those that they deem in third world countries, or needing a home. Whatever it is, you see humanitarians as people who try and fix problems with aid, with making people who they deem in need of help.

But as said before, a humanitarian, is someone who helps humans, and tries to make them happy. The humanitarians of today, aren’t really doing that. They are bias, because they only help those of a certain kind. They only seem to provide aid for those that scream and yell the loudest. Technically, the humanitarians that we see in this life, they have failed their cause. They have failed because a lot of the times they are only catering for only certain type of people. Or whenever when they say help these humans, they are upsetting another set of humans.

Meaning how are they really fulfilling their cause? Isn’t their cause to help as many humans. Isn’t their cause to help any human and not just economical refugees, not just people in third world countries? Furthermore, if their purpose is to help humans, shouldn’t it mean that if they help one human they don’t hurt another human?

Yes, this might seem strange, but if a humanitarian is really a true humanitarian, they will help anyone, and do anything for the greater good for all mankind and womankind. Meaning in theory, they wouldn’t be just someone who sends aid, in the form of food, but force to make things better for humanity.

We may have been trained to see only one type of aid to a group of humans, but if we did see a different type of the stereotypical one, what would we call them? A humanitarian, is a very broad meaning, and the ones we see wearing the UN uniform aren’t just the only humanitarians or those that help third world countries. There are others, and there are many, because a humanitarian, is just someone who helps humanity, not just one type or need, but anything and anyone.

Sunday, 12 February 2017

The Flaw in Democracy

Democracy is flawed, people who use it, know it, those that don’t use it, know it. However, we seem to think that democracy is the best form of government. It may be the best around, but it's not perfect, not by a long shot. And while we may agree on that, people don't really agree that it can actually be harmful to a people.

Although democracy may be superior to other forms of government. Sometimes, people just aren’t ready for democracy. Meaning that although democracy may be superior to dictatorship, it is not always going to provide a superior outcome, because it isn’t the best, the epitome of all governments that will ever be.

Take for instance Africa, they have democracy, and everything is not remotely fine. There are so many little countries in Africa with corrupt rulers, and they are democratic leaders, but they are just as horrible as those who aren’t.

Democracy isn't making Africa better than any dictatorship. Furthermore, having a harsh dictatorship where the leader was strong till his/her people were ready for democracy would be better than having a democracy that is just ripe for corruption.

The truth is, while democracy is good, it has its flaws. It is only fit for a certain time and a certain people. In fact, it has very limiting perimeters. Meaning that it is only really suitable for very precise times.

And yes while you and I may enjoy democracy, we can see it’s flaws. To point a few would be the fact is that we hire people who have to promise impossible things for people to vote them in. Or the very fact that we expect people to fight against each other for elections, and then after that great fight, they have to work together after all that fighting. And to make things worse, if they work together to make a better country, that we hope for, the person who won the election will get the credit and all the power. While the person who chooses to work with their opponent, will lose out, but if they sabotage, they have a greater chance of coming into power, with all its benefits.
One simply cannot stress what a failure democracy is. Yes it has its benefits, but the very fact that we rely on voters who don’t care, and if they do care, either the lack or amount of information will befuddle them; Making either evil men and women have the chance to take the reins of a country.

Nevertheless, whether it is from opponents never ever going to work together or if it be the short amount of time and resources to do something that will benefit future generations only 50 years later and doing it in a span of either 3 or 4 years. Whatever it is, you can see that democracy is simply just not going to cut it.

Democracy, needs a lot of help, but people don’t seem to see it. If democracy is to continue, the democracy that we know has to change, otherwise it can only surly get worse. Doing something now may mean the saving of a great disaster. It’s not that democracy is wrong, but rather it needs to be changed to suit a different people and a different time.

So if we think that democracy is the best, we believe a lie. It is not. Furthermore, if we think that others need democracy because it works for us to a certain extent, we are wrong; democracy has it’s flaws. If people are to keep on using democracy, one of the two need to change: The people or democracy.

Thursday, 2 February 2017

The Smell of Cabbages

It seems rather strange that the truth sounds like a conspiracy theory. However, as Mark Twain once said, fiction has to make sense, the truth doesn’t. On the other hand, all conspiracies have that much possibly that it seems plausible, which usually makes it a conspiracy theory. Nevertheless, the truth is becoming stranger and stranger. Making it seem more like fiction than fact.

People put chemicals in your food, it is true, some of these chemicals aren’t good for you. The news actually doesn’t necessarily produce the truth since some of their viewpoints are opinionated. People don’t explode when in space without a space suit. Whiskey actually doesn’t keep you warm.

All these facts are true, and it might seem strange because you may have believed otherwise. However, as life goes on, the truth is only going to seem stranger as we realize that a lot of things we believed as truth is not.

The main cause of these things is that people are being less honest. Although they may not outright lie, most of the time you will basically say they are lying, even though they aren’t. Take for instance, when the government use to say something you could actually believe it, when the news reported something, it wouldn’t change later on, and finally when someone advertised something, it meant it was so.

Nevertheless, the truth maybe is not getting stranger, the problem is that the truth is no longer adding up with what is being said, that is why the truth may seem strange. When someone says one thing, compared to the truth it may look very strange. With this situation you come to the realization that what you have been told by one source is truth, and the other is not.

So if a company or organization says something is good when it is actually false, it’s going to be a choice, what do you believe in? That which seems plausible or that which seems strange. Although things may seem strange it may very well be the truth. However, sometimes things are strange because they just simply are strange, if not down right crazy, wrong.

The fact is, the truth is no longer something that sounds true. Instead the truth will sound strange if not untrue, because what we believed true, is no longer. It going to make things harder to find what is so. To find the truth we will need to be ever more careful, because what in the past where we could say was just nonsense could very well be true. What this really means is that we will be spending that much more time looking for what is true and what is not. And what we could have overlooked as false may very well be true.

Just An Insult

If you insult a human, you insult a human. Nevertheless, people seem to think when you do so to a certain person, it gets a special name. Take for instance, if you insulted a gay man, people would call you homophobic. However, you would only actually being so if you insulted in a gay slur. The point is, you could just being insulting him because he is a jerk and not his sexuality.

When someone is racist, sexist, homophobic, or whatever, it means they are insulting a person, with intent, pertaining to who they are, and usually a name. That is what it means to be sexist, racist, or homophobic when you insult them for being that, barring that though, it is just an insult.

While that might seem obvious, it doesn’t seem to be to the rest of society. When someone is insulted, they don’t seem to realize that someone could have insulted them because they are just insulting someone. Or that you are not being sexist, racist, or homophobic, just because a certain party feels that they have been mortally wounded.

Furthermore, the fact that these certain things such as racism, sexism, and homophobic insults seem to garner more attention, just seem unjust. The fact that such an insult could gain more momentum just because who it was supposedly directed at just seems wrong. Almost as if someone is better than others, which is an irony, because it is like an insult to others.

For all intents and purposes, those that “claim” that they have been insulted for who they are, they are crying wolf. Such behavior is really unacceptable, because they are lying. Furthermore, they are name calling. Meaning they are practically just as bad as what they falsely accused someone of doing to them.

To often in society people are accusing others of being either a sexist, racist or homophobic, with little or no proof. However, once that is said, everyone just looks shocked and believes that the person accused of being so was. Although being a sexist, racist or a homophobic is a serious issue, walking around on eggshells around the topic is foolish.

Being insulted is never nice. However, lying or labeling others for one’s own ulterior motives, is worst, because it is asking for sympathy and playing something that is not true. Such behavior is despicable and should not accepted. Someone is only a racist, sexist, or homophobic, when they insult a person with intent, pertaining to what they are. If it is not that, it means that the “victim” is only crying wolf, either knowingly or unknowingly.