makes a lot of fiction, and one that they do the most would probably
be romance. While seemingly harmless, the way the world views
romance, to a certain extent is shaped from what we see on the big
screen or even just the little screen. How we view romance to a
certain extent is shaped because of what we see. The problem with
this, is that our view of romance is shaped by the lens of fiction
and not truth.
While it might seem credulous that someone would actually believe that romance is actually like how it is portrayed in fictional sources, it all really depends on two things: How young was a person when they first saw romance being shown a certain way, and how often. When people are young they are malleable, and that is when facts or what they see stay like cement. And how often they see something, will shape their mind, because a lie, if repeated often enough and long enough, can become the truth in a mind.
Although it might seem harmless or surly unreasonable that someone could believe anything they hear or see, romance don't really affect the brain, it affects the heart, and though the brain might be smart, the heart isn't like that; It feels. So subconsciously you may believe something that might not be so.
Granting that it might seem like making a mountain out of a mole, expecting or going into any relationship that is built on a lie, is already the road to disaster. And if not that, living through life with a lie, is just as bad. Believing that everything will work out, or that everything will be alright as long as you find romance isn't something that is going to happen.
it might seem not such a big deal, being lied to about romance, or
just relationships, it would be like buying a toaster to do your
washing, or a trash can to be a lifeguard. The problem is that
relationships aren't like toasters, and people can get hurt. So if
you keep on looking for a fantasy that doesn't exist, you are only
going to end up looking for someone but no one, because they only
exist in fiction;People aren’t perfect, and Hollywood is. So people
won’t work.
the issue isn't so much that Hollywood or enjoying any fiction about
romance is going to harm you, but rather to a certain degree it can
affect your views. Many things do, but if you are looking for romance
to make things right in your life, it won't. And to the bigger or
lesser degree that you believe what fiction has told you about
romance, it will actually affect your real
is a great thing, but at the end of the day, it has it's limitations,
and you should be aware of them, because otherwise you will be
disappointed that you aren't getting what you felt you ordered.
The best way to describe it is like this, you want to go fishing, but
your idea of fishing is spear fishing. While similar they are
different, there is nothing wrong with the two, but you are just
expecting something that simply isn't there and if you keep trying to
do fishing like spear fishing, it's not going cut it, because they
are two different things. So in the same manner, romance and fiction
romance can be like that.