
Friday, 31 July 2015

Freedom, an Intangible Wonder

Freedom, tis so sweet.
It is something you cannot eat,
nor can it make your feet be fleet,
but it can sure make you feel neat.

Freedom may be confused with no rules.
But that is only believed by fools and tools.
To have no boundaries is madness.
And will only bring great and sudden sadness.

With false freedom
You'll never see the gilded cage that binds you
But with true freedom
You'll never be blind to the lies of those kind
It'll keep you secure in your place
And keep others rather quite safe

To ever lose it would be horrible
To hate it deplorable
However, we'll always need it
Though we may not always see it.
Other times we may feel it has brought us to this state
But our choices belayed our fate

Kings and queens may fall
But freedom will always stand proud and tall,
Never going, never leaving, unless we force it out
Even then it'll be back without a pout
Because we cannot stand without its helping hand

Others may oppose are freedom
They try now sneakily
But the good Ol' Uncle always know
We'll find them some how
Wherever they may hide or abide
Although they may skulk behind innocents folk
They can never escape the chase
because they're nothing but a disgrace
Their time will come
Life will be wrung
For they have made they're vote
So now they're toast

So with all this upon us
I say take a note
And smile at our host,
For tonight freedom we may boast.

The Land Of Many Guns

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. ~Second Amendment

With a country that is very large, it's only understandable that the country will have many guns. However, when a country has enough guns to arm the world twice and then the aliens from another planet, it does make one pause. With talks and debates over guns, it would seem necessary to explain why it is such a big topic for America. Although, only recently enlightened why it is such a big ideal. I think I will be able to shed some light on the topic for those that do not live in the country and for those who live in the country, but still don't get it.

In country where guns is its culture and right, it's only obvious that there would be friction when immediate or even slight removal of it would alarm the people of that country. With weapons under the pillow, on top of the pillow and in the pillow.These people feel they should be armed. It's they're right.

However, with armament, tragedy has struck many times from this liberal distribution of guns. With tales of accidents, intentional murder, and horrible massacres many would feel that guns should be tightened in this land.

While this be so, the reason America has so many guns and the easy access is due because the belief is that an armed people can take down the government if a wanna be Hitler came poking around. This is a very valid point, with a country that is arguably the most powerful country in the world, it is close as you can get to having absolute power. And as we all know what absolute power does, it absolutely corrupts.

In addition to that,  if, God forbid, the British ever tried to take over the country again, we could stop them.

Furthermore, it makes other nations think twice about invading a country that could pull off a successful guerrilla war. Besides with so many guns everyone is prepared for the apocalypse.

Although gun laws should be tightened, they should be light and very light. However, many will feel that it is still a breach of they're privacy when checks are done. The problem is many have deep mistrust for they're government so any encroachment they feel alarmed. Moreover, with tightening guns laws, you may find that you have the opportunity of making a lot of good men and women criminals, because they will keep they're guns. Also, tightening gun laws, you might find that innocent and good folk lose all they're weapons and all the criminals keep theirs, and thus the violence will not be stopped.

Regardless of everything, something needs to be done with guns or the people. It would seem that both parities of the argument should really make an cohesive effort.

 For those who want to tighten laws, guns do not kill people, people kill people, and tightening might actually not stop the violence, it may help, it might make it worse. 

With those who support guns, be willing to compromise a little, and if not, just be willing to try and stop the massacres, don't shoot down every idea, at least try and make things work. And in the mean time, be polite, be sensitive, and aware that some have lost love ones through guns. 

All in all, while making things harder or more checks could be better, it's best to keep in mind that if someone truly puts they're mind to doing something evil, they will do it regardless of bans or laws. However, till then I suggest we make it harder for them so we can end the killing.

Friday, 24 July 2015

The Honey Moon Is Over

All violence consists in some people forcing others, under threat of suffering or death, to do what they do not want to do. ~Leo Tolstoy

There was a reason I was disturbed by the same-sex-marriage law. I couldn't really remember at the time, but now I remember it. With the knew ruling is that same-sex-marriage is legal. This means that anyone, anyone, who refuses service to them is counted as a criminal. This is regardless of how your personal beliefs, or religion says for you to do. What this effectively means is that you are forced to give service to homosexual couples on the threat of livelihood taken away from you and imprisonment. This basically means that the First Amendment is broken. The Freedom of religion.

That is highly concerning. It will always be very alarming when new laws break old laws to comfort those of new era.

To further explain what is happening with the whole same-sex-marriage thing, take for example a Pastor, Imam, Rabbi, or Priest. If they followed there beliefs and felt uncomfortable about marrying a same-sex-marriage couple in their holy places, they could be arrested for refusing those services in their own property. Basically what this means is that they have to let them be married in their own building that they have paid with their blood sweat and tears or go to jail.

While I believe we should love everyone, people should have freedom to make choices, and since this is a delicate matter for everyone, people should have more berth to make they're own choice. Not being forced and certainly not being threatened or intimidated.

In addition, gay advocates should cut the act of the whole thing being loving. Because if your going to force people how to pray and how they can operate their religion, that's a different kind of rainbow of love.

In this whole same-sex-marriage affair, many have been disgusted and disillusioned with it. People just don't act normal any more around the topic. While Bible bashers were offensive, now it feels like the hunters are the hunted now with the whole gay advocates winning. Furthermore, it would seem that what has replaced them isn't any better.


Wednesday, 22 July 2015

One To a Thousand

Torture is horrible, agreed? To torture another human, electrify, cut bits off, pull teeth out, and basically do terrible things. However, what if I told you it was done to save a bunch of schools girls to avoid the very same fate that you did to that man to save them. Wouldn't you be less likely to sit on that high horse of moral righteousness?

The thing about torture is that it's unethical, but it would also seem morally wrong to not use it. Why? Because you could save thousands at the sufferance of one evil individual. The thing that really makes it hard is that there are a lot of bad people out there. They have information, and jail does not scare them, nothing really scares them. So how do you get information out of them? Play hard ball with them. Then the information comes, and thousands are saved.

However, the problem with it is that what if the authorities get it wrong? What if they're torturing an innocent who has information, or what if they're doing torture because they can? Torture is a double edge sword. You can use that sword to defend yourself, but if you’re not careful, you could cut yourself or others.

With that double edged sword in mind, how important is that information? Is it really worth the moral cost?There are some lines that should never be crossed. Unforgivable. If we cross them and win the war, what is the point of winning when we look in the mirror and we look just like the enemy. The thing, how far is really worth it at all?

In the end, torture should remain not legal. However, it is a necessary evil, but to make it legal could cause innocent people to be tortured. Furthermore, it could have the effect of making the authorities lazy and not willing to search into matters deeply enough. Also, it's important that it should remain illegal so that it is only the last resort. If it's legal, people will just happily use it with disregard of the consequences. That in its self is not comforting or ethical. Furthermore, torture could make an organization less professional and a bad effect on moral. Nevertheless, it would seem that we will always need it, but the way we see it should not be seen normal or regular. Rather it should be seen when all options are exhausted, it's waiting in the dark.

Of Flags And Of Races

Over the past weeks for those who have been keeping up with news, the Confederate flag has been under fierce debate. Some claim it to be racist, others regard it as symbol of the good Ol' South. However, the main cause of the argument lies in ignorance. If people would dig deeper they would fine some interesting facts about the North and South. In understanding the roots of the Confederate flag it's important to understand the American Civil war. 

1.The Confederate flag came about when the American Civil War started.

 A terrible time when America the land of the brave and free was divided. To think that America was divided is horrible.  

2.The victor writes the history books.

 So with the Union winning, they demonized the Confederate side.

3.The war was never fought over slaves

 While many seem to believe that the Confederate flag means racism because they have been taught that the Confederates were fighting for slavery while Union forces where fighting for freedom, it is sadly just an ideal. Although, many historians argue to the fact whether slavery was the main cause, many believe, it was only a factor, and if anything a side fact that started a war. Some historians will even go one further that it was never about slavery, but rather money.

4. The North was cracking down on slaves not because of belief but to gain advantage over the South

Taking the high moral ground the North banned slavery because they could afford "legal" slavery through cheap German and Irish immigrant servants. While the South could barely even afford slaves, and what slaves they had would be less than twenty at most on each plantation.

5.Confederates were nothing like Nazis or ISIS. 

Why? Because they don't kill people in mass and don't destroy whole countries. Rather the Confederates were just a bunch of farmers who had slaves which was bad, and not all had them. Not everyone was racist or mistreated they're slaves. In fact it wouldn't make sense to mistreat them as they were a valuable commodity. Sad but true.

While slavery is bad, the Confederate flag was never about racism. It was about fighting against a government that was trying to crack down on them. And in modern times, for people now it represents being a rebel sometimes, but also freedom from people who would take over things: They're privacy, they're freedom of speech and who they really are. The war was messy and like everything in war people made mistakes and terrible things happened, but the flag does not, and should not ever represent racism. Although, some may think it does or some idiots may use it for their nefarious purposes, it is not so. Furthermore, to be pedantic, in a sense really, both supported slavery, for only years later did America finally achieve true freedom for all races.

Saturday, 18 July 2015

Hypocrite Me Under the Table

To be honest, is it a problem that people are hypocrites? Walk the talk and all that stuff. Whatever, does it really matter? I always remember that guy who couldn't actually cook, he was just faking. Good charisma, looks, but no talent. However, if you followed his instructions I'm pretty sure you could cook what he supposedly cooked.

Anyway, I think people can honestly be hypocrites and do things right. It may annoy me or you that they are that, but if they're doing their jobs well and stuff, does it matter? Isn't that where that saying came from, “fake it to you make it”?

The thing about hypocrites is, while they are a somewhat of a problem, there is still knowledge that you can garner from them. While not everything, they still have some things they could teach you. Furthermore, you can learn from them. Don't say I'll never be like them. Otherwise you will not learn from they're mistakes. Rather say, okay they made that mistake, how do I avoid following that path.

At the end, hypocrites may be lying, but sometimes they have a grain of truth in what they say. Some, not all, but some. Either way, don't be so quick to dismiss, take what you can and leave what you don't need.

The People From the Petting Zoo Have Feelings Too

Animals, beautiful, wonderful, friendly, innocent, and endearing. There are so many amazing things about animals. Furthermore, it could be said that rightly that we are their caretakers. However, what we have done with them is sadly at best horrible. With tales of cage fights, murder of young, and bloody and unnecessary violence to them, it is not a pretty picture. While I am not saying that we all come vegetarian or vegan extremist. I think are attitudes and the way we treat them could change for the better.

Many of us have seen animal campaigns for better treatment and the stop of over consuming; While ineffectual and foolish, they do have a point. Yes, we should treat animals correctly and nicely. The idea of forcing other humans to stop eating animal products or using them is silly. Silly because it would naturally cause all those animals to be killed, silly because eating animal products provide healthy nutrients that you wouldn't be able to get else where easily, silly because it would destroy the economy, silly because animals products are lovely and tasty. There are so many reasons animal extremist are crazy.

Regardless of the people who regard themselves as the animal ambassadors without a single vote from the animals. I think we should treat animals better. Although, animal extremist say stop eating animal products, what I would suggest is that we do something better. I think we should carry on eating and using animal products, but do something about their plight as we do that. It's unrealistic that people would stop eating steak, and honestly I don't blame them. However, animals are a gift and we shouldn't abuse that gift. The reason so is because, stressed food isn't good for you, also it's just the right thing to do. Treating animals like that is just not healthy for us mentally and physically.

In closing, I'm not suggesting you do anything extreme. Rather take note on what is going on with your food. I won't pound in some message like some crazed animal extremist. If you like that stuff or you want to see what animal cruelty is like, you can just look it up on your own. However, not all farms are not all bad, but they could do with some improvement. So rather suggesting that we stop or they close down, I would suggest that we petition, and if you don't want to do that, then at least try to avoid products that are abusing animals. And yes, I know not all of us can afford the more expensive organic happier animals, but what you can do is tell others, or just buy it now and then over the companies that support animal cruelty. Whatever it be, just try your best and know that you are making a difference, and hopefully one day the plight of our cuddly friends will improve.

Friday, 10 July 2015

You're The Judge, Oh No!

Judging other humans is a very human thing. Also, it is a very stupid thing. Comments like,”She's a slut” or “Your fat” could be very true. Nevertheless, people usually know their own failings, and some wish they didn't. Either way, judging is a waste of breath and destructive. It's cruel to announce something that may be true and calmly announcing that's all they are. Yes, in some cases we will need to judge. However, not everyone is an actual judge or is someone actually doing their civil duties. Most of the time someone is making some stupid comment.

Howbeit, don't make those stupid comments. Think, before you say, don't judge so harshly, and if you must, try let kindness at least seep in your words. It's amazing how you can rebuke a person, but do it in such a matter that they are better for it. And not weaker or hurt by it.

So instead of judging someone, try talking to them, if it bothers you so much, help them till it stops bothering you. If you don't like poor people and homeless people, don't tell them that, help them. If you don't like someone for what they are, help them. But make sure you don't start just flapping that pie hole, it usually doesn't really help them. In this case, action speaks louder then words. Lastly, with judging people, honestly, just mind your own business.

Loneliness, the Ache, that You Can't Bake a Cake With

Loneliness is a feeling that has dwelled in every man and woman on this planet. While not a very serious problem if taken in small quantities or if not taken regularly; Nevertheless, it is a kick in the guts. Like a knife twisting in the very soul of one's being. Loneliness cares neither for age, sex, culture, or social activity. It will attack indiscriminately. No man, woman, child, or even animal is free from it's deathly like touch. However, the great lonely can be fought. In the following you will be taught fair and even dirty tactics to fight loneliness. As it has been said before,”All fair in love and war." While not the former but rather the latter, it is truly so here.

Loneliness, it's a mixture of emotions, mental, and soul that causes one to feel lonely. Loneliness has nothing really to do with physical surroundings. Rather that loneliness, has to do in the strictest form of how you are connecting with other people. You can still be lonely and be in a crowd.

Furthermore, loneliness doesn’t just have to do with being with people, you can be alone and not lonely. Loneliness is nothing about your surroundings. Certain things may help but it's not always the case. It's just a dark path you walk. However, that doesn't mean all is loss, you just have to learn what works for you to kick it.

With loneliness, it should be realized why you are lonely. Have a look at it. Is it because you have no one to talk to, is it because you have isolated yourself, or is it because you cannot stand being by yourself? Whatever the reason you should find the cause, the root of a problem. Often at times when trying to solve a problem people will find that it's a by product of something deeper. Find the cause not the symptom.

In closing, loneliness is an issue, it's unhealthy and it hurts.Nevertheless, if you are feeling lonely do something about. Got out, doing something different, talk to someone you never met, join a club, if you do have friends or family that you trust, tell them how you feel and ask them to get you out of your shell when your feeling down. Whatever it be, human interaction and a healthy social life is very important. Furthermore, if that's not your case and you do have a lot of social activity, it could be that you're not connecting truly well with people. Everyone needs that someone they can truly connect to. Lastly if your feeling lonely because you can't tell anyone, don't believe that lie. Loneliness is not a sign of being a loser, it's something that everyone goes through. If your feeling lonely because you feel that way, here's a tip for you. Every time you go to a mirror smile. It may sound ridiculous, but it works. Plus, it releases healthy hormones into your body when you smile. So, don't let loneliness win, take the first swing before it does. Go out and live life, and love life.

Monday, 6 July 2015

What's the Worth in a Human?

What is the worth in a human? Is it the deeds that one will do? Or is it the deeds that one will not do that makes somebody worth something. Are children more valuable than women and men? Defining worth in a human is tricky, and also a bit unethical. In a sense you cannot really put a price tag on a human being because of that saying really, beauty is the eye of the beholder. So in the same sense, worth is only in the eye of the beholder. While someone may not be a contributor to society, you may love that person and hold them higher than all your other possessions. However, others would regard that person as not very useful.

All life is sacred, we all know that, but regardless of that we all know that in a sense is not true. People do not all always treat life scared, with terrible murders of unborn children, the misuse and abuse of fellow beings or others that have taken so many lives of innocents that you question their life as scared anymore.

Howbeit, the worth of a human being, some one who was destined for a grand life, some may have done unspeakable acts, others may have just lived their lives, few may have done great and wonderful deeds, many may have only just started life. Either way, what makes a human valuable, what is the worth of a human? You can only say somethings worth if you can compare. If so, what is the comparison that shows the worth of humans. A hundred bears to one human? Furthermore, you may ask what is the purpose of this? The purpose of this is to find how valuable humans are and knowing that you can treat your fellow being in the correct manner.

Whatever it be, what is your definition of the worth of a human being? Is it how pretty someone is or how beautiful they are inside whether it be this or be that, please do post your idea the worth of a human being.

Friday, 3 July 2015

Home Becoming a Different Tone

Multiculturalism, culture it's all great. It's fantastic to see the world at your doorstep. The strange sights, smell, sounds, and foods. It's truly wonderful. It's even better when culture is in the form of tasty meals just down the street. Whatever it be, culture is a great boon to our society. However, no culture is perfect. Furthermore, some cultures are definitely superior, but they all have their faults. I think we should realize that while freedom is amazing and so is multiculturalism. I think it should not be over looked that if we do not stand firm against the influences of other cultures, our homes will no longer look like home. Furthermore, if we allow certain negative influences in culture to come so strongly in our home, we will sooner or later see our country turn into the places they have been escaping from.
 Oft at times people need to realize that while cultures are great and we welcome diversity, don't try and change our country. I say this, because sometimes I feel that people seem to think that they can change our country so it can look like theirs. However, what people need to realize is that they left they're country. And sometimes they left for a very good reason. For the simple fact of, their culture has made decisions they did not like or would be killed.

Furthermore, while there are faults in every culture, I think the main culture of a country should remain the first and foremost culture in the place. In fact, when people come over they should be enveloped in it's culture. Instead, often we see at times that us, as the host nation has to bend over to let people do whatever with our country.

 I think with other cultures, it should be only in pockets. Yes, we can learn from them and stuff, but we don't become them. Take for instance, when you go to China Town, anywhere in your country, it's nice visiting something foreign in your culture. However, as soon as you leave that place you go back to home, and that's how it should be. Not the other way. The problem with people they think that they can control our country. That's not right at all. I think it should be mentioned. This is our country, they cannot do whatever you like. You cannot introduce laws that make you be judged from a different plain. Nor can you mutilate your wives, daughters and mothers because of some religion you have. 

We need to realize that somethings are not acceptable, and not just for the sake of multiculturalism say it's okay because it's understanding them. Murder, acts of violence, rape, they all are what they, whether done by a Indian, Africa-American, Arab, Jew, Chinese, and basically every different ethnicity, is still wrong. Sometimes people seem to forget that.

It would seem that, when cultures come in with unsafe and highly unethical behavior, we will have to say,"no, that's not cool, and definitely not right!" Yes, we may offended others. Mind you, I did not mean this in a violent or confrontational way. However, we will need to say no. Otherwise, we will allow dangerous and negative beliefs in our culture; home will no longer look and feel like home.

The Power of Words

Words, things that come out of our mouths. Sometimes beautiful, sometimes hurtful. Nevertheless, words. Words can either build up others or destroy others just with one breath. It's also been said that the tongue has the power over life and death. While some may not believe that, words have much power in them. Sadly, people don't realize that, with sayings like, sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me. Words in the past have been under estimated, and still they are under estimated. It is believable that people would feel that way. After all, they are only things that are formed when you open your mouth and shut it. It wouldn't seem that something very significant is really happening.

It's been said that words are the key to the heart. Whether it is to be believed is question for some. Despite that, people feel that words are just words, they do not have an effect. Whether you believe it scientifically, life experience, or for some mystic reason, words definitely do things. With one word you can command a whole room, with two words you can destroy someone or build them up, and with three words you can change worlds. The thing about words, is that what you say does have an effect on people.

Scientifically words have been found to cause water to either flourish or perish. In a study with two cups of water to see the effects of words they tried yelling and at one glass of water harmful words while with the other they did the opposite. With the glass of water that was being yelled harmful words , it was found to look completely toxic. On the other hand, the water that was called nice things and pleasant words, was looking positively radiant. The water looked so nice and clear. It's scary to think that the effect is so obvious. Furthermore, the test was not just done on water but plants. Both belayed the same results. However, the most concerning thing is that we are made out 60% of water. If the water in the test would have such an effect, can you just imagine all those words that we yell at each other are doing to our insides?

Besides on the scientific side, it is quite obvious how words can be destructive, to such a degree that it is worse than actual punch in the face. It would seem that we should take more responsibility of our words and realize what damage they deal out. Not just how they can hurt someone, but also how much it can make a difference. Words can be more than just powerful in the negative way. They can also be good in a positive way. The change they can bring in another's life. While many may feel that because they do not hit anyone their a good person. However, they can be just as bad as the person who hits people because they verbally hit people. Sometimes being hit verbally is even worse than actually being hit.

So yes, words are powerful. They can be very destructive, but that's alright, because it just means we have to be careful. However, being careful is not just okay, speaking positive words is what we should do besides being careful, you don't necessarily have to be an optimist. If being pessimist suites you, by all means stay that. Rather what I'm suggesting is that you say a positive word that builds up everyone around. Don't be a ditzy happy flower that is inwardly dying, but rather watch your words, and speak good ones now and then. Change your sphere of influences. If someone is down, pick them up with those golden words, if someone is angry, find the key to the heart of their problem, if someone is faking happiness, tell them your with them and will catch them, and then smile with them. Whatever it be, we as humans don't just have a responsibility to not speak harmful words but to speak good words.