
Saturday, 29 August 2015

In Defense Of Evil

It's not who I am underneath but what I do that defines me. ~ Batman

In life, it's possible for someone to be be born heavy, it's possible to be born light, some say it's possible to be born gay or even a killer. So if it's true that people can be born these ways, you think that people would be more compassionate on those that are born a certain type. This type for instance, like someone being born a pedophile.

If someone is born a pedophile, this means that they haven't committed a crime against humanity, they haven't done they're detestable practice. The only thing technically, that they have done is that they have evil urges. Urges like in a twisted way, how a heterosexual may feel to the opposite gender or a homosexual to the same sex.

Although not all pedophiles are born, some can be through sexual abuse or other methods, whatever the case, before they committed the crime something could be done. And something can be done, because scientist argue that genes or being born that way may create an environment for a problem to grow. But ultimately the problem is created by a person's actions.

With that in mind, if pedophiles are born or made, either way, they need help. Or something that could make them overcome or at least control themselves. However, society hates pedophile and if someone is struggling they are too scared to talk about the issue.

At the same time, if you had a friend who was struggling or someone you knew who had this problem, wouldn't you have at least a little compassion? Yes, it is they're fault if they do something evil. However, it is not entirely they're fault that they are like that. Life and circumstances have altered them in such a state. Either way, they are humans. What is the point of beating them up? It does not stop them or how they feel. If you have a friend who had any other problem, wouldn't you try and help them?

 All things considered, it's important to realize that before a pedophile does anything, they're not guilty of anything. All they are is an innocent human being who is struggling with a dark, terrible, issue. Yes, it is horrible and we should be rightly shocked. But I think our society has matured up enough to realize that we can deal with these situations. We can no longer afford to plug our ears and yell so we don't have to deal with this distasteful subject. For if we take action today, our children will thank us for protecting them, and the innocents who may succumb to much evil.

Thursday, 27 August 2015

Swearing About Sweatshops

Circumstances are beyond human control, but our conduct is in our own power. ~ Benjamin Disraeli

While we have all heard of sweatshops and the horrors they commit, it's really time that we rethink what we know about them. Although, they are morally, ethically, and socially wrong, there is more to them than one would think.

The reason one should think differently about sweatshops is that they provide jobs to people. And in a country were they're whole country is a sweatshop, the idea or even the logic of trying to shut them all down is laughable at best. Which in a sense is a tragedy. 

In a like manner, even if one could destroy or close all the sweatshops in a country, new one's would pop up. New one's that could hide better or be crueler. Furthermore, the economical ruin it would do the country would be horrific, and actually cause more damage to the people. In addition to that, think about the workers, they don't choose to work at sweatshops, it's only out of desperation. Closing down one may only cause them to lose money and to only go to another sweatshop to work at.

This being so, that's why we need to think differently about sweatshops. Yes, they are bad, but they do play a role in putting food on people's plate. For that reason, we cannot act all self-righteous and think that just because we took down a sweatshop, that it equates to a good or a righteous deed. When in fact, it only makes things worse.

Not to mention, historically, developed countries use to have many sweatshops, until slowly things changed, it took time, and yes some had to be shutdown, but not all of them. For the one's that weren't closed, they later became to be the shops that we see in first world countries. 

Ultimately, as consumers, we have to be responsible buyers, but more so we have to be smart about being responsible. We have to see the bigger picture of things, and how our actions, not just our lack of actions can affect things. While it may be good to petition and campaign to close down sweatshops, other times we should try and make the sweatshops change for the better. This is so, that we don't destroy the livelihoods of the innocents who work at these places. Action should be taken against sweatshops, but just be open minded to what action it is. Because we can't always control the river, but we can certainly change it's course.

Saturday, 22 August 2015

Fear, the Monster Under the Bed

Thinking will not overcome fear but action will. ~ W. Clement Stone

The booming of the heart and the cold chill, it's all so familiar to everyone. However, sometimes fear plagues us a lot more then it should. While a little fear can keep you sharp, it'll kill you slowly if you let it. Fear can take so much from you. The key is to regularly kick it down were it belongs. It's abusive relationship, but you never asked fear to come around.

Although fundamentally, there is nothing wrong with fear, it's an emotion that we have, the only problem with fear it's like weeds; Growing in all the wrong places and hard to get rid of. Granting, fear can sometimes be a good thing that it'll keep you from doing stupid things. For instance, like poking a bear or hugging a lion.

However, fear will try and control you if you let it. So it's important that you be proactive with fear, don't let it stop you from the greater heights you can climb. Take it by the horns and wrestle your way to victory.

This can be done by breathing techniques. Taking deep breathes through your nose can help. It can calm you and let panic attacks or fears go away. Listening to music too can really help. Find a nice quite place and just listen to a peaceful tracks of music or even natural water.  Just simply listening to water like: rivers, brooks, waterfalls, and the sea, it can be very healing. And no, this means natural water. Do not go right next to your toilet and flush it and expect peace.

In addition, while you should ignore fear in general, it would be a good idea to get a second opinion or maybe a few if you feel your fear is real a threat. There's nothing worse than finding your fear was justified.

However, if it is not a justified fear, take action against your fear, if your worried about something, take action so that you will not have to worry about it. If it's about walking down a dark alley way, take self-defense or a different route, if it's a test of some sort, then prepare yourself adequately. Whatever it be, take action so your no longer fearful, and then, if you still fearful, face it with someone beside you.

In essence, fear can be bad, and it can be good. However, don't let it control you. You may let fear give you advice, but don't always listen, because fear can make you do stupid things. So learn to trust yourself and take smalls steps to improve that trust. Trust in yourself and others to catch you, then you'll realize that there is no need to fear, because you have yourself and people who have your back.

Friday, 21 August 2015

The Merits Of A Friend

It's the friends you can call up at 4 a.m. that matter.~ Marlene Dietrich

A friendship like any other relationship is giving and receiving. In many ways, a friendship will transcend every other relation. For lovers will come and go and family members may die or leave you so, but a friendship will stand through it all and catching you if you fall. However, that is only when it is a true friendship, pure and good. They are rare, truly rare, and if you have one, cherish it, less you find how rare and fragile it can be.

In life, everyone should have a friend. A friend can look like anything and everything. A friend should stick with you through thick and thin. The good times and the bad times. And even times when you no longer look like friends but something more akin to enemies.

Friendship should be pure, it should not be about getting something but rather giving something. Although, a friendship may not start out with these qualities, it should later bud and have fruits as such. Sometimes you won't truly know who your real friends unless it is tried and tested.

As a friend you should be loyal, sensitive, and willing to always help. With your friends, they should be respectful and know the boundaries of your friendship what is acceptable for both of you.

While we may not always have friends like the truest form of friendship, that is not to worry. Because that is what friends are for, to make each other a better person and to keep you laughing even when you feel like crying. Picking each other when you fall, and standing with you till your tall.

All in all, you don't need to stop being friends with people who don't have these characteristics or who aren't perfect. Instead, rather know who is a friend and who is an acquaintance so you may know who to rely on. In a world where we have lost the true meaning of friendship, it's important that you know what is true friendship. Less when things hit the fan we rely on those who only sought our doom.

Saturday, 15 August 2015

This Did Cause Tears

When the six pack came
I caved
When my friends waved
I came
When the pretty girl sat
I drank all the same
When pain overcame
I sank with mine shame
When the joy of all I seen and been that day
When the boys came for that footy game
And finally when others came
To bury me in those straight white lanes

However, if I could do it all over again
I would never ever done it the same
For mine thirst was my curse
For it took all I had
And still never slated my thirst

If you plan on taking your first
Then think of my thirst
Of how I took this bane
Which led me down this lane
The beer that made me switch to this gear
And thus brought what I most feared

For the Very Joy Of It

Always be yourself, express yourself, have faith in yourself, do not go out and look for a successful personality and duplicate it. ~Bruce Lee

If you do things, you should do it for the very joy of it, barring work. And even then, you should enjoy your work. Nevertheless, when you do things, it shouldn't be accept for the simple reason that you love doing it.

 Whether it be singing, dancing, drawing, playing an instrument, being out going, or whatever you do, you should do it because you enjoy it. Not for others reasons, but because you enjoy it. For really at the end of the day, if you do it for other reasons, you may find that it was all empty and it was all for nothing. This is so, because you did it for reasons other then just loving doing what you do, and then maybe those reasons left and now there's only you and the person you didn't want to be.

Furthermore, if you do it for others, you cannot be you, and when your not you, your not reaching your full capacity. Also, people are very fickle and you may find that they might like someone who does a different act. In addition, they'll always be someone better than your act, fast or stronger. However, no one can beat you at your own game, unless it isn't your own game.

However, if your at a cross road with whether to continuing being yourself or something that someone imposed on you, pause. Pause, because sometimes you may reach a stage in your skill and ability that although the circumstances when you started, may not all be what you wanted. Also, if your good at what you do, or you enjoy it now, then carry on. Even if it was not always how you wanted at first.

The thing, even when your doing your thing, even if your not very good at it, or your just getting use to being yourself, enjoy the moments of trying to get better. If you do it, do your best, and make peace with it. Try your best, if it takes a long time, enjoy the journey. If your doing your best, then your doing your best. You cannot speed the process, and if you can, do so, but sometimes it's about enjoying the journey that's important.

All in all, don't do things for what other say, do it for yourself and do your best. Don't worry how long things will take. Do it for yourself, and in the end you'll find that everyone benefited even though you did it for yourself.

Wednesday, 12 August 2015

These Brain Cells Will Be Dearly Missed

I know a man who gave up smoking, drinking, sex, and rich food. He was healthy right up to the day he killed himself. ~Johnny Carson

It's a myth that drinking makes you lose brain cells. However, most sources usually hastily say that you'll lose other things, or the fact that heavy dosages of drinking can cause brain damage. Basically, in a round about way, that drinking does ruin your brain, maybe not your brain cells that won't be effected, but still everything else, like your liver. Anyhow, there are several ways to lose brain cells. Thankfully, there are also ways to gain brain cells.

While brain cells may not be destroyed by drinking, many things that often surround drinking will cause loss of brain cells. Like being stressed, losing sleep, drugs, and fights that end in concussion. 

They all have to do a certain life style, and oft they happen to do with drinking. Whatever it be, it doesn’t really matter whether drinking is going to destroy brain cells. Either way it's destroying things up there and everything else.

Basically, If you want to stop hurling out those cells out of the old tub, stopping drinking would be a great step. However, most people would hardly stop drinking, so like most things, balance things, exercise, sleep, and eat right.

They're all typical things that most people suggest. Things that won't do you any good if you don't do these things. At the end of the day it's all common sense.

However, hearing it won't really save you. The thing about hearing about health facts you hear, it won't make you magically more healthier or happier. We all know to a certain extent that drinking is bad and eating healthy and exercising is good. 

Nonetheless, it's not going to do you any good if nothing is done about it. Instead of trying to figure how you can load yourself with blueberries or trying to walk up to your penthouse drunk to get more brain cells, find why you drink. If it's not a problem, good. If however, it is, or you don't like what's going on with it then find the root. And once you find the root deal with it.

Saturday, 8 August 2015

Offensively Offensive

We should be too big to take offense and too noble to give it. ~Abraham Lincoln

People get offended easily, does it matter? To a certain extent it does. However, opposition can sometimes be a sign of going in the right direction. Nevertheless, you should always try to get along with people. Don't look for fights, look for friends, and you'll find you live a happier and much safer life.

When dealing with everything in life, you should be polite. Like the old saying about a gentle answer turning wrath, so you should pick gentle words to defuse situations. If you are dealing with people who get offended, the best way to deal with them is not to try an antagonize them. You would be surprised how a little patience and non-confrontational words can make a situation better.

Although, there will be people who do things to get a reaction or some who just want a fight, sometimes the best thing you can do is be polite and ignore them. Sometimes listening helps. However, other times you will need to take decisive action. Certain behavior is inappropriate and you will have to take action.

Anyhow, there is no such thing as a life long enemies. In life, you don't have that one main nemesis that goes against you head to head. And if you do so happen to have that long life enemy, then that is highly unfortunate. But either way if you do, it's not really them that is the problem. Yes, to a large extent it is, but at the end of the day its you. 

Why? The reason is because that person is someone you will meet over and over again until you finally are able to deal with that type of person. Then you'll be able to move on with life. It does take time, but this person is only one out of many.

So, should you be afraid to offend people? Yes, no, you shouldn't be afraid to offended people to do the right thing or live your life. However, don't look to offend people. Why start a fight when you don't have to? Look at the bigger picture, we are all humans and no one  is the enemy. We're all people just living this life. While holdings hands is probably not going to happen with everyone. Just try a different approach, see a human, and you might see things differently, compassion when you can, and always politeness at every opportunity.

Thursday, 6 August 2015

Mine Enemy is Holding An Honest Mirror

Only enemies speak the truth; friends and lovers lie endlessly, caught in the web of duty. ~ Stephen King

It's been said that keep your friends close and your enemies closer. While it is suppose to mean that you keep a very close eye on your enemies, it can also mean other things. For instance, like keeping them around to keep you honest. Enemies unlike friends, don't like you, they don't really care what you think of them, so they can be very honest. Painfully honest in fact, while painful, they're honesty is refreshing were friends would be worried about your feelings.

Enemies can say many things, very spiteful things, sometimes for every mean thing they say, it has a grain of truth among them. If they call you a fat person you just take it that maybe you should be concerned about your health and change your diet. How nice of them, they're worried you might get diabetes! If they say your a whore, maybe you should make sure that you have safe sex. Your enemy doesn't want you to get aids! Either way, you can turn what they meant for bad into good.

Although sometimes, your enemies sometimes say things to hurt you and it's for the best that you just ignore them. You really just have to be honest with yourself, and learn to filter out lies from truths.

With that truth, you should really just take the time to examine it. If it's not true, you can analyze and say okay that's good that I don't have that problem. However, if it's truth, look at it, and then ask yourself how can I get rid of this problem? You might even find that your so much better for realizing you have that problem. A little bit of soul searching is always good now and then.

The truth can be a painful, especially coming from people you don't really like, but it's important not to just get offended by they're comments, make it work, and you'll realize that one day these moments made a better you. Yes, people will criticize, and they may one day become friends or realize they're wrong, but till then, don't let yourself be damaged by they’re comments. Learn from your mistakes, pick yourself up, and maybe one day you'll might thank your enemies for telling a flaw. The flaw that made you change to be such a better person.

Saturday, 1 August 2015

When Courage Came To Call

Courage is being scared to death... and saddling up anyway. ~John Wayne

Courage is not the absence of fear. It seems that many have a misguided belief of courage. Courage by definition in it's purest form can really only be called when one is putting oneself at risk for others. While there are many noble things or amazing things, they don't fall under the category of courage. While it may sound pedantic, if we lose sight of what true courage is, we could end up encouraging things that are few and far between courage.

The things humans can do when what they love is in sight and in danger, is truly an awing feat. The bravery men and women will do under the most horrible situations is astounding. However, here lies the danger, we are so amazed with this courage that they show, that when we think that something looks like it, we account it as courage. Howbeit, that is just taking the thunder of those brave men and women.

While some might say that someone is sick and they're trying to get better, that is not courage. Yes, they're fighting for they're lives, but that does not mean courage. Although they may be good about it when they're sick, it is still not courage. 

Furthermore, while someone might feel scared and do something to fight against fear, that is fighting fear, not attaining courage. It is truly sad when people will say something is courage, when in reality it is perversion of something that should be pure and out of the heart. It's a mockery or a cheap comedy of courage.

So what is courage exactly? It is defying fear to save others, it's running into a burning building to save someone, it's standing up against a bully who is beating someone, it's jumping into a river to save someone when the water is high, it's grabbing that fellow soldier and saving him/her, and it's willing to put your life at risk for others. That is what courage looks like a bit.

While we will not call a red truck a fire engine truck, nor will we misguidedly call a dress a different color, so will we not call something that is not courage. Furthermore, for those who do not know what courage really is, they will be surprised by what they must give, but for those who know courage, they will know what must be done, ready and waiting, for when they are called.