
Saturday 17 October 2015

Who Murdered Kindness?

The best portion of a man's life, his little, nameless, unremembered acts of kindness and love. ~ William Wordsworth

Kindness is rarely rewarded in this day an age. It seems to be growing extinct. While many feel that is horrible, it is true. In attempt to rail against it, people have tried to stem the tide with few and futile means. Sometimes it works, most of the time it works for half an hour or a day. Whatever the case, it dies and for a want for better words remains ineffectual at best. With that lies our dilemma to growing problems in society. 

There was this case a few years ago back, about a loving father and husband who died. It was a real tragedy, and not just the fact that he was all that, but how he died and why he died.

Being a good Samaritan this good man saw a man and women violently arguing. Seeing this and trying to help he tried to peacefully solve this conflict. However, at his attempt to help, the couple instead turned against him, and killed him.

In that one moment and a man died who only was trying to do what was right. Kindness died in sense that day for that town. And the sad thing these stories are not separate incidents. While other cases may not be as tragic or violent. They are equally shocking. With cases of people faking breakdown to rob others who try to help, a friendly wave greeted with death, and finally a simple attempt to open a door for another human being met with a curse.

In a sense, a kind act now comes with a price, not at the person receiving it but those that give it. People wonder all the time why are people so evil or just plain rude. This would be one of the reasons. If a good deed is always paid in full hate; It makes a world void of kindness.

Something is desperately wrong, and what we're doing needs to change. It would seem slowly over the last decades society is missing the mark. While people claim to have so many advances in society and the best interest of humanity. It means little or nothing, for society that seems to be steadily growing less caring.

Sure there are nice stories or heart warming tales, but isn't it so sad that they are so rare that the news would report it when they happen? In days of old people were just nicer. Yes, there was still the terrible, but people were nicer.

Nevertheless, with this we all know it. It stares across our faces whether it be at work or play. We already know it. While it may sound grim it's not all bad. For forewarned is forearmed. While living in ignorance is bliss, it last only so long. Knowing is better, but also worse. However, better to face something head on than head in the ground.

So what can you do? Well, it was once said, be sharp as serpents and innocents as doves. The world is dangerous place, it always has been. However, it's just gotten a little worse, so that one must be wise, think before you act, be realistic, and whatever you do be honest about it. And that's what you should do before you do kindness. Sad? No, just a reality.

All in all, this shouldn't stop people, but it's just a reality you must face. It's a very real reality that we are seeing on a wholesale scale an extinction event of kindness. It shouldn't stop you from reaching out and trying to help another fellow being. But it's just something one should be careful about. It's just something that is evolving in society.

However, does that mean we should ever stop being kind or being loving? No, not in a thousand years. Even if it means that being kind could endanger one's self. For if we don't have love, all we are is a bunch of clanging cymbals.


Unknown said...

Very well spoken sir!

Unknown said...

Very well spoken sir!

Unknown said...

Thanks Marsha.
