
Thursday 14 January 2016

Pain, A Strange Gift

Without pain, there would be no suffering, without suffering we would never learn from our mistakes. To make it right, pain and suffering is the key to all windows, without it, there is no way of life. ~ Angelina Jolie

A world free of pain would be a horrible place. It may sound strange, but if you talked to a leper, he/she would be able to tell you why. The reason is that lepers can't feel pain, so thus they don't know when they are damaging parts of they're body. This lack of awareness of pain, causes them to injure themselves, and body parts, thus fall off. So in a ironic twist, pain, a horrible thing, is really a good thing in a sense.

Pain is a messenger, whether it be physical or emotional. It's something that tells us that something is wrong. If it is ignored, it can cause dire results or something similarly unpleasant. It's an alarm, a warning like the beeping when you reverse your car too near to another object.

 Pain is a great motivator, if your feeling pain, you will most of the time react quite quickly. It is also a great teacher, like learning that stove tops are hot, poking bee's next is not wise, or insulting people bigger than you; Pain makes you learn.

However, there is a whole industry dedicated to not feeling pain, feeling depressed get rid of that pain with a pill, sore, pill, headache, pill, emotion, pill. The list goes on, the problem with that is that there is usually reason for feeling pain. If you cut of that feeling, you run the very risk losing the part that is giving you pain. 

Although pain has it's benefits, people seem to have made a whole philosophy around it, which is not right. Pain can be explained, but not to the point where you see it as some amazing thing that should be worshiped. It's startlingly, when people start saying it made me such a better person because this and that. It's good if pain helped you, but ultimately, it's how you reacted to pain, or the people who helped you through, not pain. Pain is not nice, but it has it's purpose.

It's easy to wish for a world without pain, but pain is something that is part of our lives. Pain is not a problem, the reason for the pain is the problem. It's our job to find the reason for that pain. Pain is not great, but it's something that helps us notice where we wouldn't.

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