
Wednesday 16 December 2015

Not Very Helpful

I hate cynicism - it's my least favorite quality and it doesn't lead anywhere.

Conan O'Brien

It is wrong to give into cynicism. It can be justified, but in truth, it can be very despicable. The idea of, never try never fail. That type of attitude is one of the major causes for evil. The mentality of letting something happen, because we're all just going to die any way right? Such thinking is foolish and weak.

Cynicism is interesting, it's the idea of giving into believing that everything is horrible and basically a pessimistic view of life. It can come in very small to very large amounts. It's really a self-defense mechanism to handle against all that life has hurled at us.

However, the thing about cynicism is that it's lazy an easy. Being hopeful or looking on the bright side of things, takes effort and skill. Sometimes it would be so much easier to just give up and let the world or things to go to hell. Henceforth, why people are cynics, it takes too much effort to believe again. It's just plain too scary.

Howbeit, if you take that view you will always be proven right, because what you believe is generally what you receive. This is so, as you cannot receive anything that you don't believe true. If you don't believe something you cannot accept or use it, because it is not real.

On the other end of the spectrum, people who are cheery and happy are annoying, but if they are really not faking it they are amazing. They are really to be admired. However, most people aren't usually always cheerful, it's impossible. Things happen and get's us down. This doesn't mean faking is anything wrong, it's sometimes good to fake it till you make. However, if things are bad, sometimes it would be best to stop faking to yourself and everyone, and just admit things are bad and fix it.

With all, it's easier to be a cynic, but what is easy is not always good for oneself. Usually the hard path is better. Harder at the beginning, but easier at the end. It is better to challenge oneself and have a chance to live the impossible than to never try, and thus automatically fail.

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