
Saturday 20 February 2016

A Sensible Tree Hugger

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.~ Margaret Mead

It would be idiotical to ignore the environment, and it would be equally so to put it above humanity. However, taking caring both is actually nearly one in the same. While holding hands together and chanting “we are one”, is useless. It would be quite interesting to point out that it does have some merit. Things are circular, and what affects one, affects another.

Taking care of nature is really just common sense. If we mess up Earth, we really mess up. While we may have not explored even a fraction of the universe, Earth is the most viable place for humans in what we have seen so far. If we destroy it, we're all dead. Literally all dead, no rewinds, or “I didn't really mean that”.

However, more importantly, just because we don't see the affects of our action, doesn't mean that someone is not being affected. Someone is----the next generation.

Howbeit, that is not entirely true, people are being even now affected by our actions of today. Just look at The gulf of Mexico, Indonesians burning their trees, or Japan releasing methane gas, which has been rumored to be calling the chaos in the weather. If anything, the poor suffer from people's play with the Earth, in a detrimental way.

In addition, we are destroying ourselves. Sure if a little amount of plants die, that's not something to cry about, but it's not just that is happening. Whole areas are being destroyed. The problem with this is that plants provide us with oxygen, the stuff that helps us breathe.

Although this might so all grim, there are great people who will be born, and are already doing things. In Israel, a mother created a fully biodegradable bottle. This means you can just chuck it in your garden and it'll break down. A true recyclable bottle. In different parts of the world, people are finding new ways to clean up the Earth, it's not all hopeless.

At the end of the day, solving the world's environmental problems will take certain steps. If we are to make better choices, it would have to be someone normal or basically you or me. It couldn't be some rich person or some politician. The reason so is, as they are one person and not everyone is rich or a liar. It would have to be a few willing souls with simple ideas, who are just living this life: Trying their best to make ends meet. A person just like everyone, so people could say, “I can do that.” Otherwise, it would just be another individual dancing around, not a combined effort. Furthermore, having a person like everyone proves that saving the environment is possible and realistic goal, if not worthwhile.

To sum it up, a woman once said on giving advice on eating right, it's not about dieting, it's about making better choices. In the same manner, it's not about suddenly stopping doing what we're doing. No, it's about making better choices, more responsible choices.

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