
Saturday 27 February 2016

Last Night Of Our Lives

The future belongs to those who prepare for it today. ~ Malcolm X

There is something really not quite right with being short sighted. It's selfish and ignorant. Such attitudes, are what causes most of the problems of the world. From taxes to wars. If people could just see a little longer, just a little further, we wouldn't be where we are.

Being short shortsightedness affects things, globally and personally. On a global scale we see people just doing silly things with not thinking things through, for just a short financial gain instead of seeing the repercussions of things. Whether it be destroying things or not buildings things in place that could have saved lives.

On the personal scale, it's the same story, a short time pleasure, and a future hell. Whether it be taking drugs or ruining a relationship that would last forever, over something that wouldn't even last for ten seconds.

While it may seem so black and white to not see further in the future when it is presented like this, it is not always quite simple in the real world. Nevertheless, it's still there but not as easy.

However, whether easy or hard to see, the same rules and consequences still apply. If people would just play the long game things would be so much better. If we could think a little bit more beyond the pure enjoyment of now. 

Yes, we hear it in songs and books, enjoy it like there's no tomorrow, but that doesn't mean it's going to be something right or even nice. Furthermore, that attitude is usually from someone who is unhappy, and doing that usually does not tend to make them any happier.

Sometimes, the short time pleasure isn't even as good as we thought. Moreover, things can be enjoyable, even if they take a while to manifest. A little pain now, can be the benefits of a life time. If your willing to not the take short cuts, you'll actually find that you get their quicker. So let us see what our actions will make tomorrow. Let us secure the future by taking a little time to think now, then regret later.

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