
Saturday 13 February 2016

World View

Given a choice between their worldview and the facts, it's always interesting how many people toss the facts. ~ Rebecca Solnit

Are you happy with things? Do you wish that things were better? Do you feel that despite all the improvements that humanity has made, we have some how evolved , but woefully left our morality behind?

Do you like the world you live in? A world that seems to be turning faster every day; A place that no longer seems home?

Do you like your country? If a thousand people got together and spent their whole life time counting its debt, they would die before they could finish. 

Do you like the terror you live in? Terror organizations popping up faster than weeds in a backyard: ISIS, Al-Qaeda, Hamas, and the million other terror groups that stem from something called peaceful?

Do you like the refugee situation where there are the good, the bad and the selfish, yet we are to take all? If not that then, does it seem sane that a boy would die ultimately for trying to get good teeth in Germany, and drown, leaving a safe home in Turkey. Or the refugees raping in a Russia and Germany and people denying it?

Do you like that there are organizations set up to create peace among nations and unite them, but fail? Failing so much that they would turn a blind eye to those who war, and beat those that desire it, so that somehow peace can be obtained? Do you like this paper tiger that is really UN-peace?

This is the world you live in. Do you like your world? But the real question is: Will you choose your world? Would you dare, to do something? With every tipping point there is equal opportunity for a better world as there is massive failure. All it takes is one person to realize that something needs to be done or just refuse to applaud when something is not right. All it takes is someone to change a tide. A Joan of Arc, Martin Luther King, or maybe someone just like you . 

If your willing, save your world, no one will thank you or maybe even see you. However, something must be done, no matter how little it's worth. Whether it be helping someone, or something, if that is done, you've probably done a lot better than others. So, if you've done that, then really, thank you.

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