
Thursday, 31 March 2016

Forever And Ever

What does one do about the dead? They live forever. ~ Dora Russell

If you could live forever, you would have all the time in the world. Time would mean nothing to you. Death or growing old would not be a problem. However, if you lived forever, you wouldn't care as much about life, because you would be a billionaire in life. Time would mean nothing to you. You could keep on living life, because you would never get old or die.

Living for ever and ever, it sounds pretty good, but why does it sound good? Most people think that living forever would necessarily be good. However, even with our lives now, we don't fully utilize our lives even though we live longer.

So would living necessarily longer be such a good thing? Probably not, would be the answer. The reason so is, something is only valuable when it is rare or not common place. If we all live forever, people would take things for granted. Just think about it, already when people are young they live how they live, and when they get older, and see that death is nearer, sometimes, life becomes more precious. Furthermore, when you only have one dollar, that dollar is very important to you, compared to someone as rich as Bill Gates who could swim in it.

It's not really that the whole idea of living forever is bad and all, it's just that people don't seem to already appreciate what they have. Additionally, when we come face to face with our own immortality, we start thinking more, and sometime more about others.

Often at times we are not grateful for what we have, we are always hoping to reach something. We are so engrossed in getting somewhere, that we forget to live now, and be happy. Being happy takes a conscious effort. With living for eternity, looking at the pattern of our lives, it would seem safe to assume that we would not change our lives, and that's why being alive forever, wouldn't be that great. It would just mean that we were more unhappy for longer. The thing is, if we cannot be happy or do something with the now, we cannot expect to do so for the whole stretch of time.

Death, lack, and inflatable cats are not nice. However, sometimes, when you only have so much you realize how much you have. Moreover, having more years in life would be a good thing, but living every moment of your life fully would be better than living forever and not appreciating moment. At the end of the day, we do not choose what cards we have been dealt with, but we certainly choose how we play them.

Saturday, 26 March 2016

World Peace

Peace on earth would mean the end of civilization as we know it.  
 Joseph Heller 

Peace to all humanity, it's an interesting line, it could be a reality, and it's a dream. Also, it's probably not worth it or possible.

There is a poem, it talks about an empire that makes peace by making a desert and calling it peace. What this poem refers to is that a civilization or a place, is destroyed and then called peace, it means that peace is attained by destroying everything till only silence rules. There is no noise, and thus peace is attained. Peace can be attained like that, the destruction of everything.

Similarly, we can have peace, by stopping anyone who opposes peace, or what people believe is peace. However, that type of peace can only end in the crushing of others. If ten people are in a room together and nine are silent, but the tenth is noisy, if you get rid of the tenth, you have peace back into the room. Consequently, if you remove all that oppose peace, you will get peace, but is it worth it having the laurels of peace resting on the bodies of others?

A few generations ago, people didn't have as many opinions, it was a lot easier. However, do you know what, people where judged and forced into positions that they didn't really like, it wasn't perfect. Howbeit, the real catcher is this, we had more peace then. Why? Well it's because people weren't allowed to be diverse, so everyone was the same more or less, sure we had some differences, but now a days we have all these conflicting categories, making the world more divided, but more free. Is peace more important, or is freedom more important?

It is easy to talk about peace, but it's a different matter making it or defending. We can talk about laying arms down and not fighting, but like the old saying, if you want peace, prepare for war. Take for instance the recent Belgium bombing. The terrorist bombed the very heart of the UN, the so called keepers of peace, the famous paper tiger. Peace, was lost that day, because un-peaceful measures weren't put in place to defend the peace. There is a price for not assuring peace, and words are not the only thing that can keep peace.

Fundamentally, when you realize that people, don't believe in peace, or have total different mentality from peace, you do realize that to have peace, is a nice thought. Peace cannot be, sadly, always be established by holding hands with other. They have a total different mindset from oneself. Furthermore, what if others believe that they are truly fighting for peace, and you are just standing in their way? Maybe, in certain occasions they could have been convinced, but not in the time frame that it takes to stop them with force.

It's not so much that violence is the answer, but that if the peace that we desire is going to happen, there will be conflict of interest. This doesn't necessarily mean violence, but definitely disagreements will arise, causing unrest. The thing with World peace is that, peace was established twice, but two wars had to happen. Talk didn't create peace, but war. It's arrogant to think that we could have peace, when we can't negotiate a drive through on the highway without having road rage.

With peace, war only begets more war, but to not have war or conflict is to invite unrest. War is not the answer to peace, but neither is inaction. World peace is ambitious, it's good, but not necessarily realistic. As humans we are in a dilemma, to not stop someone would destroy your peace, but to stop them, is to destroy world peace. If we are at war with each other, world peace is lost. However, to not be at war with each other could be the very certain destruction of our homes. To long for world peace is good. However, seeing peace in one's mind is a step and so is: peace in the home, society, county, state, country, and if you have time, the world.

 At the end of the day. world peace is not how much we are doing to move in that direction, but what are you willing to do to get world peace.

Friday, 25 March 2016

Stand Firm, For Who Will?

Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen. ~ Winston Churchill

People have different opinions in the world, that's fine. However, sometimes people aren't really fine with your opinion. They may be nice about it, they may be aggressive about it. Whatever it be, stand firm.

In a world where we are told to have opinions, yet at the same time are told not to, it is quite a contradiction. Despite that, you shouldn't bow to intimidation, you may change your mind, or you may see that opinion was incorrect. However, you mustn't let others force you to change your opinion.

When you allow others to force you to change your opinion against your will through fear and coercion, it basically says, that such behavior is alright. However, that behavior is not right, not even remotely, even though their cause may be right, allowing people to bully others into submission is never right. Additionally, by letting others, despite their best intentions, to bully others for a good cause, ultimately, will sour their cause, no matter how good and right it may be at first.

Hence why, you must keep firm, because sometimes even if your opinion is wrong, or just not right for the now, having someone to temper others is important. Having a culture of people who say yes is a road that no one wants to travel. By stepping up to the plate and expressing an unpopular opinion, you may very well save others. If we agree on everything, no one will be able to question if walking off a cliff is a good idea.

In the long run, if people don't like your opinion, just keep on having your opinion. Sooner or later, they will either accept you, or just move along. Either way, job well done. However, if you keep on caving to the wishes of others, you will find that you have less friends, and most assuredly, you'll upset someone sooner or later trying to please everyone. In the end, failing your whole plan of not upsetting others. Moreover, the people who are going to be the good ones in your life, may steer clear from someone who caves. Since they are good people, they will look for similar people.

To sum it up, it is better to risk having an opinion that offends someone than having society that has no different opinions or voices. For it is far better to have a world divided with different opinions than a world united with stupidity.

Saturday, 19 March 2016

In Defense Of God

God is, even though the whole world deny him. Truth stands, even if there be no public support. It is self-sustained. Mahatma Gandhi 

As Hitler was guilty for killing the Jews even though he may have not killed one Jew, he is still as guilty for killing them as the soldiers who pulled the triggers . With that in mind, if God was to order or to tell someone to do something, does it make him any real or any less guilty in helping someone? What if God was behind something, like the helping of a starving child? Does that make Him not guilty of doing a good deed and thus not just doing nothing? However, that would only apply if you believe that God is real or you have a war with Him.

If we were able to corner God and put Him up for trial, we wouldn't be able to judge Him. The reason we wouldn't be able to do so, is that in court one is to be judge by his/her equals. Just as we would not be judge by a bunch of monkeys, as that would be unfair, so would it be so if a god was judged by mere mortals. In this instance, the only way we could judge God would be by finding a bunch of other gods. And that, is highly unlikely since people aren't willing to believe in one God, let alone enough gods to do a whole jury.

A lot of people accuse God of doing nothing. However, how do we really know that He is doing nothing? We don't know if terrorist are going to kill people, but we know they are planning, and we see this when they kill people. What if we don't see things as they really are? What if humans are agents of God and they do his bidding? What if things that we didn't see as before are God's tools? Does that make Him any more real? Or does it make us God paranoia? Seeing everything as God when in fact it isn't? Well paranoia is not paranoia if it's true. So is it true?

With the arguments against for God, they have been quite silly. However, to be precise, they have both been quite poorly constructed. One of the reasons so is that the religious and the Atheist are humans. This means they have feelings and emotions. Making them easy prey to emotions. While feelings are good, it is one of the reasons that the arguments are flawed as they have more feelings than logic. 

Another reason for the arguments not always fully succeeding, would be the fact that you cannot prove or disprove that God is real. If you cannot find something, you cannot fully prove that it is so, nor can you disprove it just because you don't know what to test for it not being real.

At the end of the day, science cannot prove everything. Howbeit, faith is called faith for a reason. With that in mind, that is usually where arguments fall into a uneasy rest between the two contenders. Nevertheless, to sum it up, it does not matter what we think, God is real. Why? Well, firstly, either because He is real, or, He is real because others believe in Him in such a manner that it affects others in a very real manner, that an invisible person couldn't do.

Thursday, 17 March 2016

Just Like Hitler

People may not always believe what you say, but they will believe what you do. ~ Adolf Hitler

Every monster was a man first ~ Edward Albee

Hitler for us, is probably the epitome of evil. When we think of the most horrible thing, we think of Hitler. The only thing that we think more evil than Hitler, would be Space Hitler. With this hatred and fear of Hitler, people like to play with that. So much so, that they accuse anything that has a resembles to Hitler.

It's strange to think, that after all the horrible things done on this Earth, Hitler and his regime, arguably, is the most evil we have seen. What Hitler did was so horrible, that still today, it still makes us shudder. It's good, it means that we still can tell evil from good.

Nevertheless, people take advantage of that disgust towards Hitler, they use it as a tool to coerce others. This is seen with people saying that person is just like Hitler and start muttering fuhrer just because they believe that they look like Hitler.

However, Hitler had good ideas, and also some very bad ideas. Just because someone has similar ideas to Hitler, does not necessarily mean that you are Hitler. Otherwise, we are all guilty of being Hitler. For if you want these things, you are just like Hitler:

If you said, I want to grow a mustache, you would be Hitler
If you wanted to make your country stronger, you would be Hitler
If you wanted to bring back the economy, you would be Hitler
If you wanted to see no animals hurt, you would be Hitler

Just because someone has certain aspects of themselves that does resemble like Hitler, does not make them Hitler. If we start accusing everyone of being Hitler, then we will start throwing everything and anything that has some slight appearance. 

The problem with this is, Hitler, while probably one of the most reviled men on Earth, he was still a human being. So just because someone has a good idea, that does not make them Hitler, just because Hitler had a good idea.

Additionally, if we accuse everyone of being like Hitler, then we take the deaths of six millions Jews in the Holocaust and the others who died and lessen it. We lessen it, because when we say someone is just like Hitler, it is most likely that they aren't just like Hitler. Furthermore, since they aren't actually just like Hitler, it makes Hitler seem better, because naturally, they aren't as evil as Hitler. So when this happens, people start to think that Hitler is not that bad. If someone was to say that their neighbor is just like Hitler, and the neighbor in question, is only guilty of invading your property in winter with Christmas carols. Then you are saying that Hitler is only as guilty as your neighbor. However, as we all know, Hitler is more than just guilty for invading people in winter.

In short, make no mistake, Hitler was evil, but just because someone has something that looks like Hitler, doesn't mean that they are Hitler. Just because you want to create a stronger argument against someone, does not give you permission to use the Hitler card. It's overused, and it does most likely injustice to you, and to them. You because, surely you intellect could think of a better insult or more accurate description, and to them, because they most likely aren't as bad as you say. It's hardly likely that they are a murdering manic, vegetarian, or someone who ordered the killing of millions.


Saturday, 12 March 2016

The Prey Doth Pray

The perils of duck hunting are great - especially for the duck. ~ Walter Cronkite

Is hunting wrong? Yes and no. There are certain benefits, and certain elements. However, in general, there is nothing wrong with it. Animals hunt, humans hunt, and if there are aliens, they most certainly hunt.

As human beings, we have been hunting for a very long time. Hunting for food, hunting for a better life, hunting for a good time. However, the hunting in question is hunting animals.

It's very obvious that there is nothing wrong with hunting. Having said that though, it is very obvious that there is something wrong with hunting certain animals. Hunting endangered species such as: Whales, Tigers, Lions, and other such creatures is wrong, as it is selfish.

Hunting these creatures means that the next generation won't be able to see them. On earth we have lost already several animals that, personally, it would have nice to have seen.

With that said, hunting other creatures, meaning the ones that aren't endangered can be a good thing. When you get your own meat, you do several things. One, would be you get exercise, second, would be that you learn a little a bit more about the animal you kill and have more respect. It teaches you that something had to die so you could enjoy that pie or steak. Thirdly, sometimes, hunting can help cull down creatures that are going out of control and destroying the natural food chain. 

To talk more about this subject, animals, such as deer, are not native, and when people start farming these creatures, it mean that their numbers greatly increase. So much so that they start destroying the native wildlife. With hunting, it culls down these animals in a way that helps the place two fold. Provides food for humans, which means, it lessens the demand on meat in the main stream market, and controls dangerous elements in the wild.

However, despite the benefits of hunting, it would be important to mention the other side to it. It's a big industry of hunting. Furthermore, it's a sport. While, we may not all agree with that, if the animal, is killed properly, and people respect the animal, one shouldn't complain. Yes, there may be that arrogance, and stupidity in it, but if the animal is eaten, killed properly, and nothing is wasted than it would seem fine.

Despite that though, sadly there will be cases of people mistreating animals while hunting. By this, one means, that they cause the animal unnecessary pain, but like everything, there are pros and cons.
To sum it up, hunting is a part of society, and it's useful skill to learn, more so if you ever need extra food. However, it's important that we do not waste in our killing. Since we live in a world of instance, food, sometimes, we forget that every bite we have is a sacrifice. In addition, hunting is more natural and more healthy than just purchasing food. If done right, hunting is fine, but done wrong, can be shameful.

Thursday, 10 March 2016

Equality For All, And The Dogs To Those Who Fall

The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal. ~ Aristotle

What really is equality? Many moments and people chant it, but it's hard to tell from all these bias sources. However, what equality is not, is the pulling down of others so that we may all wade in the filth together--- equally. Rather, equality is the rising of those that were down there, to join those up there.

People have mistaken and believe, to have equality they have to prove that one is better, stronger, faster, smarter, than those who they wish to be equal to. If that doesn't work though, people try to push down others who they believe are receiving more than them. However, true equality means that everyone is equal. Pushing down others to seem equal is not equality. This means that those that desire to be better, are not truly searching for equality.

With the idea of being better to reach equality, it seems to be ingrained into such movements: Feminists, Black Lives Matter, and the LGBT. In addition, the problem with this is that these movements only care for themselves, the titles says it all. And the thing is that they have to disprove others who are not with them or seem to be in their way.

Yes, women should have equal rights as men, but why can't you look out for both men and women? Black Lives Matter, you don't have to be a genius to figure that out, nor do you have to be one to realize that the other lives matter. The LGBT, well, the lack of H, says it all that they don't really care and support all sexualities, but rather only certain life styles.

The thing with all these movements, they aren't really about equality because they all have their own agenda. Additionally, whenever these groups of these such caliber come out, it seems that it divides, rather than unites us.

Furthermore, true equality is not feasible, not everyone are equal. If we were then, we would be just manufactured beings. Instead, we have strengths and weaknesses. Despite that though, something that everyone should receive equality for is, the chance to go where they want to go, fairness, kindness, and freedom.

Ultimately, tearing down one another to make one feel better is really childish. Such behavior actually destroys true equality. While these people say that they support equality, to truly support equality, one has to push further beyond our limited scope and see the rest of the world, and not just our own lives. Instead of trying to push up one group, we should all rise together and not build ourselves higher on the bones of another empire.

The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal. Aristotle
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The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal. Aristotle
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The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal. Aristotle
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The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal. Aristotle
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Sunday, 6 March 2016

Hero Worship

A hero is someone who understands the responsibility that comes with his freedom. ~ Bob Dylan 

Hero worship, it's when someone looks up to someone because they are impressed. In fact, they're so amazed at that person, that they want to be just like them. It's the most amazing thing to look at someone, and say in your head, I just wanna be like you. However, now that most of us are crusty, cynical, old people, we know better than that.

There are heroes as there are villains. However, what you find in life, is that the heroes aren't that good and the villains aren't that bad. Despite that, there are truly bad people as there are good.

In society, we call people heroes, and they aren't really heroes. They are just washed up humans wearing the garb. That's wrong, and more so, that children don't know that.

Switching on the Tv, you hear about sport, death, life, and then you hear about some celebrity doing something stupid. Whether it being smoking weed, beating up someone in a drunken brawl, or something equally stupid. Most of the time we just roll our eyes at their stupidity. However, when you look further than the surface, you realize that it's not just a celebrity making a fool of themselves.

The reason so is, there are kids and people who look up to them. It doesn't matter what they signed or did not sign, what matters is that harm is being done. If people admired men and women, who took out our trash, it would mean that they should hold themselves in proper conduct. It's not being hypocritical or not holding true to yourself. It's just a matter that when you hold a position of influence and power, you have to act properly. People are watching and looking at these people.

As sad or frightening, pop singers, sport supers stars, and other such people with almost like pedestals, they are societies leaders. They are influencing factors. When some Kardashian does something dangerous or stupid, people follow. The worrying truth is,kids have these idiots on their walls. They listen to them, and they are copying; For the worse.

While celebrities aren't heroes, it doesn't mean that people don't treat them like ones. Heroes, in general, are people who others think are so. Although, it may sound harmless what they do, damage is being done. Maybe not to us who know, but what about those that don't know? It would be naive, to believe that someone would suddenly hold these celebrities accountable to their actions. However, it's important to know that what they are doing is wrong. For who knows, maybe one day, we will judge them for doing much wrong. And hopefully, one day, we will truly have some heroes.


Thursday, 3 March 2016

Stupid Dumb, Forward On!

There are no secrets to success: don’t waste time looking for them. Success is the result of perfection, hard work, learning from failure, loyalty to those for whom you work, and persistence. ~ Colin Powell
Sometimes the only way is forward. Not backwards, sideways, but straightforward. While it may seem quite asinine to just go forward stubbornly, sometimes, that is the only way to win the war.

In life, there are so many situations where there seems to be no options, no hope, and no chance. Your back is at the wall, and your in between a rock and a hard place. The mountain or hill that you must climb, is so high. However, despite the odds, you just have to move. Even if you have talent, willingness and grit, trumps over talent, any day.

To demonstrate this, Thomas Edison was a brilliant man, the creator of the light-bulb. But to achieve his goal, no matter his brilliance, he had more than a thousand unsuccessful fails before he was able to build a power eating, and non environment friendly light-bulb. While talent will get you to a certain level, it will not help you in the higher stages if your not willing to cultivate skills or put the hard yakka in.

 Nevertheless, this is not about talented people. It's more about the normal people who face things that don't always work out. Even if there doesn't seem like any point or any chance, you still have to try. Often, once you keep on going past that first hurdle, even if doesn't make sense what your doing, your steps get you where you want.

However, with everything, it should be taken with a little salt. If your trying to walk through a brick wall and your being stubborn about it, maybe try walking around it. The thing is, before you do your last stand with going straightforward and nothing stopping you, access the situation.

Although people talk about hacks, cheats, or working smart, it will only go so far. In the maze of life, brain will only get your so far; feet will lead you to your destination. We can be smart about things, but if you really want to achieve something, it's about being faithful with little, so you can get that big much around the corner. Be like a donkey sometimes and things will just work out. If you just plough ahead, and keep on going, sometimes, fate smiles on the stubborn. Be stubborn and sometimes things just work out.