
Saturday 12 March 2016

The Prey Doth Pray

The perils of duck hunting are great - especially for the duck. ~ Walter Cronkite

Is hunting wrong? Yes and no. There are certain benefits, and certain elements. However, in general, there is nothing wrong with it. Animals hunt, humans hunt, and if there are aliens, they most certainly hunt.

As human beings, we have been hunting for a very long time. Hunting for food, hunting for a better life, hunting for a good time. However, the hunting in question is hunting animals.

It's very obvious that there is nothing wrong with hunting. Having said that though, it is very obvious that there is something wrong with hunting certain animals. Hunting endangered species such as: Whales, Tigers, Lions, and other such creatures is wrong, as it is selfish.

Hunting these creatures means that the next generation won't be able to see them. On earth we have lost already several animals that, personally, it would have nice to have seen.

With that said, hunting other creatures, meaning the ones that aren't endangered can be a good thing. When you get your own meat, you do several things. One, would be you get exercise, second, would be that you learn a little a bit more about the animal you kill and have more respect. It teaches you that something had to die so you could enjoy that pie or steak. Thirdly, sometimes, hunting can help cull down creatures that are going out of control and destroying the natural food chain. 

To talk more about this subject, animals, such as deer, are not native, and when people start farming these creatures, it mean that their numbers greatly increase. So much so that they start destroying the native wildlife. With hunting, it culls down these animals in a way that helps the place two fold. Provides food for humans, which means, it lessens the demand on meat in the main stream market, and controls dangerous elements in the wild.

However, despite the benefits of hunting, it would be important to mention the other side to it. It's a big industry of hunting. Furthermore, it's a sport. While, we may not all agree with that, if the animal, is killed properly, and people respect the animal, one shouldn't complain. Yes, there may be that arrogance, and stupidity in it, but if the animal is eaten, killed properly, and nothing is wasted than it would seem fine.

Despite that though, sadly there will be cases of people mistreating animals while hunting. By this, one means, that they cause the animal unnecessary pain, but like everything, there are pros and cons.
To sum it up, hunting is a part of society, and it's useful skill to learn, more so if you ever need extra food. However, it's important that we do not waste in our killing. Since we live in a world of instance, food, sometimes, we forget that every bite we have is a sacrifice. In addition, hunting is more natural and more healthy than just purchasing food. If done right, hunting is fine, but done wrong, can be shameful.

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