
Thursday 14 April 2016

'Twas Bad, 'Twas Good

 Nobody's all good or bad, and nobody's all light or dark. Every human being has so many different aspects and facets to them. ~ Anna Gunn   

There are no bad guys, so technically there are no good guys. Evil or good can only exist when the other is around. To know one, is to know the other. With good and evil, they are like mantles, or clothing that people put on. As soon as they take them off, they are no longer bad or good. Like the clothing we choose, may create an image of ourselves, we do not stop being us when we change clothing. Others' perception of us may change, but we do not change. So thus, good and evil are like clothes, which in turn means that there are no bad or good guys. Just people wearing good and evil.

The problem with all that good and bad guy thing is that you have just too strict lines. Yes, there are lines that shouldn't be crossed or some things that are black and white. However, that whole, “if you do that, you're gone forever”, such thinking is incorrect. The reason so is, actions as said before are like clothes, they affect our perception and others' of how they view us, but it doesn't change your DNA or anything dramatic.

When people say that they are all bad, that is not possible. We haven't ever seen all evil before, and when we do, the very Earth will probably cry out. Nevertheless, if you were all bad, ultimately you would have no chance for good because you were only bad. In addition, every action that you would do would be destructive or hurting someone. Also, no point in your life whatsoever, did you ever do any good. However, we know already, when see so called “bad” people, they always have  some good in them. Whether it be feeding a homeless dog or having a loving family.

One of the many misconception of good and bad guys would be the whole us and them. The ideal that when someone falls, they are no longer good, but bad just waiting to be revealed; The crowning sin, the great fall, the unforgivable, and so and so forth. However, there really is no such thing, there may be very dire lasting consequences, but you can always go back.

Despite all that, it would be note worthy to point out that, the illusion of good guys and bad guys would be that, we're programmable. Programmable in the sense, that once you learn to do something, you usually do it again and maybe in a deeper degree. With this, it may make people feel that they are evil or bad, because they keep on doing that which they do not desire. Having said that though, there is hope for them: what can be programed can be reprogrammed.

The danger of believing in strictly good and bad people is, that you block the path to good for the people who you believe evil, and let the good go down the path of bad, because you believe that they are always good. People aren't infallible, we are every day on a balance of good and evil. Every choice we make is either going to be bad or good. But at the end of day, we are not neither of those choices, we are batteries, we either charge up on good or bad. Whatever we choose will be reflected in our actions in the spotlight, and behind closed doors.

Nobody's all good or bad, and nobody's all light or dark. Every human being has so many different aspects and facets to them. And there can be something noble and something really dark and dangerous going on in a person all at the same time.

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