
Saturday 14 May 2016

More Than Big Kids

Being a grownup means assuming responsibility for yourself, for your children, and - here's the big curve - for your parents. ~ Wendy Wasserstein

When we are young, we look forward to getting older, and when we grow old, we wish we were young. Many people believe that being an adult is just aging physically. However, more is in the process of turning into adulthood, an art which seems to be lost, as much as the real grown ups that used to populate Earth.

When you look around the world, you will probably see a lot of immaturity. It just seems that as the years go by, it takes people more and more years to grow up. As someone once said, people grow old, but it's a choice to grow up.

 One could really go on and on, how people are immature and insecure. However, the point is not to put people down, or a start a groupie that moans and groans about society, but rather to ask a simple question: Where are all the grown ups?

To answer that question, one must ask what does a grown up look like? Well, they are a bit like this: A grown up is someone who is at peace with themselves, they are fully secure in their position, they do not put down others to make themselves feel better and they have a quite confidence all around them. They are beautiful as they are, and ugly as they are not. Their vision is not clouded by what they see, and they can rise above what is petty and not bicker about trivial things with others.

They may act silly, but never frivolous, or foolish. They know who they are, and not what they are. The grown adult is a human being, but most of importantly, the grown up is someone who is working towards being a better grown up. If they take a step backwards, they still try to go forward, and when they die, they gave it their best. They tried to make a better world, by bettering themselves, to make a better place where ever they went.

That ladies and gentlemen, is a small insight of a what a grown up should be. Age, gender, personality, race, can stop no one from being that, ever day we have a choice to work to those ideals. But what begs the question is, do we stay as we are, and grow old, or do we age with grace?

With that in mind, we should take the time to note that, if there were beings such as those listed, the difference between the people of past and people of now. Is that they worked to those ideals, while we tried to find the fountain of youth. To grow old is life and out of our control, but to mature in wisdom is in our best nature. It is better to be adult in an adult's body then a child in an adult's body. For all and one, for those that live with you, and for yourself, who is always with you.

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