
Sunday, 31 July 2016

Perfect Logic

It is perfect logic to be illogical. People don’t make sense, how we feel doesn’t make sense, and things that shouldn’t work, work. Life is like that, so the only way to logically combat that is to be illogical to extent that is logical.

It is only logical to realize that we live in an illogical world. Thus it is only logical to be illogical to avoid losing all logic. While that might seem illogical it is quite logical. For it is better to have some logic than lose all logic.

The way we live and how live is not really explainable. It doesn’t make sense that we float in a giant ball that is suspended by nothing. That is not logical. It’s not logical that we should be able to float in space. Yet we do, just float, and float.

Another thing that is illogical is feelings and emotions. Emotions and feelings aren’t logical. They are based on things that don’t seem to make sense. While things might seem logical in our head, our feelings feel otherwise. Often at times causing us to do things that defy common sense.

Nevertheless, it would be foolish to deny them. As we are not beings of logic, but things that feel. So thus we cannot be fully logical, or it will kill us. For if we are beings of feeling, to deny that would be denying our self, and thus killing us as we are beings of feelings.

To live this life, one will meet illogical people. To live one is illogical. It’s not that being illogical is smart or logical, but rather that its only logical to realize that things are illogical. The only way to deal with this is to see things for how they are.

So embrace that humanity is illogical and that our planet is not fully logical. Life doesn’t always make sense. The impossible happens sometimes. Chance will always put a spoke in logic’s wheel, which makes the spice of life. Being logical can only go far in a world not based on logic, and life can be strange. However, that is just life.

Saturday, 30 July 2016

The Many Vs the Few

Anyone with just a rudimentary understanding of math get that Utilitarianism works. If you go out with friends and you have to pick a restaurant you ask for a vote. If only one says no to a restaurant while the other ten or five say yes, the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.

It is logical and obvious that trying to make happy or saving the most people over a lesser number is smart. If you have the opportunity to save a hundred people over ten, the bigger number is naturally going to be picked. It’s just common sense to do so.

Nevertheless, the problem with Utilitarianism is that it functions to a certain extent, and then it stops working. In theory, it makes sense and in real life to a certain extent it works. However, in general it doesn’t compute.

When a Utilitarianism approach is chosen, two things can happen, the first would be that, people just become a number, and it affects those who say they are a number and those who feel they are a number.

If people feel that others are just a number you find that people get careless with lives. Soon what was undebatable or a line that should never be crossed is crossed, because it’s always justifiable as it would benefit the many. What you find is that, sooner or later the person who makes the decision, suddenly starts trusting only their judgment to make all the hard decisions. Everyone is just the few to benefit the many, so everything is acceptable.

The second thing that can happen is those who feel they are just a number, no longer believe in the system or believe in their leaders. No man/woman left behind, that attitudes or saying people are precious give people courage and see themselves as a team. We're all in this together. Making them believe that others will care for them. So when they are all alone in the dark, someone is going to take the time for them.

When they are lost in the wild the chopper sent to find them in the wild is never too expensive. It’s not going to be an expense that could be instead used to pay for the many’s benefit. People need to know that they are important and not just a number.

Whatever happens or how people feel, either way, Utilitarianism creates an uncaring society. Every life form is precious. You can’t put prices on people as they are invaluable. The few are very important, as they represent what will we do as a whole to each other. That few is like our soul. If we treat them badly what will we do as to society as a whole?

Although it makes sense to have Utilitarianism, it doesn’t make sense, because humans don’t make sense, and what works in theory does not always work in reality. If you save a hundred over for the ten. You might find you lose them all. The ten you let die, and the hundred, who believe that you will do to them as you did the ten.

Sunday, 24 July 2016

Aware Beware

This article is about being aware of being aware. In a sense, it’s a joke of some sorts. However, with all the awareness around today you think that people would aware of being aware. Nevertheless, with all the awareness campaigns; rain or shine, it would seem otherwise.

You could know everything in the universe but be powerless to do anything. Awareness is the hope that if people knew, if they just knew the plight of things, something, just something would happen. Nevertheless, awareness is not the ability to do something, since it is just having some knowledge.

With awareness, it does not always bring the desired affect. A couple years ago, a man was trying to bring awareness to the plight of workers who regularly fell into the beef patty machines in a factory. Writing a book, he tried to tell the population of the horrid deaths. However, instead of having the desired affect, the public sentiment was that it was “gross”.

The problem with all this awareness, is that it doesn’t really engage people, and if it does, it doesn’t necessarily engage them in the right area. If someone had a broken finger, and you told them that they had one, besides panicking, they wouldn’t know how to fix it. The person would know of the problem, but not necessarily know how to fix it; Show the problem, but don’t fix it or tell how.

Despite awareness being unhelpful, it is also can be dangerous. With all these awareness campaigns, they just say do something. It’s a call to arms without a proper plan, and without a plan, a group of people can quickly turn into a mob.

Even if someone was trying to do the right thing, if they aren't directed they could make things inadvertently worse. For example, giving clothes to children in Africa. Nice ideal. However, if the region that you gave needed something else or maybe they have local dealers trying to sell clothes; you could have just given a useless gift or ruined the economy of the local businesses.

Awareness is commendable, and sometimes very constructive. However, there comes a point when it is just information overload. Being aware of something will not always bring the desired affect. However, sometimes quietly doing something and trying the best to help, is better than fifty awareness campaigns. Awareness is not action and action is not necessarily helpful action. If people really want to help, thinking things through is a start.

Friday, 22 July 2016

Let’s Talk

By talking and words we communicate. With other ways, we also communicate by our actions and our body language. Using these means we are able to convey messages to other fellow humans. Nevertheless, despite our best efforts we are not always able to communicate successfully, and if we do, it can be the wrong message.

Have you ever heard someone speak a different language to you? Most likely if you didn’t speak the language, you wouldn’t understand it. Although, they are talking to you, you are not understanding what they are saying. While that might seem obvious, what they are not doing is communicating to you. As communication is sending information and others understanding it.

In understanding communication, it’s a big misconception to believe that by talking we will always successfully communicate. Nor is it true that by not talking communication is not happening.

Good communication involves, knowing what your trying to say and not what your not trying to say. It must be clear and concise for others to understand. Furthermore, taking the time to communicate is very important.

Moreover, the methods are sometimes the utmost of importance. For instance, you don’t propose to someone over the phone with a text. Although they would receive what you are saying in words, they wouldn’t receive what you are fully saying. Instead they will receive a different message from what you desire.

Above all, if your going to communicate, the main purpose is to make sure that the receiver understands fully what you are trying to say and mean. When we speak, we are not just communicating with the words we speak, but we emphasis or our bodies give meaning to the words. How we conduct ourselves when we communicate with: places, actions, and words, will define how someone receives a message.

In essence, even if your communication methods are flawless, it doesn’t mean that things will be perfect. People aren’t perfect and sometimes people have blocked ears. Finding the best means to work around people’s blocked ears and distractions is the key to communicating.

However, at the end of the day, the only thing that separates good communication and bad communication is that the person your communicating understands or doesn't understand what you are trying to imply or say.

Saturday, 16 July 2016

What We Believe

It’s been said before, that as a person thinks in their head, so they are. There is a logical, scientific and a more less scientific reason for that.

If you don’t believe you can do something, people usually don’t do it. People don’t believe they can walk on water or fly so people don’t usually try it. Once they have proven they can’t, they don’t usually try it again. So if you don’t believe you can’t do something, you don’t do it.

This belief in your head, can shape you as a person. If you believe you can’t do things, it will effect you and shape you. Not being able to do things, or telling yourself can be very frustrating.

On the more logical side, your brain controls your body, and your thoughts come from your brain. It’s not much of a leap of logic that the very thing that controls your body or the mechanics that make you do things, can shape who you are. If you believe in your head that I’m no good or such thoughts, it will affect your brain. It’s like having a moment of indecision when trying to decide where to go. You want to believe you are something, but your brain is listening to your thoughts of unbelief in yourself.

With the scientific side, your brain is constantly growing. The more you make friends, talk, or do things to challenge your brain encourages healthy growth. A brain that has a lot of negative thoughts compared to a brain with a positive brain, is a lot more inferior. The reason so is, that a brain that has negative thoughts, causes stress. Stress releases toxins in the body, and makes you feel tired amongst other things.

In a nut shell, whether thinking positive thoughts or negative thoughts is the difference between the brain commanding the body to take care of itself or hurt it. Meaning, if your brain is thinking negative thoughts, and releasing toxins into your body, it’s going to affect how you do things. Which in turn, can affect your thoughts about yourself due to success or failure. So basically so to speak, as your think in your head so you are.

Our thoughts can control us if we allow it. Ultimately, we control our thoughts, and not vice versa. It can happen, but we cannot allow our thoughts to effect who we are. There is a magic side to our brains being affected, but also there is a logical explanation. Either one will lap over the other were things cannot be explained about the brain. 

However, either way, negative thoughts, do effect our actions and us. As Olympian champions prep their bodies, so do they prep their minds. They prepare for their bodies to be champions and they prepare their minds to have thoughts like a champion. If they do that to succeed, we who just want to win in life on smaller scale should be aware of our body and our mind. If it doesn’t believe it can do it, it’s not going to ask the rest of the things it controls to even try.

Wednesday, 13 July 2016

To Learn To Fly

To know success is to know failure. If you don’t know what is second-rate you cannot not know what is excellent. If you do not know what failure is, you do not know what success is. To teach students to succeed they must know failure if they are to avoid it.

Failing is needed to avoid the bigger failures and reach the bigger successes. When you have a misstep you are able to see where you went awry, it opens your eyes. Furthermore, it enables you to help others who are experiencing the same predicament as you experienced.

One of the greatest problems of failing is not necessarily the failing, but rather that people aren’t allowed to fail. When first trying out life, people need to know others will catch them. Otherwise, people will feel that failure is totally consuming and debilitating. However, a false step is only as bad as gravity or fire, when in the wrong situation.

If people are not allowed to fail, they are not able to reach success for fear of failing. Failings are just steps. Or maybe something that should be categorized as learning. To fail is to learn. To not fail is to not know and understand something fully. If you know something well, you know it’s good points and its failings.

It would be better to know someone who has experienced failure, than someone who has only walked the smooth path. For if things go wrong, someone who has never experienced failure will be suddenly thrown into the deep end. However, if someone who has experienced defeat or loss, they know how to pick themselves up, and whether with others or alone, they can help others.

Failing is good to a certain extent, what is not so educational is when people deal with it inappropriately. People need to change their minds on failure, because we learn from our mistakes. Life isn’t a smooth path, and failure is just part of life. There is nothing to fear in failure when you have others to pick you up or when it makes you a superior person. If we truly learn from our mistakes we can only get closer to achieving success.

Saturday, 9 July 2016

Problems With Problems

Problems are like an overflowing bathtub, an issue when left alone, and worse when left for latter. Problems are like the opposites of wishes. You wish that wishes would come, with problems you wish that they would go away. Nonetheless, in a sense, they are similar, they won’t happen unless you do something.

One of the greatest problems of problems, is that people don’t want to know they have problems. It’s so much easier to sweep things under the carpet, to forget about them. The thing about problems though, is that they are snowballs going down a hill in a cartoon movie. If they keep rolling, they will only get bigger. In sense, it’s really an ironic, it’s a problem that you don’t want to deal with a problem so the problem only gets bigger.

It is a problem that we don’t want to know our problems. However, people at times might not be aware that they have that problem of not wanting to know their problem. Usually then, is when you will need someone else to help you with that problem.

Nevertheless, you will never have a problems with problems in your life, if you don’t seem them as problems. The problem with problems, is really how we seem them. If you seem them as something that challenges you to be more experienced and learned, you find them less abhorrent. In fact, you will only seem them as enhancements to better you. So if you solve an issue with dealing with problems, you won’t have problems, because you will have already solved them, because you don’t mind solving them.

Problems challenge us and they stretch. It might not always be pleasant, but whether we fail in our attempt to solve or succeed them, we can always learn from it. Problems don’t disappear, they are like mushrooms, if you neglect them and hide them in the dark, they only grow bigger and better. There is only two ways to deal with problems, and that is to solve them. Either cheerfully trying to learn something or left for later and worse.

Thursday, 7 July 2016

Come Join Us

A cause is only as good as the actions it presents. The only thing that separates a terrorist from a freedom fighter is the means. If a cause is good and it’s actions are nefarious, no matter how good the ideal of the cause, the evil done to achieve that goal can sabotage the good intent.

Many in this life, and probably in the next has been deceived by a cause. Causes can be causes, and they can be unacceptable. However, people seem to believe that just because the ideals sound right, the people seem nice, or the belief seems sound, a cause will be good.

While in general, out of the mouth speaks the heart, it doesn’t guarantee that people will follow their words or their heart. Furthermore, even if people do follow their heart, it does not mean that they will do it correctly or pleasantly.

Say for instance, someone wants to save the eco system but plans to wipe out humanity to achieve such goals. Good ideals, horrible plan for executing those ideals. They aren’t evil nor is their cause, it’s just their means is atrocious to say the least.

Despite people's best intentions, the means of the cause are sometimes more important then the outcome of the plan, as they in the end define the cause. A simple way would be to put it as this way. If your plan is to make everyone happy in the room, yet your implementation of the plan is to slap everyone till they’re happy, it’s rather obvious they will never achieve their goal because of their tactics.

Yes, it can be debated what is really good and what makes a cause evil. However, there comes a point  when you will know. You will know when in fact, when the cause allows any means to justify a cause. Or when the means has a irreconcilable differences from the goal the cause claims to achieve.

Ultimately, in a world where there seems to be a lot of gray. Looking at people’s actions is a key to finding what they are about. Although people say what they say, actions speak louder than words. Goals of a cause and reason of a cause are important. However, the means never justify the cause as they are the fruits of their labor. If the fruits are bad, then the cause is misguided. For someone’s means are the preview of what is to come once they have reached their goal. If you cannot trust what someone is doing now to achieve their goals, how can you trust them once they have attained their goal?

Saturday, 2 July 2016

Smarter Than You Think

Often in life people are to quick to judge people's intelligence. Moreover, people are quick to judge themselves. However, intelligence, brains, are all very relative. What might look smart or dumb, changes in situations.

There are many kinds of smarts. So naturally, there will be many kinds of dumb. Everything has an opposite in life. Nevertheless, the problem is that people usually see things very simply or one sided pertaining to brains.The kinds of smarts, so to speak, vary widely. There is emotional intelligence, there is genius, there is quick-thinking, and there is wisdom.

In general, what most people lack is quick-thinking smart. This usually pertains to quick recall and thinking fast. Basically, quick reactions. If someone shouted to someone who was a quick-thinker smart,”What’s 12 times 55.” They would immediately shout back,”660.” Most people would think that is impressive. However, if you or somebody just said,”errr.” Depending on the situation, and the people, attitudes may vary. However, if you’re in a classroom, people might say that your dumb.

While that is harsh, it would be true to a certain extent, but not in the way you think. The reason so is, you wouldn’t be “smart” in that area. However, there are other kind of smarts, and just because you are not smart in those areas does not mean your dumb. Take for instance, if you were a genius. Although you couldn't reply quickly to the question earlier, it doesn't mean your dumb. Your area of genius could be building flying cars or something.

For others it can range from several things. Maybe they’re smart with emotions, which is what people call emotional intelligence. It means that you are very aware of your emotions and the emotions of others. So if you walked into a room, you could tell if it is tense or happy. Then depending how the room was feeling you could react and respond better. 

Which also brings to another matter. Someone with low emotional intelligence will be thought stupid if they are wondering why someone is crying when they are the cause of it. They might be a genius or something, but they cannot tell what’s going. That also, still doesn't mean they're dumb.

Finally there is wisdom. Wisdom, is an interesting thing. It’s the ability to apply knowledge and understanding correctly. Often people see that knowledge is being smart. However, even a parrot can quote facts. Furthermore, just because someone does not know certain things, does not make them dumb. It just means they don’t know. Having knowledge does not mean your smart, all it means is that you can memorize facts. Does that mean you can apply them? Does it mean you understand it? Wisdom on the other hand can apply the facts and with understanding.

People aren’t usually dumb. There is no really dumb people out there. Only people who only seem dumb. Given the right training, teaching, or place, people will look very smart. Just because someone might seem dumb in one area does not make them overall dumb. Furthermore, intelligence only refers to your brains and it's ability, and since your brain is in constant growth, you could be dumb today and smart by tomorrow. 

At the end of day, people are not dumb, it's usually only because people tell them they are or they believe it. While in a sense we can be called dumb, we are not dumb in every area. It's just a matter of finding your weakness and strength to know what you really are a genius at. 

I am Superman

While it is obvious one is not so, it still has a nice ring to it. Nevertheless, being superman, or playing “God”, it’s a powerful experience, but a limited one in a sense: You can control, but can you really control?

Have you ever thought, “would to God, that I had all the money in the world”, or something equally impossible or unlikely? Most would say yes. Despite the things that we wish for, most of them have lasting consequences, or just severe limitations.

Let’s say you have one wish and your environmentalist or something like that, and you wish that all the pollution in the world goes away. Although sounding nice, it really isn’t, because the change is a sudden change. It’s an unnatural change without the lasting steps of real change.

Furthermore, due to a change like that, you might find that pollution actually gets worse instead of better. Due to the severity of the change and without the steps to make it solid, you might find the change is not lasting. In addition, since suddenly people find all the pollution gone in the world, people would stop caring, because it’s no longer an issue.

While you might not be an environmentalist, you can see that wishes or magic happenings, don’t really work out always. Despite receiving superpowers, or even if you had the God ability to change things, it won’t necessarily work. The reason so is that without the sacrifice or slow change that has to happen it won’t work.

Take for instance world war 1 and 2. Do you think we would have the peace or the longing for peace, if we hadn’t had so many dead? What if no one died in those wars? We would probably say that war isn’t so bad, so we would have more, because there is no consequences or horror.

Similarly if you had all the money in the world, but you had a bad spending habit, and that’s why you wish you had all the money in the world, your still going to be as before as you were. However, most likely it might take you a while to spend everything, but you would still find that you would still end up the same: Wishing for more money.

There’s nothing wrong with the impossible things or them happening. However, most of the things that we wish for, are just pies in the sky. Furthermore, if we had the ability to grant our problems to go away, we might just find the problem remains, because without the consequences or real need to change, nothing happens. 

Sometimes dealing with things naturally and slowly is the only way to deal with things. If you introduce a magic formula to get rid of things, the problem still remains, because there will always be the human factor. You can change the world in one day and get rid of all the problems, but you cannot quickly change the humans. Maybe sometimes, but not all the time.

So even if I was superman or you were superman and we had the ability to change everything. We cannot, because superman can only change things, not people. If we are to experience real change, it has to be without magic, but instead a solid foundation of working to a real lasting change.