
Thursday 7 July 2016

Come Join Us

A cause is only as good as the actions it presents. The only thing that separates a terrorist from a freedom fighter is the means. If a cause is good and it’s actions are nefarious, no matter how good the ideal of the cause, the evil done to achieve that goal can sabotage the good intent.

Many in this life, and probably in the next has been deceived by a cause. Causes can be causes, and they can be unacceptable. However, people seem to believe that just because the ideals sound right, the people seem nice, or the belief seems sound, a cause will be good.

While in general, out of the mouth speaks the heart, it doesn’t guarantee that people will follow their words or their heart. Furthermore, even if people do follow their heart, it does not mean that they will do it correctly or pleasantly.

Say for instance, someone wants to save the eco system but plans to wipe out humanity to achieve such goals. Good ideals, horrible plan for executing those ideals. They aren’t evil nor is their cause, it’s just their means is atrocious to say the least.

Despite people's best intentions, the means of the cause are sometimes more important then the outcome of the plan, as they in the end define the cause. A simple way would be to put it as this way. If your plan is to make everyone happy in the room, yet your implementation of the plan is to slap everyone till they’re happy, it’s rather obvious they will never achieve their goal because of their tactics.

Yes, it can be debated what is really good and what makes a cause evil. However, there comes a point  when you will know. You will know when in fact, when the cause allows any means to justify a cause. Or when the means has a irreconcilable differences from the goal the cause claims to achieve.

Ultimately, in a world where there seems to be a lot of gray. Looking at people’s actions is a key to finding what they are about. Although people say what they say, actions speak louder than words. Goals of a cause and reason of a cause are important. However, the means never justify the cause as they are the fruits of their labor. If the fruits are bad, then the cause is misguided. For someone’s means are the preview of what is to come once they have reached their goal. If you cannot trust what someone is doing now to achieve their goals, how can you trust them once they have attained their goal?

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