
Monday, 27 March 2017

The Change of Wind

Europe is going through a massive change. To be precise, a right-wing change. In many ways, this is not because people are racist, but rather people were stupid that this change has come about. Due to certain people in power, and not necessarily those who lead their own country, but rather other nations in Europe and the EU that has really brought people to this decision.

While it is quite alarming that the people are doing so, a few facts and explanation is necessary to understand this change. Furthermore, it seems necessary to point out that racism is not hating someone for their religion or being a jerk. Racism is a different matter than that. With that all said, let us begin.

Humans don’t really like change. There are many reasons why change happens. However, most of the time change is not necessarily because we desire it, and even when we desire it, we still do not really like it. The problem with change in people is that you can have a pendulum effect. It is good, but sometimes it can be very harmful, but when change happens, a lot of things are going on usually in a person. With Europe, it is not a person, but there is a lot of change going on. 

Over the last few years now, Europe has been flooded with a sea of refugees, some for real reason, some others for economic reasons, and some for nefarious ideals. Nevertheless, this has changed Europe.

In 2015, it was estimated that 1.3 million people came to Europe. That is larger than India’s standing army. If you added 700,000 more than it would be equal to their whole standing army and plus their reserves. That figure was given two years ago. Since then, not all of the refugees were nice, some didn’t like Italian food, some didn’t like infidels, and some of them, if not a lot of them were young men. And with that brings us to the next point.

If you allow everyone in, you are going to have problems. It is not racist to check someone’s background. People do that with dating, let alone national security. Furthermore, ISIS outlined this as one of their plans. And it is a good plan, flood the enemy with refugees to drain their resources and sneak in spies. Both which have worked just fine. A typical barbarian plan for a barbaric organization.

Another issue that the refugee problem brings is that the people are human beings. A good thing, but they are human beings with totally different ideals. With so many of them, it’s like the whole of China being plonked onto America and hoping that no tension or cultural shock will happen.

And lastly, would be the economic drain. The whole world is struggling, and some more than others. This has led to many refugees just coming for economic reasons. This means that they want money, plain as simple. However, money is just as hard as here as sometimes there. The thing is, if one nation is already struggling on their own, how can they do so when another nations asks for help?

If Europe looks like it is changing badly, maybe it would be better to stop and think. Why is it changing? It is changing because a crisis hasn’t been handled correctly? Or is because, people have thought only with, “what would others think of me” and on misguided facts. People should help one another, but if you are helping someone who is drowning and you can’t swim, you just may very well drown together.

Monday, 20 March 2017

How Not To Save The World

If you are going to eat, the world is going to die. If you are going to breathe, the world is going to die. If you use the bathroom, the world is going to die. It’s not very encouraging, and there lies the mistake of people who want to save the environment.

Although environmentalist may have valid point when they spread their doom and gloom. It is only a point and a fact if we do nothing about the environment. However, if you are going to do something, you have to inspire people. There is only so much fear can do to push people forward.

The problem with environmentalist is that their messages is negative, and the point of the message or the motivation is fear. Fear makes people do stupid things, and fear only makes you do something quickly. Both things which you do not want people doing with the environment. Simply because, one it’s going to take a while. Two, because there have been enough stupid ideas or actions already done.

In addition to that, having a message of fear is teaching people to fear the future. And that kind of message does not spur people on in changing the future when they are afraid of it.

This brings several issues, such as, if there is no reason to do something--- Why do it? If no matter what you do, all is just going to end in pain and sorrow, why do it? While it is understandable that the situation is serious if not dire. Starting the very big project of saving the world with defeat is not going to end well.

The thing with environmentalist, and I say that in general with the ones we have, they are mainly people who are like a warning sign. They tell us that if we keep on going, we will fall off the cliff. However, that’s all it is, it cannot save you from falling off the cliff, that is something up to you.

That is why, in many ways environmentalist need to change, or people need to stop relying on environmentalist, because they have done their job. We know that the world needs better care.

And the good thing is, the world is changing, and turn around is imminent. People are learning,  to save the world you have to do something, instead of stopping something. For instance, never driving in a car is not going to save the world. Changing all the cars in the world to be more environmentally friendly will.

The world may have been in a critical state, but the world is changing and has changed. The world is doing something. Humans can and will do the impossible. However, if we are going to change the situation of the environment, we have to know there is point, and that we can do something. That is why, a message of the situation is good, but for it to be a rallying cry, not really. 

It's like how in the movie Braveheart, they don't yell out what situation they are in.  They yell how they want the situation to be.

If the world is going to be saved, it has to be people who can see beyond the future of the problem, and not those who only look at the problem. The thing about those who are really making a difference in this world, they are those who can see beyond the destruction of earth at our own hands. Those who are preparing beyond and into the future, are those who will live in a better world.

Sunday, 12 March 2017

Equal Rights: Different Strengths and Weaknesses

Equality is not about what is fair, it is what is equal. Fairness, is about giving people what they need or what they deserve. Equality on the other hand is about making an even plain. Like having two people stand beside each other, and if one is taller than the other, equality chops down the difference between the two heights to make it equal. While fairness would dictate that the shorter person get a ladder or stool.

The main problem with equality is best summed up with Aristotle’s quote,”The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal.” The problem with equality is that it tries and make everything equal for people, even though everyone has different strengths and weaknesses.

Equality is about making everything the same, which is a disaster to say the least. If you have someone who is stronger than the other, and you give them the same job, the person who is weaker, simply cannot do the stronger person’s workload. This does not make them stupid or silly, it is simply that they are not equal. Equal in treatment as a human, but not in physical gifts.

Another example would be women equality. While good that women are being treated fairly, having them equal to men or vice verse is foolish. As they both bring different viewpoints and benefits. Furthermore, in the workforce, having a diverse gender environment produces more results than a female extreme or a male extreme. Needless to say that is why men and women are different. Diversity is the slice of life.

Different things makes better things, and variety means that we all have our strengths and weakness. Equality is the choice to ignore that people are not equal or different, regardless of the consequences they may bring.

Although people might say, that’s not what equality really means, then what does equality mean then? Not what the dictionary says?

The main problem with equality is that people are not the same. Furthermore, equality doesn’t necessarily make a better life for people or mean that they will be treated any better when you bring everyone down to the level you stand. Equality isn’t about fairness, or what is right. Equality is only about shoving everyone to the same level.

And in the end, you get the old communist joke. Everyone is equal, but some are more equal than others. Equality does not ensure that everyone is treated right. It just means that we are all living in the dirt. It’s like if I have a flashy car, and since you don’t, you take it away from me so that we are both equal. That is the stupidity of equality. All it means is that we are equal.

So when people say equality, have a pause, is it really what society needs? A world where we are all treated the same regardless of what our different gifts or skills are? Wouldn't it be better to have a world where people are all fairly treated and their differences are taken into account?

Wednesday, 8 March 2017

The Dilemma of God

What is God? What is man? What is this? Thoughts, merely thoughts. They are what they are, and not what they are. This is all it is. However, when reading this, keep in mind: If you hate God, don’t hate others who love God. If you love God, don’t hate others who hate God.

The topic of God is an interesting subject, a topic that could go for centuries. Something equally so of interest would be people and their thoughts of God, against or for. It would be very easy to write whole volumes about the subject humanity's thought of God.

Nevertheless, in many ways the whole thing is ironic, for those who seek to prove that God doesn't exist, and the other half that seek to prove that He does exist. Why? Simply because, you cannot search the whole universe, so it takes faith to believe that God is not real. On the other hand, because you believe with faith that God is real, you cannot prove Him with science. Simply put, both require faith, so equally ha, ha, ha, because of the stalemate it causes.

However, something that can be agreed at least is this: God is real, in the sense that, He is either just real, or that He is real, because the actions of those who believe Him real, affect those with very real actions who don't.

Making it, not because He is necessarily real, but because the affects by those who believe in Him are very real to those that don’t believe. Meaning that, not necessarily because the entity exist, but through the actions of others. So whether believe or don’t believe, it is all very real.

The topic of God is a dilemma. It is the dilemma of ages, and even if either side were able to prove that they were right, it wouldn’t work. Simply put, if they believed with faith all this time, what’s going to stop them now? The atheist with their belief and the theist with their belief. In many ways, everyone doesn’t actually believe anything solid, because what is proof other than mere opinion? The more you delve into both sides, you start to believe in one thing only: People believe what they want to believe. So is it not really God the dilemma, but the human.

Sunday, 5 March 2017

The Art Of Writing

What in essence is good writing? Is it who reads it, how popular it is, or the contents? In many ways, good writing is comprised of those things, but to put good writing in the most simplest forms, it would be comprised of one thing, and one thing only; Good writing is about how it changes a person, and to the degree it does through the ages. The longer this change remains or how permanent it becomes, is truly the water mark of what good writing is.

There are many genres of writing: Humor, tragedy, romance, action, horror, and the list goes on. However, all their purposes are to change someone. The change are all different and for all different reasons, but the purpose is all the same.

People can write long lines and stanzas but it doesn’t matter how much you write. You can write one sentence and it won’t matter. What matters is the content. All writing should be based in changing people. It should have the ability to make people think.

If one sentence can change the world, that is the best writing that could ever be. However, when writing something, you have to be aware of who it is directed to and where they read it from.

It’s like if you found a piece of paper saying that "aliens were coming", you wouldn’t think much about it. However, if you went into a cave where no man or woman had ever gone before and written on the wall said, "aliens were coming", it would have a greater affect. When writing happens, you have to be aware of how your audience is going to read it.

Writing is one of the most powerful ways to communicate, and if you are a writer, whether out of mere communication or someone who writes for books, poems, or whatever, there is a real power in it that shouldn’t be underestimated.

In writing we convey the thoughts of our minds to another’s mind. That is why writing is so important. And when good writing comes along, it means that we can change others. Maybe not much, but if we can just change someone for a minute, we can change the world.

Writing is powerful, it means that we who write can do great good or great evil. But in some cases, just great rubbish, if we merely write. Writing is an art, and it is a gift, because not everyone is willing to do the hard work of writing. If you want to be a good writer, or just a better writer, it is always about willing to keep on writing no matter what.

Saturday, 4 March 2017

No Foe In Sight

There is no excuse for the actions of others, it is on their shoulders. However, although that may be so, we can always look with compassion and mercy. And though they shouldn’t shirk discipline that will help them change, we can always look at the bigger picture.

Everyone is a victim and no one is the enemy. That is the greatest truth. For every bad person out there, or person who has ever been rejected, tricked, or beaten up, they in many ways are the same, but only at a different point of time.

An example would be bullies. Bullies are people who want to control others, because they want control. Often this need for control can stem for having a need to feel in control in their life where there is no control else where. Why because, the bully is bullying someone because he/she is being bullied.

The thing is, we may think that we are a victim because someone has done something to us, but often they are doing something because someone has done something to them. It would be like how you might have had a bad day at work so you are short with others.So just like that bully, you are short with someone because something someone did to you.

While that might seem simplistic, in many ways it is just how it is. The bully, is often just a victim as the victim, that is why no one is really your enemy. Everyone is hurting, some just hide it better than others. Sometimes we never notice simply because we are lost in our feelings that we never question or analyze what maybe be going on in others.

In many ways, that is why justice should not be about punishing people. It should be about giving justice to two people. To the victim and the perpetrator. No one is our enemy, that is why justice should be about helping the victim as much as the perpetrator. The victim should receive recompense and the perpetrator should receive help to turn from their ways.

Compassion or mercy does not mean judgment or discipline is not passed. Rather they are things that are still given even though some form of punishment is dealt. They are like extras. Things that you wouldn’t get unless by the goodness of someone else’s heart. Those two qualities are something we should keep in mind in the face of an enemy, or when we are hurt by another being.

It does not mean that others should walk away scot-free, but rather that everyone deserves the chance of given the chance to be understood. Even if this understanding is a hand that is open palm with one hand, and clenched with the other hand to deal out swift retribution.