
Monday 27 March 2017

The Change of Wind

Europe is going through a massive change. To be precise, a right-wing change. In many ways, this is not because people are racist, but rather people were stupid that this change has come about. Due to certain people in power, and not necessarily those who lead their own country, but rather other nations in Europe and the EU that has really brought people to this decision.

While it is quite alarming that the people are doing so, a few facts and explanation is necessary to understand this change. Furthermore, it seems necessary to point out that racism is not hating someone for their religion or being a jerk. Racism is a different matter than that. With that all said, let us begin.

Humans don’t really like change. There are many reasons why change happens. However, most of the time change is not necessarily because we desire it, and even when we desire it, we still do not really like it. The problem with change in people is that you can have a pendulum effect. It is good, but sometimes it can be very harmful, but when change happens, a lot of things are going on usually in a person. With Europe, it is not a person, but there is a lot of change going on. 

Over the last few years now, Europe has been flooded with a sea of refugees, some for real reason, some others for economic reasons, and some for nefarious ideals. Nevertheless, this has changed Europe.

In 2015, it was estimated that 1.3 million people came to Europe. That is larger than India’s standing army. If you added 700,000 more than it would be equal to their whole standing army and plus their reserves. That figure was given two years ago. Since then, not all of the refugees were nice, some didn’t like Italian food, some didn’t like infidels, and some of them, if not a lot of them were young men. And with that brings us to the next point.

If you allow everyone in, you are going to have problems. It is not racist to check someone’s background. People do that with dating, let alone national security. Furthermore, ISIS outlined this as one of their plans. And it is a good plan, flood the enemy with refugees to drain their resources and sneak in spies. Both which have worked just fine. A typical barbarian plan for a barbaric organization.

Another issue that the refugee problem brings is that the people are human beings. A good thing, but they are human beings with totally different ideals. With so many of them, it’s like the whole of China being plonked onto America and hoping that no tension or cultural shock will happen.

And lastly, would be the economic drain. The whole world is struggling, and some more than others. This has led to many refugees just coming for economic reasons. This means that they want money, plain as simple. However, money is just as hard as here as sometimes there. The thing is, if one nation is already struggling on their own, how can they do so when another nations asks for help?

If Europe looks like it is changing badly, maybe it would be better to stop and think. Why is it changing? It is changing because a crisis hasn’t been handled correctly? Or is because, people have thought only with, “what would others think of me” and on misguided facts. People should help one another, but if you are helping someone who is drowning and you can’t swim, you just may very well drown together.

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