
Sunday 21 May 2017

Be It Wrong?


Abortion is the termination of a fetus in clinical terms. Or an abortion is the killing, murder, of a living being that was brought into existence. Whatever you call it, that is what abortion is. It is the ending of a person or it, which ever camp you call it. Some call it a right, some call it as right as putting a bullet in someone’s head.

There are two ways to have an abortion, either by a pill that will secrete toxins into the womb of the mother and end the fetus, and death by suction, where the vacuum gently grabs the fetus, baby, and pops it out in bits.

The argument about abortion, or to be accurate, one of the many arguments is, “When does a baby become a baby?” “What is a person?”

However, to make matters simple, the definition of a person that, maybe can be all agreed is when a baby has a heart beat. While others might have other ideals, and so do I, but if someone has a heart and its beating, we can at least all agree that is when a person is a person. For a heart has desires, and dreams, no matter how big or small.

With a baby, it can have a heart beat as early 3 weeks and as a late to 8 weeks. However, since every baby is different, they can vary greatly and so will sources when they say that a heart beat begins. To bring that into context though, this means it will either be two months or one month into a pregnancy that a baby has a heartbeat, which is less than a tv series season.

However what makes it more, sad, distressing? That in some countries, it is possible to have an abortion all the way up to 9 months, which is as long as a full pregnancy. While not sounding that remarkable, healthy babies have been born at 6 months or in some cases 21 weeks. Meaning that, even if you don’t believe that a baby is a human being when they have a heart beat at three weeks, they are definitely a person at six months.

The irony is this, if a baby could grab a knife and cut its way out of the womb before its mother did it to it, the baby could live. Because once out of the womb it would be a person.

The tragedy, is that the only reason a baby might not see the sun is that they are stuck in their mother’s womb who chose to end theirs. A few inches of skin stop them from living. If you grabbed a woman who was having abortion at 8 months and took the baby out of her unwillingly and then gave her back the baby that she wanted to end. The “fetus”, that she was trying to end legally, that was in her, is now a baby, because it is out of her. Thus making a right in the womb, into a crime out of the womb, if she was to kill it.

Another aspect to abortion, is that when someone who wants to have a baby has a miscarriage, the baby is not an it, usually no matter how young or old it is. It seems strange that people can understand the grief of a mother losing a baby when technically it was just a fetus, an it, by clinical terms. Furthermore, by medical terms an abortion is an assisted miscarriage. It just seems that as a society we can grieve over the same thing, but at the same time cry out it as a right in other circumstances.

There are many reasons people have abortions, some for purely selfish reasons, others for more grey areas such as saving maybe the mother, but the truth is, after five weeks surely we can all agree that a sacrifice of some type is happening, and that someone is losing their life when an abortion happens. This post isn’t about discussing why people have an abortion, why it should happen and all the many reasons, that is a whole different topic or can of worms. A topic that can span just over everything from: religion, “equality”, woman rights, science, the environment, over population, and probably everything that is wrong with the world.

However, this post is not about that, its about pointing out that someone is dying, and it is not simply killing something that will be a person, but someone who is actually one.

This will probably get people’s hackles raised up, and people may yell, but while that is all going on, between all the insults, and red herrings, this isn’t about you, its about whether something is ethical. Is it wrong to kill that fetus, baby, and if so, why don’t we do enough about it?

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