
Friday, 29 January 2016

Fleeting Moments

Seize the moments of happiness, love and be loved! That is the only reality in the world, all else is folly. ~ Leo Tolstoy, War and Peace

Life is tough, but there are some really great moments. We shouldn't live for them. However, we can certainly remember them. Letting them take us through the darker, or less fortunate moments in our lives.

It's really nice to be happy and smiley, it doesn't always happen all the time. More so as you cannot fake a good time or happiness. It has to be real or nothing. Joy on the other hand is another matter. Nevertheless, sure you can plan ahead and put on smile, but it won't necessarily assure the results your looking for or desiring. It's a bit like how you can prepare a fishing line, and hope to catch something, but ultimately, if the fish don't come, they don't come.

With that in mind, take happy moments, they don't last for ever. Enjoy them as they come, and let them live forever. Although, people are having it tough, there is really nothing wrong with having a good time. One should not fear, unless, you have not done your part. If you haven't done your part, enjoy this moment now, and than do your part.

Furthermore, as mentioned before, there are others who don't have it as well, but you being miserable on their behalf, is definitely not going to do them any good. Rather it would be counter productive, because we are most efficient when we are happy and hale. Being the former will ensure the latter and itself. So by being happy, you are most likely to do something for them, rather than being miserable where the only person who needs help is yourself. 

It can be disquieting to see people happy while you are gloomy, but you should really let people enjoy those moments. Yes, it may see that their happiness is out of place or inappropriate, when sometimes the world is burning or yours is. However, their happiness is only for a moment, life is fickle, those that laugh today may cry tomorrow, and those that weep today, may rejoice tomorrow.

At the end of day, sometimes we need to kick ourselves to have a good time, it can be hard at first, and sometimes it won't always work, but you would be surprised how things works. Lastly, while we have responsibilities and we should never do anything rash, sometimes, it's really just a case of: eat be merry, for tomorrow we may die.

Wednesday, 27 January 2016

Peace, Its Ginna Cost You An Arm, And A Leg

Peace is not what the UN thinks it is
It is not an uneasy one
Nor is it the silence between reload and fire
It does not care for one's battle attire
And seems to come when things are only so dire

Peace is wonderful:
 If you can afford it
Peace is love:
 Unattainable and unreliable
Peace is free
But oh so rare

It is something to wish for
Something worth killing for
It comes it goes
Nobody really knows.
Every war is the loss of it
Every bullet fought for it is the cost of it
And the many souls the price of it

It's been said to get peace is to make it
But only through deserts and naming them empires 
However, the real question is
Was it worth it?
The lives that will never be
The stories desolate mothers will receive
And the heartbreaking letters that will make sweethearts grieve

The sad answers is yes
As a man once said
We must be firm today to avoid war tomorrow
If we linger between the cusp of peace and war
We only deter the reality of the destruction and what will soon befall
To fight today, could save little ones
But, kill their fathers in it's wake
Yet, only natural for things so rare
To be sold to those only with courage and dare

If there is anything to be learnt or burnt
Teach others that blood is currency to pay for it
Iron the maintenance of it
Cheap glue and comprise the destruction of it

Saturday, 23 January 2016

Mass Destruction Event

I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones. ~ Albert Einstein

People are afraid of weapons of mass destruction, and rightly so. However, what is not right is the idea of creating a very dangerous weapon or finding one, and than trying to get rid of it. The thing is, what has been built can be built again. What has been loss, can be found again. So if you try to get rid of something, it only means that someone with less scrupulous will find it or build it, while you don't have it.

In life, there are things that are put upon us, sometime they are for us, and we must bear them, and other times they are not for us, yet we try to bear them. Nevertheless, when we have the former rather than the latter, we must take what has been given to us and be good stewards.

With destroying a weapon of mass destruction, it would seem smart, but the thing is that two wrongs right don't make a right. Destroying something so it will be destroyed does not always work, this is not algebra.

Another thing to keep in mind is, ideas are like fruit in the sky. They are accessible to everyone. Even once they are used they are still there, waiting to be used again. While an idea may come to you, it may very well come soon to an another. This is seen over and over and over in history with people racing to show their invention to the world before others.

In additionally, there was once this case of a monkey. This monkey, found a stone and cracked a coconut open. While that might not seem interesting, what was so interesting was the fact that a hundred miles away, another monkey did it, it had never done it before. However, it would seem that somehow, the two monkeys actions were correlated. One by the first monkey to the second monkey. Furthermore to prove the point, once the first monkey did it, other monkeys from different islands also started doing it too. Maybe monkeys can communicate magically over long distances or maybe that ideas once pulled down can be used by others?

 So if you did build something, would someone be able to copy it? Most likely so, as there are some very good copy cats. Also, once the impossible has been proved possible than anyone can do it. Because, people now realize it's possible so they will try till it happens. Otherwise, for instance, before people thought flying was impossible, but seeing you fly, now they know it is possible.

To reiterate, nothing is lost, the truth, or facts always will come out. Rather trying to prevent something, build a better alternate. In essence, don't try to stop the wave, try to divert and control it so it goes along a safer path. One that is in the hands of a good person rather than someone who may or may not wish good or evil for humanity. Don't leave it to fate, for she is a very sick mistress.

Wednesday, 20 January 2016

What's Your Next Move?

To every action there is always opposed an equal reaction.~ Isaac Newton

Once something is done, it can never be taken back. That is why regret is such a popular past time. In all that we do, we should make sure that our actions are good and upright. One of the reasons so, is that the whole world is watching you. You may not know it, but someone is always watching you. While that might sound like someone is stalking, people are always looking. Whether just at a glance or for a life time, people are watching your actions.

There is a song, it talks about how children will see and learn. The song carries on to say that while children may not obey they will certainly do the things that you do. Armed with that knowledge, one must realize, that people are a bit like children, as there is always part of them that is a bit like a child.

Although, a lot of people believe that they are the center of the universe, most people don't really think much of themselves. However, whether you are the president of the United States or just an average person, there will always be someone who is watching you for guidance. It may be something big or small, but sometimes what one person can change things. People follow what others do, “If John did it... Why not me too than?”

The history books are rife with what one person did and the rest followed. People aren't cows, but sometimes people just follow along like them. Have you ever seen the wildebeest in Africa? What starts as one simple direction from an individual, ends in a powerful force of nature that is unstoppable.

We've all heard the age old saying, actions speak louder than words. How we carry ourselves carries great weight, you may not know it, but your actions are like seeds. You are constantly sowing into people lives, even if it be a short or a life time. We either sow good things or bad things. What our actions be today may tip the balance for tomorrow.

How we act today will define tomorrow. Inaction is as guilty as action itself. We all have our responsibility. We may not know it, but what we do counts, because others are counting. Our actions are not really our actions, as they affect others as much as they affect us. So even if you're washing toilets for a living, someone is still watching you. Maybe, they see your clean toilets, or maybe it's when your not cleaning them. Whatever it be, you may not be famous, but your actions may start something famous. What you choose, will either determine them being famous in a good way, or infamous in a bad way.

Saturday, 16 January 2016

Worry To Your Hair Get's All Furry

A day of worry is more exhausting than a week of work. ~ John Lubbock

It's not a joke, but it should be when people tell worriers not to worry as it's bad for their health. Alongside of worrying about their worries, they now get to worry about worrying. It's rather silly advice, some better advice would seem to be needed.

Worry, it is the state of being nervous and dreading of what is to come. In the world of worry, it is quite linked to anxiety and fear. However, these are two separate issues, and should not be mixed up. The difference between the two is that fear, is fear of the known, and anxiety, is fear of the unknown. Sometimes we are worried, but we don't know what we are worried, and other times we know what we are worried about. 

It would not be very helpful to talk about how debilitating and harmful worry is, but it is necessary to highlight how important it is to address this issue. Moreover, if it's affecting sleep, relationships, and health that action should be taken. Even, if those aspects aren't being affected, one should still try to fix it, just because worrying isn't a nice thing.

To fix worrying is not a matter of waving a magic wand, which would be pleasant if so. However, everyone has different techniques or needs for curing it. Some need breathing techniques, like breathing in through the nose for the count of four and releasing out of the mouth at the count of four. Further methods are, taking the time to sort through one's worries, and find out why you are feeling that way, instead of being worried. Alternately, it may be just simply saying no to worries and leaving it at the front door and picking them up later on. Additionally, sometimes talking about it and working it out the matter with someone can be all that is needed. The problems seem smaller and sometimes a solution is brought to light.

There is a place for worry, but it shouldn't take up so much of your life. It shouldn't be something that paralyzes. There's nothing wrong with worrying about things, if you use it constructively and plan for the future. Otherwise, worrying is not good. If one is like, "Ah, I see that problem, I will fix it". However, if one is like hiding under the bed and worrying about the future, that is not helpful. Worries are real, but worrying won't help, planning is the constructive form of worrying.

 In life and much more, there are so many more worries that we have than the last generation. However, sometimes one needs to come to terms with one self and make peace with everything, find your balance, sort through worries or leave them behind. As a people, we have to be smarter, there are a lot of things that we can't control and that is scary, but do what you can do, and what you can't control will be what it will be. We must try our best, but ultimately, everything lies in lady fate's hands.

Thursday, 14 January 2016

Pain, A Strange Gift

Without pain, there would be no suffering, without suffering we would never learn from our mistakes. To make it right, pain and suffering is the key to all windows, without it, there is no way of life. ~ Angelina Jolie

A world free of pain would be a horrible place. It may sound strange, but if you talked to a leper, he/she would be able to tell you why. The reason is that lepers can't feel pain, so thus they don't know when they are damaging parts of they're body. This lack of awareness of pain, causes them to injure themselves, and body parts, thus fall off. So in a ironic twist, pain, a horrible thing, is really a good thing in a sense.

Pain is a messenger, whether it be physical or emotional. It's something that tells us that something is wrong. If it is ignored, it can cause dire results or something similarly unpleasant. It's an alarm, a warning like the beeping when you reverse your car too near to another object.

 Pain is a great motivator, if your feeling pain, you will most of the time react quite quickly. It is also a great teacher, like learning that stove tops are hot, poking bee's next is not wise, or insulting people bigger than you; Pain makes you learn.

However, there is a whole industry dedicated to not feeling pain, feeling depressed get rid of that pain with a pill, sore, pill, headache, pill, emotion, pill. The list goes on, the problem with that is that there is usually reason for feeling pain. If you cut of that feeling, you run the very risk losing the part that is giving you pain. 

Although pain has it's benefits, people seem to have made a whole philosophy around it, which is not right. Pain can be explained, but not to the point where you see it as some amazing thing that should be worshiped. It's startlingly, when people start saying it made me such a better person because this and that. It's good if pain helped you, but ultimately, it's how you reacted to pain, or the people who helped you through, not pain. Pain is not nice, but it has it's purpose.

It's easy to wish for a world without pain, but pain is something that is part of our lives. Pain is not a problem, the reason for the pain is the problem. It's our job to find the reason for that pain. Pain is not great, but it's something that helps us notice where we wouldn't.

Saturday, 9 January 2016

Some Facts About Gays and Lesbians

A person once asked me, in a provocative manner, if I approved of homosexuality. I replied with another question: 'Tell me: when God looks at a gay person, does he endorse the existence of this person with love, or reject and condemn this person?' We must always consider the person. ~ Pope Francis

Here is a compiled facts about gays and lesbians for your enjoyment.

1. Being Born Gay

There is no scientific proof that there is a specific gay gene, which would seem to indicate that being "born gay" is not possible. Furthermore, gene scientist have found that genes cause tendencies for certain things, but ultimately, humans have control over their destines. Also, homosexuals have no different brain structure or any other body part that sets them apart from other heterosexuals.

2. Good Parents

Same-sex-couples were found on media sites and news channels to be found excellent parents. However, what was not mentioned that the research that was done was done with teams that consisted of a gay man who had a husband and children. Furthermore, the research was sampled. Basically, teams picked five thousand out of thirty thousand, which they did not say why they picked them. Also, with the studies, the questions that were asked to same-sex-couples were asking if the children were happy and successful at school. Strangely enough, none of the parents replied with a negative that they weren't raising successful children or happy ones.

3. Out the Mouths of Babes

Interestingly enough, several grown adult children of same-sex-couples said that they loved their same-sex-parents, but all they really just wanted was a dad/mom. One bisexual man citing that he believed it necessary that kids be raised by a father and mother. In addition, these children commented that they knew others who felt the same.

4. Happy Homes?

It has been found that one in every three same-sex-couples have experienced some form of domestic abuse. However, rest assured, experts say that this is neither too little or too much compared to heterosexuals couples. Proving that violence is very much about equality.

5. A Riot About Liqueur?

In the Stonewall riot, which is celebrated annually as gay power, is actually about brutally and alcohol. In the riots, a police officer lost his eyeball and his colleagues beaten at the bar with no liqueur license. 

Although, Asians make up nearly ten percent of the population of America by ratio, there are more gay and lesbians characters in Tv  than Asians even though there are three times more Asians than gays and lesbians in America.

And there you have it. So, what can we learn from this, probably that not everything is as it seems. However, it is important to remember that whether something be right or wrong, people should be always be treated fairly. On the other hand, this does not mean that you have to believe everything. Nor should you be afraid of looking at facts even if it makes others uncomfortable.

Friday, 8 January 2016

Extreme Sports Are Better For Humanity Than Extreme Beliefs

Combine the extremes, and you will have the true center. ~ Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel

Any extreme is doomed to failure and the detriment to humanity. While an extreme is not always dangerous, an extreme belief is a recipe for a disaster. Although, that statement may sound extreme. It is important to realize that there is a difference between believing something extremely from having an extreme belief. Believing something extremely means you believe this to be so from experience and constant testing, that is why you can believe so. The other, is never really tested less something shakes the extreme and it is no longer true, and to shake that extreme is to cause an extreme reaction. Furthermore, the extreme belief is never tested. Why would they? They are right after all?

One of the major problems of extreme beliefs is ignorance, pure unadulterated ignorance. While it may not seem so, it is. People may be very knowledgeable, yet they are ignorant. They are ignorant because they don't realize that there is more to life than their set beliefs. If they do see other views, they are all viewed as all flawed except their one. People having such extremes does not indiscriminate, it can be held by the religious, the LGBT, Atheists, and every day people.

One of the saddest, but best examples is, Maria Curie, the mother of radiation. Maria Curia died, because she wouldn't test her belief. Radiation, her amazing find, and sadly her death. She refused to believe others that exposure to radiation was killing her, yet it had already killed her husband. The thing is, she refused to believe even though she was a genius in her field.

While these people may be loving or really nice, they have these beliefs that they are not willing to check if they are wrong. Never questioning or even thinking that everyone else is wrong and only they are right. They arrogantly believe that they are right while everyone is wrong. They never pause to analyze their position or check if they are truly correct. One of the biggest problem is that they refuse to be argued with, and if they do, it's really just a facade to allow them to carry on hammering their belief into one's self. If they can't get their way, they will yell or keep repeating themselves.

However, when you go down to the root of things, all these extreme beliefs, they are all usually founded by some emotions. They may try to sugar coat it, but it's just feelings. Usually hurt feelings or something they have to hold on or drown. If you ask that person who seems to hate religion, if they're honest, "It's because I was hurt by it when I was young". The LGBT supporter, "Because it seems fair and I was bullied when young, that's why I'm bullying others to stop this bullying", "I cling to religion because my home was unstable and it provides me with stability." Whatever it be, it something usually along those lines. It may not be exact, but potato, potahto. 

Although some extreme beliefs can be quite harmless, they can actually be quite dangerous. Such beliefs are seen in terrorism, Nazism, communism, racism, or bigotry. Every extreme has it's various forms until someone gets hurt: Left and right, feminism and misogynists or pacifist and aggressors. It doesn't really matter what it is, it'll turn nasty very soon. People are on edge, they just need a little push to push them over the edge and explode.
In essences, you can't argue with emotions. You can win an argument from brain to brain, but heart to brain? Not really. Reasoning or debating will not work, because your arguing with faith, pure faith or just plain headstrong ideals. You must prove with action, because faith without action is dead. If you put faith into action, you either prove or disprove they're belief. Otherwise they're not going to be convinced. It's a simple matter of, some things can be talked over. Other times, short of brain surgery, you'll never prove your point to them.

Saturday, 2 January 2016

The Truth, Harder To Get Than Peace Or Love

It's no wonder that truth is stranger than fiction. Fiction has to make sense. ~ Mark Twain

It's been said that the truth will set you free. However, the truth is usually trapped and locked away. Finding the truth today is definitely easier, but also harder.When looking for the truth, one has to be willing to find and believe it once all other options are eliminated; as unbelievable it be.

In life, there are many lies. Even from an early age we are told that lying is acceptable, depending them being black or white lies. When we are young, our parents tell us, sorry kids, that is Santa is real when in fact he isn't. Then there are always the media lying to us when we get old, directly or indirectly.

Nevertheless, we are always seeing lies. Sadly, we believe them, because it seems plausible and not because it's true. It's easier to believe something than do the research, or just because we don't have enough evidence, we believe things.The problem with doing that is, if we are lazy, and decide to believe in lies, we run the risk of hurting innocents and supporting monsters.

Then again, how is one to know the truth when practically all so called “truths” are subjective. As it was once said, the victor writes the history books. Or some cases, those who can read and write.

The truth is, no pun intended, is that people don't want to face the truth. The truth cuts like a two edged sword, and the truth hurts. It's easy to sweep things under the carpet, to not face reality. Like Henny Penny, while it wasn't true the sky was falling, people just made fun of her not on a scientific or proper analysis bases, but because they didn't want to hear it, and it sounded too absurd.

The truth is out there, and not just available for some truth warrior person, but for anyone, it just requires effort, time, common sense, and an open mind. When looking for the truth, look for reliable sources, and then treat them as unreliable sources. The trick is to look at several, and even than, they can be wrong, depending on the topic. If it's controversial, and very controversial, most sites will be wrong. Furthermore, always see the bigger picture, look at the facts and not the opinions. For every one story there are two sides.

The truth is out there, but the question is, are you brave enough to face it? The truth can be hurtful or astounding, and sometimes it can take time to find it. However, at the end, It is better to see and run the risk of seeing horrors than living blind.

Friday, 1 January 2016

Your Not Defined By Your Bedroom

It's not fair the emphasis put on beauty, or on sexuality ~ Rosanna Arquette

It's rather silly that people let their sexuality define them and limit them. It seems that people take too much stock into where their taste lie. To be honest, sex isn't really a big part of our lives. It's more of something that people spend thinking about most about their life. Letting it define you is silly. It would be like someone letting their taste in cars define them. Ironically, people do that. Anyhow, we need to rethink things.

When someone says their gay, there's almost that pause. The same doesn't really apply with saying your straight. Technically, making that not very sexual equality and stuff. Nevertheless, why should it matter that your gay or straight in seeing you as a human being. It doesn't tell us anything about you. It may tell us what you like to do at certain times of the night or some activities. However, it only tells us what stereotypes that we know about you. It does not tell if you are: good, bad, smart, funny, or annoying. It does not tell us nada.

This is really seen with someone commenting that if all they did was reveal that they were gay their life was complete. It's ridiculous that people would have such attitudes. Being gay is not beneficial to humanity as it is like someone's taste in art decor. It's something that you do and like, but it doesn't save children in Africa. 

Yes, it may be something about you, but I don't think it should define you. It does sound a bit lame when you think about: I love smoothies, or, I am man/woman that has taste in the opposite/same smoothie.

There just seems so many important things to know about a person. I would rather know if you help old ladies cross the street or if you can do parallel parking well.

Also, why should your sexuality limit you. People say that's gay. Does it matter if it looks gay? Just because something looks gay does not mean it is so? And most of the time it's not even really “gay”. Homosexuality is only when you live a certain lifestyle and are attracted to the same sex. Not by an act or clothing.

Another problem, is that you will put yourself into a box. Just because your guy and you think another guy is attractive does not make you gay. So in the same way, you may say an animals is attractive does not mean you want to get funny with it. The sexuality issue is blown way out of proportion. It's too black and white. A lot of things are just being human not being gay or straight. Guys need hugs and things that may seem gay. When they're in reality what all men need as human males. Girls need to be tough and things, but that don't make them butch or lesbian.

The thing is really seen ever so strongly with the names we give people bi-curious, bisexual, or whatever names they give. Just because you do something or feel something does not make you totally all of sudden into or gay or straight person. It's not like once you pass a certain line your evermore that. No turning point for you! It's neither that, we are just human. Not any category someone put us into.

Sure, there is definitely the category of being gay or straight, but there is a lot of things you could do and still not be either one. Just because one side does that does not mean exclusive membership. Somethings rather just belong to humanity like drinking water. It doesn't matter what side you swing to, you all need water.

In closing, this is not about the whole equality marriage thing. This is not something that is this or that. The LGBT may, scream, but this is not about them. They can go fight and yell their hatred toward their foe, as they do best. However, this is just about not letting you be stuck in what a name gives you. Whether you believe in homosexuality is right or wrong, is not being questioned here. Rather, why let something control you? Such things should not limit you to greater things in life or force you be something just because it may seem or look like it.