
Saturday 17 September 2016

Narrow Minded As Ever

The most learned are often the most narrow minded. ~ William Hazlitt

When people see other people with certain viewpoints, they say that a person is narrow minded. However, the irony is in the words, that they say that. Yes, that person may be narrow minded, but really, only as narrow minded as the person saying so.

If you have a horse that is wearing blinkers, its view is limited. If you move the horse either to the left or the right, the horse still has a limited viewpoint. It may be different scenery or viewpoint, but it’s still a limited viewpoint.

In the same way, people are still narrow minded, they only have had a shift in mindset, but they are still narrow minded, if not more so than ever. They have traded one stereotype for another, and where they think they know more, they really only know less.

People have shifted their view, but they have not expanded their view of life. When things don’t fit their views they call names and they still act like how society use to do. The only difference is now that people have the “high” moral ground. And the way that they do it now is so “much” more mature now.

Using words like, bigot, narrow minded, and ignorant when they don’t understand others. It’s rose by a different name. It sounds more understanding, if not loving, but it’s still narrow mind thinking. Nothing has really changed, except that people feel good about themselves. They truly feel that they do right. The irony, probably people in the past felt so to.

Society may look at others, and say they are narrow minded, but what they are missing is that they are looking at a mirror of some sorts. If they were to truly be free of narrow mindedness, they would realize that just because someone has a different viewpoint, does not make them narrow minded. Sometimes you may find it’s just another part of the bigger picture that you can’t see. Something you cannot see at this point of time from your narrow view.

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