
Saturday 3 September 2016

Just What It Is

A troll is a troll: Whether it be a good troll or a bad troll; It is still a troll. People sometimes struggle with that concept, that there is no such thing as a good troll. However, it can only be simply described as this: If you wear nice clothes or bad clothes while flinging mud, you are still flinging mud.

While one uses the word and meaning of the troll loosely, a troll is basically someone who is a trouble maker online, and is usually thought to be a racist or angry person. Although people in general know this, what should be consider is that a troll is not just that.

Rather instead, a troll is really someone who is, yes all those things as mentioned above, but really someone who just isn’t nice even though they seem to be doing it for “worthy” reasons.

Humanity likes to hate and be mean to one another. If people can fool themselves that they are doing it for the right reasons, they believe they can let loose their inner horrible troll, and still be guiltless of wrong doing. However, if you’re being rude for right or wrong reasons, you’re still being rude.

Many people think that just because their hearts are good, and because what they are doing for is right, no matter how horrific, no matter what they say, no matter how brutal they get, they are still “righteous” so to speak. However, this social justice troll, is only just as bad as any other troll.

The danger of this social justice troll is that, since they are just really a troll, even for the "right” reasons, their motivation is really looking for a fight and to cause trouble. So if they can't find anyone who is doing some “wrong”, they will find someone who is doing the nearest thing to a wrong. This wrong most of the time, is very far from any actual wrong.

The scary thing with all this talk about trolling, is that we can be just as easily a troll if we don’t realize it. Furthermore, even the hardest of trolls might not even realize that they are trolls. Thankfully, it’s quite easy to spot when you are one if you take the time: If you’re name calling, yelling, or loosing your cool, most likely then you have caught a disease. Fortunately, a curable one.

Being rude to someone on the internet even if they are racist, or even the devil themselves, or anyone is not justified. For at the end day, when you look in the mirror, you look as horrible as them, because you will find an ugly troll looking back at you.

1 comment:

Priscilla King said...

Good points. I'm thinking a lot these days about how, no matter how nice our thoughts may be, somebody out there is likely to experience some sort of "hurt feelings" about them. "I love my mother"--"Boohoohoo, *my* mother is *dying*!" Everybody needs to take responsibility for protecting their *own* feelings. If it's not a credible death threat, verifiable slander, or theft of your property (including your identity), it's someone else's opinion and they're entitled to express it, whether it hurts your feelings or not.