
Thursday 15 September 2016

My Father, My Mother

It might seem obvious to most people, but some people would probably ask why having a mother and a father in children lives are important. Over the years, studies and history has shown that having a father and a mother are important, if not vital. It seems strange that some people wouldn’t realize this, and would even be upset by such a statement, but it’s the truth.

As time goes by, there have been many studies mentioning how crucial having a father in children lives are. The benefits include: being more stable, increase in cognitive ability, having healthy sexual lives, prone to have less behavior problems, and the list goes on as do the studies.

While that is just the benefits of having a father, one is not even really going to talk about the benefits of having a mother, because it seems like something you would just say,”duh.” However, a mother, where can you start? How does someone even begin? What can you say about someone who cares and nurtures you, and loves you even when others don’t? Studies don’t need to be proven to show that you need a mother more than you need your right hand.

Nevertheless, people are changing that ideal, that fundamental truth, that a father and mother are best. While change is good and needed sometimes. The problem is that this doesn’t seem to be something that can be changed. Sure kids and children can live without having a mother or father and they will be healthy; still alive and kicking.

However, to have the most optimal up bringing for children, a stable or even a semi competent mother and father is needed research has found. Time and time again, whatever people try and change, or counter research, it still holds. Things may change in society, people may say this or say that, but all their studies and all their ideals just fall away until the truth just remains.

The thing is that it’s not just studies saying this but children that are now adults that were raised by same-sex-couples. Through great courage these children are finally speaking out. Not out of hate, but how they felt, and what they have heard from others like them. An example would be the famous four (B.N. Klein, Robert Oscar Lopez, Dawn Stefanowicz, and Katy Faust) who commented we need fathers and mothers. That they all had a yearning for a mother or father, even though some of them had loving guardians.

Another case is Heather Barwick, who loved her mum, loved her mother’s partner and supported gay marriage all the way into her 20s. However, now that she has grown up, she has had time to reflect that kids miss so much when they don’t have a mother or a father in their lives.

Despite new studies that say otherwise to having a father and a mother is best, there are many new studies, but also previous studies that prove these studies wrong. Furthermore, these new studies that claim children don’t need mothers or fathers are just dodgy to say the least. With questionable sampling methods or funders who want a certain result to show.

Society is built on children. The people of tomorrow are today’s children. Yes, families don’t always work out, but to say that fathers and mothers are not needed is incorrect. Whatever happens in this life we will need fathers and mothers whether they be our real fathers or mothers. Children, even grown adults, need a mother and father figure in their life. To say otherwise, is a conscience decision to make a weaker society for tomorrow.

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