
Monday, 24 April 2017

What Did We Lose

If you take a good look at this world, it sometimes makes you wonder. How did the world end up like this? In a matter of years, we have learned to fear. If you look back about thirty years ago, the world didn’t really know what a terrorist was. However, if you switch on the television, and they mention an event, there is a tangible worry that someone is going to kill everyone, or try and kill everyone that goes to that event. In only a matter of years, we have to worry all the time about having a good time with other human beings.

The world has been a dangerous place for many years. Make no mistake about that, it always have been brutal. However, what this world has never been, is random. There is always a reason for something happening, and most of the time you could trace it from your actions and that reason for an event happening.

However, with terrorist, we all know why they want to kill us in general, mainly because we don’t conform to their beliefs, so they actively kill us for no reason. We all know that.

Nevertheless, although we know the reason, the difference is that there is no reason for all this killing. We might know the ideology of the attack, but ultimately there is no rhyme or reason to these random attacks. They just happen.

So with that in mind, it is the reason that makes terrorism so horrible, but also so fearful, because you can get use to it in the moments where it is quite. On the other hand, if we were at an all out war, it wouldn’t hurt as much because we are all prepared. We are ready for the worst, but most of all, it is something never to get use to.

With terrorism, there is no enemy so to speak. Yes, in general, they will be Middle Eastern Muslim men or women. However, that is not always the case. So you are left with broken bodies and no one to blame, and even if you have someone to blame, you are told not to blame, because, yes it is true, but it isn’t everyone in that one group who is responsible.

In many ways that answers the question----How could we just let this happen? How can every event where there are least more than a hundred people, we need to be worried. The reason this has become all normal, is that we are at war, but we are at war with shadows. We are at war, but we are at war while we live in peace. Meaning, that we have peace so we do not war, and thus live like this.

We simply live like this, because the world is not at war in the literal sense. There are no armies to fight or destroy. It is only people hiding in the shadows. And when they do reveal themselves we do war. But we war in manner that is not prepared.

In conclusion, the reason all this has crept upon us, and why it feels normal, though it be horrible, is that, this has been a gradual event. We live like this because there is no discernible enemy in sight.You cannot be in a state of war when you have to pay taxes or go to work to feed your family. You cannot do anything, but just live your life. If there is no one to fight all the time, you cannot be paid or treated differently, because there is no enemy in sight. So this is why we live like this;We are at peace, but not in our minds.

Monday, 17 April 2017

Talk It Over

Sweeping things under the carpet does not solve issues. Nor does having a problem and hoping that by not acknowledging it, that it will be fixed. Similarly, but on a more grander scale, it’s been said that when the talking stops between individuals, is when war begins. If this is all true, shouldn't we talk a little more about that which troubles us?

Problems or issues do not appear out of nowhere. They do not simply occur because they do. There is always a reason when a problem comes into being, unlike the events that people cannot understand so label it as,"happening for a reason."

So keeping that in mind, if there is always a reason for a problem, there is always a solution. It might not be the popular solution, but a solution nonetheless. However, you cannot use the solution if you do not acknowledge it.

When you think about it, the whole idea is counterproductive. If you have a problem that you refuse to talk about, and even when you do talk about the issue, you only mention how horrible it is. That isn't going to solve the problem.

So following on that trail of thought, problems are not solved by suppressing them. That is why when we have issues such as racism, bigotry, or hatred for something. As a society, we don’t want people to say they are no longer so just because they fear the backlash of society. Rather, we want them to say so,because they realize it is wrong.

Otherwise, you just have people doing lip service. Simply because they have to, or suffer social assassination. They are not going to be less of what they are simply because they don’t say say how they feel.

Furthermore, when people are racist or something, they don’t do it with word, but in action. So they can say that racism is horrible, but they can still do it in deed. Just for the simple matter that they are so because they couldn’t talk about an issue that they had because society would instantly view them as a monster.

And as said before, problems are not solved because you stop acknowledging them. No, they get worse when you don’t. If someone is told they cannot do something for no reason or a properly explained, they can get resentful.

If no one is brave enough to tackle the issue head on, it can very well mean that the issue is not defined. Meaning essentially, that no one really knows where the problem begins or ends. Making everyone jump on someone for a perceived wrong. This is quite clearly seen with people just yelling at someone saying they are a racist or a bigot as an insult versus actual fact.

All in all, as strange it may sound, it would be better for people to say that they are racist, bigots, or whatever, because it’s better that they say so and work out their feelings. Or someone just talks to them and explains why they shouldn't. However, that would be ideally in a perfect world, and thus we wouldn’t have this issue. 

But maybe, instead if someone does express that they feel that way, it’s not because they are a monster, it’s just that they are being honest with themselves. Subsequently, they could also not know if they are actually something, because everyone just simply overreacts over the topic. 

Nevertheless, even if someone is something that is seen as wrong,they are still people, so don’t yell, try and walk with them to explain why they feel so. There is always a reason. You don’t just have problems because you do.

Sunday, 9 April 2017

A Change For the Better

Changing the world is imperative for a better world, and most people recognize it as fact. However, what people don’t tend to acknowledge is that changing the world is very easy, and happens every day. Why it remains largely unnoticed is that when it happens, no angels sing, or demons roar. That is why people do not perceive this change that has happened.

Changing the world is a very straightforward matter. For every action we are told there is an equal reaction. However, that doesn’t really apply with changing the world. Every little, insignificant action that we partake of in this world changes it: For better or for worse.

The very thought of that being so is singularly quite terrifying. What we don’t do, will affect this world. In fact, sometimes what we don’t do is more influential than what we actually consciously try and do. Like the very old saying about good men doing nothing. Sometimes less is more.

An example of this would be a child walking across a busy street. Already it sounds like a story that will end badly, and it is, if you choose to do nothing. While most people would do something, for the sake of the example, let's just say you didn't. Naturally, the child dies because you didn’t do anything. By doing nothing, you have changed the world. You have changed the course for what that child could have done for the world, but also you have changed the parents lives forever. With their child gone, their lives will never be the same.

All simply by doing nothing.

The world isn’t that hard to change. Its only quite hard to change it in a certain manner. If you are going to change the world for a better place, you have to realize that everything you do--- counts. Probably if you spent your whole life trying to not change the world for worse, you might actually make the world a better place.

In this world, inaction is just as guilty as action, because do nothing changes the world. However, making the conscious decision to think things through to what will make a better world is the start for one. And the rest is always rethinking what action does make a better world.

Monday, 3 April 2017


I was watching a presentation about the importance of knowing why you do something. The idea was that if you know why you do something, and why you do it; Will either set you apart from the rest, or just make you another person who just does what they do.

After hearing that, I thought that it would be a good idea to tell you guys why I write. In a sense the following is going to be a letter from me to you why I do what I do. It actually made me think for a while why though. Why do I do what I do? And with that said, I do know why I do what I do now.

The reason I write every week, is because I believe the world needs to be changed. People say things, and I don’t agree with them. I believe they are wrong, and the problem is that no one says anything. When the world seemingly seems to be nodding their head. I believe someone has to say no, that is not correct. What you are saying is the opposite of what is good, right, and all that make this world wonderful.

Another reason would be, when I was a kid, I remembered hearing that everyone has a dream. However, most of the time they just let it die. So you have whole generations thinking,”I won’t be like my parents. I will follow the dreams of my heart.” Sadly though they never do. They become like their parents, and they forget that they wanted to change the world.

In many ways to sum up why I write. I write to change the world. I suppose that is the desire of many, but it is quite a noble one. To believe that the world needs to be changed and every day is an opportunity. You might not be good at changing the world, but if you don’t, who will?

So for three years, I have been writing, because I think this is how I can change the world. I hope I keep on writing, and I hope that whoever you be when you read this, you enjoy it, but most of all: I hope that you change the world, because something changed you first. Otherwise, I guess it's back to the drawing board to change the world.