The purpose of human life is to serve, and to show compassion and the will to help others. ~ Albert Schweitzer
What is your purpose for living?
For the religious: A good Muslim does everything necessary that
Allah desires, a good Christian loves their God and people, a
Buddhist helps everyone with their reawakening, and other religions
usually have a goal in mind. However, what do people of no religion
do, what is their purpose? Love everyone? That usually never ends
well, and is very ambiguous. To have love without any goal is not a purpose, and can lead to fecklessness. So what gets you up every day? What is the purpose of living?
If people lack a vision they
will perish. If they see no reason for living or waking up out of
bed, it'll kill them quicker than cancer or a gunshot wound to the
stomach. Humans need reasons to do things. Even those who seem absolutely insane, do things for a reason. It may not make sense to you, but it will make sense to them. There is always a reason for doing something.
People have many ambitions, but that is not necessarily a purpose. You may set short goals like: I'm going to be a billionaire, I'm going to get that pretty girl, I'll never be hurt. However, those aren't really purpose.
Purpose is like: My life goal is to save the whales, my life goal is to bring peace, my life goal is to not bring peace, my life goal is to end poverty. Those are purposes.
Goals of these type are truly fulfilling for a human being, as they provide determination, and clear reason for living. The knowledge there is a reason. They may not know why they are here, but by God, they're going to change the world; Do or die.
One of the major purposes in our lives should be for the next generation. A lot of cultures around the world give everything for a better life for the next generation. Sadly, a lot of Western cultures don't seem to incorporate such ideals, and have a rather individualistic view.
Nevertheless, looking out for the next generation is a good ideal. As it makes one rethink the actions of today. Will this make a better world tomorrow? If I do this, will my children's children be able to enjoy this?
Additionally, if we are seeing into the future, we see the bigger picture, we realize that our actions are accountable. Arguably, one may or may not believe in God because they can't see him, but one does believe in children to be, even though one cannot see them. So, whether you believe that a higher entity is going to make you accountable for the destructive things you did or did not, our actions are accountable. Whether they be to a God or to our children. One for a eternity and the other for the future, for the next generation inherits the problems of tomorrow.
While we can live a life that is
pleasurable, there is always a cost. Furthermore, what is the point if we only live for that?
Pleasure is only for a moment. A life of pleasure is an existent for
one, and a cruel fate at another's expense.
In the long run, we can live lives that were just for ourselves, or we can live lives that eternity will echo in our honor. Living a life for self never pays. Having a life that gives to another is more pleasant. It doesn't have to be fully for selfless reasons, but also pleasurable ones. One should live life, and love life. However, it doesn't mean we can't have purpose and goals to living honorable and rightly, that our children can be proud of.