
Saturday, 30 April 2016

What Of Justice

The first duty of society is justice. ~ Alexander Hamilton

The purpose of justice is keep people safe, punish law breakers, compensate victims, and lastly, it should make things as best as possible, as they were before. Anything short of these things, is not justice. Thus is why, society is as it is.

One of the greatest problems with any justice system, besides being slow, corrupt, and somewhat useless, would be that people haven't decided if prisons are to punish, rehabilitate, or to just keep criminals away from the public.

As we all know that three in one cup of soups aren't that very tasty, so do we know that, when you try to have the best of both worlds, things rarely work out. If a prison was to be all those things as mentioned in the previous paragraph, it would be highly expensive, and if a half attempt was made, it would do most likely none of them. 

So with that in mind, most governments go for just keeping criminals locked up, for the time being. One of the many problems of that is, it's expensive, very expensive. Moreover, it's more expensive then it should really be in light of human rights, and their beliefs in how we should treat other humans who were anything but humane to their victims.

Nevertheless, beside that issue, would be that, locking up someone changes nothing. While commonly believed that time changes everything, it does not. We might like to think that, but the only thing that changes people are experiences. However, the experiences that prisoners receive in prison, are not really the one's that you want them to learn.

Despite all that, it is not one of the biggest issues at hand. The biggest would be that, whenever a criminal does a crime and they go to prison, for them to go to prison, they had to take something out of society. Whether what they took be the peace, or an item from someone, a life, or whatever it be, they never repay it. Instead, for some reason, they just live in a place where they are all locked up.

How does that help society, not only has something been taken, society has to give back to the taker;Tax payers have to pay for their up keep, they don't don't pay ours. It's like the victim of an attack paying the medical fees of their attacker who injured their hand when attacking the victim.

The problem with the justice system is not that the prisoners suffer enough, but that they need to either be rehabilitated or they fix the mess that they made. They should some how pay for what they did, but not in the sense the pain they feel in prison, but what they give to their victims or back to society. When it comes down the line, with the justice system is the mistaken ideal, that if the prisoner is suffering, the victim is benefiting.

Laws are the very thing that holds society. However, whenever society has these laws broken, they must make things as they were. Otherwise, society starts to crumble. And while it may not seem important that rules are broken, Rome one of the mightiest empires was destroyed by corruption. They were so corrupt, till barbarians could just take whatever they wanted, because the empire was destroyed from the inside out.

With our society, it seems that we are realizing that hiding what we don't like in our society under the carpet is not working. It's a rude awakening, but with realization things will be only for the better. Like a man or woman realizing that their lifestyle is not healthy, so we must realize that our justice system needs change. Changed not just for prisoners and their victims, but for all of us.

Friday, 29 April 2016

Who Do You Love

When you love someone . . . ~ Anne Morrow Lindbergh

What happens when someone loves you for what you are, and not who you are? Is that alright? If someone loved their wife with their whole heart, but not for who their wife was, is that okay? Is it right that people love you for what role you play in their life? Is there a distinction?

Do you love your mother or do you love the person who is your mother? A mother is someone who cares for their child, raises them, feeds them, that is what they are supposed to do. If any mother did that for you, would you not love them, irrespectively that they weren't your actual mother? However, did you love them only for that aspect, that role that she played in your life, and not for the woman who likes classical music, enjoys polka or strawberries?
Loving someone for who they are is probably impossible. However, it's possible, but rare. You love your friends and you hate your enemies, but what happens when your friends turn into your enemies and your enemies turn into your friends. Most likely you would love your friends and still hate your enemies. Despite them switching, you love the people who have those roles in your life. You don't love them for being them, but rather their role.

If your best friend is John, but he suddenly started slapping you in the face, you wouldn't love him anymore, because that's not what friends do. Those are his actions, and he is taking more of a role of an enemy. Through it all, John is still John, but now you don't like him, because he isn't acting like a friend but an enemy. He is still everything that he was when he was your friend, as he will be as your enemy. Nevertheless, it's only obvious you don't love him, but you love him only as your friend. You won't love him when he is your enemy but only when he is your friend.

You can admire certain traits in your enemy, and you can see the exact traits that are in the people you love, but is it not so that your enemy is not your friend, so thus roles divide us?

The truth of the matter is, love is love, just like bullets are bullets, it doesn't matter what you are, if they hit you, you will be affected. So in the same manner, if someone loves you, who are you to judge why they love you. However, if they love you for what you are, what happens when you are no longer that, does that not make you a slave of love? If you step out of those conditions, the love will stop. If you stop being that, but keep on being you, love ends.

Saturday, 23 April 2016

Conflict Of Interest

We can go on talking about racism and who treated whom badly, but what are you going to do about it? ~ Judith Jamison

A lot of people think that racist are just racist, people being rude, stupid, and singling out people just because of their race. In a sense, that would be true, but, that would only be the surface issue; The cover of the book, so to speak, which people are judging. However, there is more than meets the eye, just like everything.

There are a lot of racist out there, but there aren't as many as people believe.When people make a racist comments, it doesn't really make them a racist. Most of the time when people make a racist comment, either they are trying to say the most insulting thing, or they don't realize what they are saying.

Nonetheless, since racism is so hurtful, and the point of an insult is to hurt someone, it is rather obvious what people are going to say. Just like how some people insult someone’s mother. The point is to injure, and the most effective means is used.

Hurting people with malicious comments is not nice, but going after people who do such actions, would probably mean going after a lot of people. Also, it would be quite counterproductive; It's just bad mannered people not racist.
In addition, it doesn't address the real situation at hand: do they really believe that they are superior, and someone from a different race inferior? Furthermore, if people react so wildly to perceived, or racism comments, we will never get to the bottom of things, of what is really so. If people are labeling everything as racism, people will find that no one believes, for it's like crying wolf.

While the popular erroneous excuse that people are just born like that, racist aren't born, they are taught. When people do something, there is always a reason, whether it makes some or no sense to us.

Additionally, what has been taught can be retaught, and if people are racist they can learn not to be so. If someone, for instance, was beaten up by a certain race or bullied, it wouldn't be such of a surprise that they turned racist to a certain group. All their belief of that race is created by those people who did those actions to them. While a wrong view, it's understandable. However, if someone was to help them see the other side of that race, they might change.

Nevertheless, while one is not defending them, they are ignorant, ignorant of the good in a race, but only know the bad. This ignorance is a quite an issue. Issue, because if they say,”I hate that race.”Most people will call them racist, which they are, but they are ignorant. Ignorant of what made the racist, and with that ignorance, they will attack the racist, with probably more hate than the racist themselves.

Racism is still a problem today, but a lot of things that we believe as racism, is usually not. Real racism at the end of day, is believing that one race is superior than the other. Much effort should be done to snuff out racism, but also, much effort should be taken to ascertain if something is really racist. Less we end up barking the wrong tree.

To sum it up really, there are more facades to racism, and people are people, they have complicated lives, but there are always a reason for what they do. While we have to judge in some situations, most of the time we should help. And while something might seem black and white, a message is to be learnt to the racist, there are other colors of races, and to those who just see a racist, not everything is that clear cut.

Thursday, 21 April 2016

Behold, Those That Went Too Far

When art becomes merely shock value, our sense of humanity is slowly degraded. ~ Roger Scruton

Humans like to push the boundaries. For every generation, they want to go further, more to the edge. But what happens when you go so far, you fall?
Things that shocked us yesterday don't shock us today. Thrills that use to cause chills, just bore, and pills that made us go high as the gills, only mildly scare us.

As human beings it's interesting to test the boundaries and see what heights we can go to. In our entertainment is a good example, people use to be shocked by such simple things. However, it didn't last.

Take for example, a bad guy in a movie could just slap a girl and that would be counted as horrible. Then the bad guy had to forcibly kiss the girl, when that wasn't shocking enough, then the bad guy would grope, beat, and kiss the girl, when that didn't work, now the bad guy rapes the girl, and finally till the bad guy does all that and then eats the girl?

It will be most concerning when nothing shocks us, as it is so common place. Especially more so, when this doesn't get the blood pumping we will search for something more weird, more perverse, or horrible.

Although that might seem extreme, it can very well happen if isn’t already at our doors. Those that seem to fight against such things, seem to be labeled, old fashion or prudish.

However,sometimes the reason that we have something in place is because once you go beyond that area it means danger. While crossing the fence is not dangerous, meeting the danger is. Like how you have a fence to stop people from walking into a dangerous bull: crossing the fence is harmless, but meeting the bull is deadly.

Although values have changed over the years, a little common sense in what we keep and scrap is definitely needed with a pinch of wisdom. Even if something is relatively harmless, it's the principle behind it. If we go pass that point, things will get worse, to sooner or later we give in to chaos. It's not that we are afraid or fearful people, but rather that we must be wise what we accept in society.

Saturday, 16 April 2016

The Little Robot

I believe that robots should only have faces if they truly need them ~ Donald A. Norman

There is an idea that robots will either be our saviors or our dictators. Both ideas are frankly, insulting and ludicrous. The very idea that a robot could be superior to us in every way is utter rot.

It's pretty hard being a human, we have all these wet chunks of meat floating in us, too many hormones or the lack of them, and emotions. Bills to pay, people to kiss, and fights to start. We're not always brilliant but when we are, we are.

With that in mind, how could a robot beat us? When you really throw out all we know of science fiction and put to mind reality, you really realize that robots are severely, outmatched.

If a robot brain were to be made equivalent to a human's brain, it was estimated that a computer to match would have to be the size of New Zealand, if not larger. In our bodies, our nose can remember 50,000 scents, our brains can hold from 1 terabyte to 2.5 petabytes and on top of that, we can recreate life.

On the other hand, a computer as a machine can do many things. It can move faster than us, be stronger than us, or do the washing better, seemly out think us and create things that humans couldn't do.

However, when we delve into what makes humanity, as human beings we have dreams, we love, we hope, we have ideas. It just seems impossible to create something like a human let alone a machine being able to come up with ideas.

Just because a machine has information does not mean it will be able to make up information. With a machine, it's like a loop, it can add large mass of data to that loop, change it up, but at the end of the day, it's the same material. With a human being, it can add things, new things, that a machine could only dream, if they were able to dream.

Despite all that, when people see a machine can beat a human chess master in chess, people get all impressed. When people see that feat done, they truly believe that humans are looking at their masters.

 Nevertheless, when you really look at things, it doesn't really seem all that impressive. More so when you see everything as a whole. The reason a machine can beat a human, is because it is born seeing patterns. In fact, patterns really aren't patterns, because it just notices everything and doesn't get tunnel vision when playing. Furthermore, for anyone who has played chess, it's all about trickery, but if you compute all the tricks for the computer, none of them are tricks.

Additionally, a computer does not have emotion, it does not care if it wins or lose the game of chess. The human on the other hand can get caught up in a moment, and have feelings about the outcome of a game. While the human is thinking about dinner or maybe about a favorite Tv show.

Machines are amazing and compared to most things, they might not seem to have an equal. Machines will certainly go far. However, were they go can only be as good as their creators. Furthermore, a machine, no matter how amazing, can never be compared to a human being.With machines they are the opposite of humans. Machines are dead even before they came to be, and what is dead can only be dead. While humans on the other hand, are alive, and were born and made alive. Humans are ever changing and ever flowing, while robots are stagnant, and what they were from birth, is what they will be in death.

Thursday, 14 April 2016

'Twas Bad, 'Twas Good

 Nobody's all good or bad, and nobody's all light or dark. Every human being has so many different aspects and facets to them. ~ Anna Gunn   

There are no bad guys, so technically there are no good guys. Evil or good can only exist when the other is around. To know one, is to know the other. With good and evil, they are like mantles, or clothing that people put on. As soon as they take them off, they are no longer bad or good. Like the clothing we choose, may create an image of ourselves, we do not stop being us when we change clothing. Others' perception of us may change, but we do not change. So thus, good and evil are like clothes, which in turn means that there are no bad or good guys. Just people wearing good and evil.

The problem with all that good and bad guy thing is that you have just too strict lines. Yes, there are lines that shouldn't be crossed or some things that are black and white. However, that whole, “if you do that, you're gone forever”, such thinking is incorrect. The reason so is, actions as said before are like clothes, they affect our perception and others' of how they view us, but it doesn't change your DNA or anything dramatic.

When people say that they are all bad, that is not possible. We haven't ever seen all evil before, and when we do, the very Earth will probably cry out. Nevertheless, if you were all bad, ultimately you would have no chance for good because you were only bad. In addition, every action that you would do would be destructive or hurting someone. Also, no point in your life whatsoever, did you ever do any good. However, we know already, when see so called “bad” people, they always have  some good in them. Whether it be feeding a homeless dog or having a loving family.

One of the many misconception of good and bad guys would be the whole us and them. The ideal that when someone falls, they are no longer good, but bad just waiting to be revealed; The crowning sin, the great fall, the unforgivable, and so and so forth. However, there really is no such thing, there may be very dire lasting consequences, but you can always go back.

Despite all that, it would be note worthy to point out that, the illusion of good guys and bad guys would be that, we're programmable. Programmable in the sense, that once you learn to do something, you usually do it again and maybe in a deeper degree. With this, it may make people feel that they are evil or bad, because they keep on doing that which they do not desire. Having said that though, there is hope for them: what can be programed can be reprogrammed.

The danger of believing in strictly good and bad people is, that you block the path to good for the people who you believe evil, and let the good go down the path of bad, because you believe that they are always good. People aren't infallible, we are every day on a balance of good and evil. Every choice we make is either going to be bad or good. But at the end of day, we are not neither of those choices, we are batteries, we either charge up on good or bad. Whatever we choose will be reflected in our actions in the spotlight, and behind closed doors.

Nobody's all good or bad, and nobody's all light or dark. Every human being has so many different aspects and facets to them. And there can be something noble and something really dark and dangerous going on in a person all at the same time.

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Saturday, 9 April 2016

Doubting Doubt

Our doubts are traitors and make us lose the good we oft might win by fearing to attempt. ~ William Shakespeare

Are you sure that's right?” A voice asked Pam.

Well come to think of it, you might just be right.” Pam said nervously.

Pam had been working hard on a project for a while. The project meant the world to her. However, she always had that nagging feeling that things wouldn't turn out right. So much so that, she had decided twice already to give up on this project. Finally trying again, she had said to herself over and over again,”Third time lucky.”

Despite all that self talk, she realized that, she wasn't going to be able to do it.

Damn, I really thought I could have done it, but who am I kidding. Sighing, Pam wish she didn't always hear that voice telling her that she was wrong and going to fail.

Doubt, is the little voice that says to us that things aren't going to work, that we're not going to be able to make. In a sense, doubt is a bit like worry, fear, and self esteem issues all rolled into one, making a great cake of destruction.

With doubt, it eats away at someone, bit by bit. It's like acid, left alone untreated, it can horribly scar someone. However, as startling as that sounds, doubt can only exist, when it hasn't been proven that it is not so. 

With doubt, it will tend to be around if you believe in it.To prove doubt wrong, is to ask other people to remind you of your success and their complete, or if not, their somewhat trust of you. If you move forward, doubt can't say that you didn't. Doubt can only exist when there is no proof of you being able to do what it suggests. Disproving doubt, by doing smaller actions, only makes it crumble all the more. When you do the very thing that doubt has being saying that you couldn't do, that is when you checkmate it.

Doubt is the thing that will always linger until truth and experience triumph over it. Although we have all our fears and insecurities, we must keep saying no to them. If we give just a little bit, the hole will get bigger, and as the hole gets bigger, it will get harder to stop those seeds of doubt.

Doubt is a constant battle, but as we so learn to believe what we can do, and have a different perspective on reality, we will beat doubt. Doubt might suggest what is reality, however, we create reality by what we succeed in.

At the end of day we talk about seeds of doubt, some people have trees of doubt. Others, they have forest of doubts. And what do we do with forest of doubts? We cut them all down, and make books out of them about our success. Followed by that, we get in trouble with environmentalist.

 Nonetheless, doubt is never good, we may mistake it for caution or precaution, but it is not our friend, not now not ever.

Friday, 8 April 2016

For Every Road There Are More

There are two primary choices in life: to accept conditions as they exist, or accept the responsibility for changing them. ~ Denis Waitley 

When you go to school or do tests, there are right answers and there are wrong answers. The problem with that is, when you are being tested there is only usually two options: right or wrong. However, in life, there are infinite choices or answers to solutions.

For those that don't know, there is a famous story about two choices, the story is called the Lady or the Tiger. The story basically goes, a man has two choices to open two doors. One will either show him a beautiful lady and the other will open to a ferocious man eating tiger.

The story is quite silly besides being a cliff hanger, but also the fact that is how people view life. There are so many choices for that man, the man could have checked the doors before he opened them, he could have looked for another door, he could have got out a bio scanner, or he could have asked PETA to save the helpless animal, and stand, very, very far away, if the tiger was still hungry. The thing is, it isn't just have to be those two doors, there are other factors involved or decisions to be had.

In real life, we have tough choices, however, also in real life we have more than two choices always. The problem is that no one looks for them, because they are so fixated on those two scary or consuming decisions.

However, there is no such thing as time when there are really only two choices, yes they do happen, but as long as you can think of a different option, and remember to think of that different option, you will always have a way out.

So if you are in a tough position and the only choices seem certain death and calamity, remember, there are more than two options always, you just have to find it. If however, you aren't in a tough situation, remember, that there are always more than two options when you are going to be in a tough situation.
There will always be another path, another choice, you just have to find it.

 A hasty decision with two choices involved, is not a choice at all. It is a choice of a prisoner with no choice.

Saturday, 2 April 2016

Freely Free

Is freedom anything else than the right to live as we wish? Nothing else. ~ Epictetus

Freedom is the ability to do anything, whether right or wrong. You can do whatever you please, build a castle or destroy a castle. Whatever it be, freedom is the ability to do anything, and that, is why freedom is so dangerous.

When you see a terrorist attack on the news, there usually is some world leader saying that an attack on freedom was dealt today by extremist, or something similar. Nevertheless, that is not actually true. Freedom, in all essence is the freedom to do anything, which is basically anarchy. Freedom with boundaries is what most people think freedom is. Freedom, in reality, is the ability and right to walk off a cliff. Freedom with boundaries, on the other hand, is the barrier at the cliff that stops you from falling off.

So when terrorist attack, they did it on their own free will, they were free to do it. However, boundaries and laws were broken. Not freedom, because freedom dictates that we are allowed to do anything. Boundaries on the other hand say that we are not to go pass this certain line, or consequences will happen or others will be hurt. Mind you though, boundaries is not a cage, it may look like it, but rather a fence to protect you from the raging mad beast of anarchy.

Freedom will take you many places, but at the end of the day there are consequences and boundaries. People think that freedom is wonderful. It is, but too much of a good thing can be bad. That is why having limits and securities in place make them good.

We all love freedom, but as we do like sugar in our sweet cakes; Too much ruins the teeth. However, tempered by restraint makes good things safe and pleasant for people to enjoy. If people believe that freedom is the most important thing, they will be sorely disappointed.The thing is, we can do anything we like, but we shouldn't want to be that free. People might scream give me freedom or death, but death is final, a short loss in freedom is not. And just to be annoying, freedom is an illusion, because we have boundaries and laws that bind us. However, as sailors are bound, or trapped so to speak on a boat, they still have a choice: Stay trapped, but safe on the boat, or, free and drowning in sea of no end.