
Friday 26 August 2016

A False Science

Science has been wrong before and it will be wrong again. Science is based on its mistakes. In a way that is perfectly fine, and healthy, learning from one’s mistakes helps you not repeat them. However, if science is about making mistakes, why do people have such religious faith in a system that is wrong on a regular bases?

Science is probably the greatest boon to humanity. It’s given humanity a chance to better it’s self. Socially, technologically, medically, and historically. Despite that, it still has it’s limitations.

Such limitations could look like how scientist can’t even seem to decide even after decades, if the protein in eggs is good or if the fat is bad.

It’s interesting that although science is about studying and observing things, people have made a religion about it. In the attempt to prove that they are different from religion or smarter than others they have inadvertently become what they feared. They have traded one religion for another.

The only difference is that their priest wear white lab coats and their god is one of knowledge. While sounding dramatic, it can only be described as that. Even though science has been proven time and time again to go around fumbling, people still believe it. When a scientist say on the news this is “safe”, people believe and follow it blindly. Not because of knowledge, but rather of belief or faith.

This belief without testing is dangerous, especially so as in the past like any other religion, so to speak, science has a cruel past, and often in the name of science atrocities have been committed. Furthermore, another problem with science is that it doesn't seem to realize that the old methods, although not fully explainable because scientist are playing catch up, work just fine.

With these ideals, besides being very unsound, are making science lose one of it's greatest qualities: the ability to realize it’s mistakes, and change from it’s ways.

Often it is all to easy to change what science held dear in testing into a mere religion that dresses their priest in white jackets and textbooks for their holy script. A few studies or journal articles do not mean absolute truth. It is to easy to find facts or studies that may correspond with what you want to prove. Science can always prove what you want it to prove. With science it can never have all the answers to the universe. With science, their can be major mistakes, as observation doesn’t always lead to success.

Science will never provide the answers. The best it can do, ever is show the most likely, reasonable, explanation. Scientist, have been fooled many times, by man and nature alike. While in general they create new ways to make sure, that they are right, there is always a chance something may be wrong. Many times they say the words, “most likely” “studies have shown” or “leaning towards”. Science is great, but it has very big limitations, and we live in a very big world. Does that mean science is wrong? No, but it’s not always going to get it right.

So if you follow the “great god of science” don’t blindly believe in it, be a true scientist and observe, look and see. Test everything and don’t just trust those who claim to be something, less you follow a false science.

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