
Saturday 19 September 2015

A Rose By Any Other Name

Being powerful is like being a lady. If you have to tell people you are, you aren't. ~ Margaret Thatcher

If someone told you they were a misogynist that believed in the importance of empowering men and making a stronger, better, community, you would laugh. So it's not much of a stretch of the imagination that people should feel the same as when a someone starts spouting about being a feminist.

An extreme of any kind is bad no matter how good it can be. Like sugar, as nice as it is, a diet alone of it would be detrimental to one's health. The thing, any extreme is harmful. So in same light when you think of the polar opposite of misogynist, you think feminist. Meaning that they are both extremes. You may put fancy things, but if looks like a duck or sounds like one, it's a duck.

The ideal of supporting women sounds like a good cause, but so does the idea of sharing and building a stronger society where everyone is equal. However, communism does not work, nor does feminism always work. 

Maybe in some cases like in the worst extreme do you need an extreme like: When communism started in the Russian revolution or when women were starting as suffragettes, but times have changed. The world is a bit slow, but women are being treated with equality in nearly almost of the world. Maybe at a time, we needed feminist to make things better for women, but now in a new society times are changing.

Furthermore, there is nothing wrong with women leading or taking a so called "manly" job, but two questions must be asked,"Do you want it? Or are you the best for the job?" The thing is, some people are happy the way things are, if things work out for the best, then so be it, but don't force it for the sake of forcing things.

Chiefly, don't force girls to not be princesses, if they want to be, let them be so, and if there are so called "tomboys" let them be. Sure things are changing, but it doesn't mean that being girly is wrong for women or being manly for men. Women can be tough when they need to be, but still very womanly.

Uniquely, with men and women, they're not equal. Each has there own strengths, men won't be equal to females in certain areas. For example, like giving birth. Nor will women be as good as men in certain things. There is nothing wrong with that. Each gender is wonderful in it's own right. To try and make them exactly the same, would ruin the spice of life.

To sum it up, the world is so divided already, why make another wall? If you see a man or woman in need or being treated unfairly, you don't need to make a big riot, you see a fellow being in distress so you help. You don't need to strip your clothes off and show off your moobs or boobs. Be a humanitarian, not a feminist that wishes to build up another wall, for a humanitarian cares for all, while a feminist brings glares from all.

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