
Monday 6 June 2016

A Quick Thought: Freedom Of Speech

What does freedom mean? Freedom basically means the ability to do what you want without anyone’s control. The problem with that is that, while you may have the freedom to do something, it doesn’t mean that you have the freedom to escape the consequences.

In society, one is allowed to speak whatever they like. They can say nice things, they can say offensive things. However, whatever they say, there will be a reaction: good or bad.

When we think of freedom of speech we think of being able to say what we want without going to prison or something horrible happening to us.

However, in society we cannot say what we want without fear of the consequences. Certain comments now a days, whether said virtually or physically, could cost you your: freedom, job, dignity, friends, and health. If you say or challenge some topics, you could be very well experience physical violence.

We have the freedom to say what we want. What we don’t have the freedom is to avoid the consequences of what we say. Making it really, we have all the liberty to do as we please, but it's as much freedom to speak out as a bunch of Asians in a square in China.

So is it really freedom of speech? Yes, no, because some things need to be said without fear. But something is not worth anything if there is no cost.

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