
Tuesday, 28 June 2016

Fully Aware

Ignorance is not a crime. Even if it was, knowledge wouldn't be the solution. Furthermore, even if you are ignorant, it only means that you are ignorant on certain things. It does not make you necessarily stupid or bad. Similarly,  knowledge does not make people better necessarily, nor education either. Being aware of things can only help you so far and surprisingly ignorance isn't so bad.

Ignorance is bliss. It’s true, there are things that you don’t need to know. Knowledge, is good, but good things can be a bane in itself if not used correctly. With knowledge, it's just facts. It does not mean good facts, it does not mean bad facts. It’s just facts. Facts that might be relevant or facts that might change.
Knowledge, at the end of the day is just head knowledge. It is not experience, it is just knowledge of something. You might know how to fix a car but it does not mean that you can fix a car.

The same thing that can apply with education. It’s just knowledge of things. However, the problem with knowledge and education, people seem to think that they are cures. Cures for the problems of the world.

Have you heard about the ostrich and it’s head in the hole? The ostrich has knowledge. In fact, the ostrich has so much knowledge, that it puts it’s head into the hole. It’s not ignorant. If it was ignorant, it wouldn’t be being putting it’s head into a hole. It’s aware of the facts, it just chooses to ignore them. Not because it’s ignorant, but rather that it is knowledgeable.

The same can apply with us and education. You can be educated, you can have knowledge, but it doesn’t mean that you won’t act out stupidly or foolishly. Nor will it mean that you will react to problems correctly.

Another example is, if you know that a rotten egg is coming at you and you cannot dodge it, no matter what you do. To know and not to know that it’s coming will not do anything for you. It will still hit you, and it will still smell.

Knowledge and education go so far. They do not make you a better person. They might make you more aware of things. However, when it comes down the line, character, and wisdom, can only help you to deal with issues or make you a better person.

Furthermore, knowledge does not insure understanding. Telling someone to be better is different from teaching to someone to be better. In society, we believe that ignorance is a curse and knowledge is the cure. Ignorance is not a problem to be solved, it’s something to be changed. While knowledge is just a tool to bringing that change, but not the cure.

Sunday, 26 June 2016

A Great Leave(The Brexit)

A lot of people are thinking, why did Britain leave the EU? Some people would like to propagate the idea that it was mere “racism” that sparked the leaving. Such ideals are mere ignorance, which is ironic. Nevertheless, diving deeper into the matter, and looking at the facts, it almost seems like a revolution of some sort has happened. Where real freedom won out in the end.

The EU had 28 countries in it, and now 27. Officially created in 1993, but having beginnings in 1950, the EU, European Union has been around for a while. The main ideals of the EU was to create a better economy through strength in numbers and peace through talks. Fast forward a few years, you have the Brexit and 454 references to dealing with wash towels in their rules.

Although wash towels might not seem so bad, why would this cause Britain to leave? The reason is sometimes best explained in visuals. This can be done by simply having one volunteer and some red tape. Carefully place the volunteer on a chair marked as Britain, while saying “peace and strength” and then wrap red tape around them till they cannot move or breathe. This in a nut shell, is why Britain is leaving the EU.

Despite the well meaning and a great idea for Europe, the EU has only been looking of late like a controlling abusive husband. Controlling, justice, immigration, fishing, and even maybe an army that the EU president hinted at, the EU had many fingers in British pies.

While it might not seem so bad. This controlling had a disastrous effect. With the justice system for example, British judges could not deport a rapist due to him being protected by EU law as it would “breach his human rights”. Besides that side of the law, the EU makes up somewhere between 15-55% of Britain laws. Meaning that, the rules that govern Britain are just made up by someone who is essentially having other agendas besides the best interest of the country. 

Such agendas like the fishing laws which has basically stopped local fishermen/women to fish in certain areas. Instead, hopelessly forced to watch why they are stopped and EU fishers fish on their local areas.

Finally, with the immigration that is just the icing on the cake. People would like to make it out as people being xenophobic, but it’s not as simple or silly. The true reason are more serious and concerning. With the EU law, anyone with a EU citizenship can waltz into the UK. Forget refugees and all talks of Islam, this is a major security breach. Meaning that just about anyone is free to come free to go quite easily due to the flimsy rulings in place.

Coupled alongside a very troubled security, would be that the main reason the EU exist is to make it’s members more prosperous. However, paying Greece bailouts do not make anyone richer, and the next third Greece bailout was estimated to be 850 million. Whether or not if this  estimation was made after all the refugees started trampling over Greece is another wonder.

Which really brings home to the next point. The EU is taking Britain's money, it was estimated that 250 million a day is the costs Britain pays to the EU. Followed by that is a net 8.5 billion that Britain loses every year being in the EU. Which is funny due to the EU taking money to stop the refugee crisis, which was 6 billion to Turkey to stop it. That however, hasn't seem to really work, yet it seems to still be carrying on. So they take money that does not stop refugees and when it fails, they give refugees. Like slapping someone in the face for a mess that they didn't do and then getting them to clean it up.

In closing, these are just some reasons for Britain leaving. On some internet sites there are 20 reasons and in another 17 billion reasons mentioned. Nevertheless, thinking more into the topic, one might ask,"Why did Britain not leave sooner". Looking more and more, it would seem that Britain is leaving because they are in a relationship where the EU is taking and not giving. The refugee reason seems to be barely even an issue compared to the other reasons. If anything, the UK is leaving because the cost of money and liberty, are just a bit too much to swallow.

Friday, 24 June 2016

Not Mere Fate

It’s bad philosophy to believe that good directly comes from bad. When people see bad things, they seem to assume that good will come out of it, because that is how things work. This belief stems from seeing things wrongly. It’s the belief that just because good sometimes comes triumphing over bad that bad must naturally birth good afterward.

It’s a common ideal that “Oh, something good will happen out of this.” That is not altogether true. Bad things do happen. However, sometimes people seem to think that when a bad thing happened, and they arise to the occasion, the good things that they did were caused by the bad situation. Thus, “If that had not happened...”

That however, is rather fanciful. For example, lets say a woman had her whole business torn down by a natural disaster. That was a bad thing. However, lets say her life was crumbling down before that. So she felt that since everything was torn away, she could start afresh. 

From that day on, she rebuilds a life, she is more successful and happy. The woman chose the good. She made good, not bad. It was a decision she made, it was not made just because that’s how life is. Yes, she changed her ways because of that disaster, but ultimately, if she didn’t choose the good, or decide to make the situation better, she would have been worse off. It was not that bad happened so that good could happen. No, rather that she had the opportunity to pick good or bad. Nothing good comes out of bad. Good comes externally from bad. 

If people don’t make a situation good, it will just be either alright or just bad. While it is harmless seeing the silver lining in the cloud, you can always find it without that cloud. Bad and good are not intransigently linked together. Just because sometimes good comes after bad does not mean that they need one or the other.

Make no mistake. Bad is bad and good is good. However, what we choose to do with those things, will define the situation. Not fate, not some strange rule of good follows bad, but the choices that we make or others. Bad things do happen, there is no reason really behind bad things. Yes, they might be mistakes we have made, but ultimately, the reason is not that bad will happen so good can arise. 

A Smart Heart

Do you know the old saying,”the road to hell is paved with good intentions.” Never before has that been so true. In life, we are told that we should treat others with kindness. There is nothing wrong with that. If we did do that, the world would be such a great place. Nevertheless, there is a difference between perceived kindness and real kindness.

Kindness, is when you treat someone nice. Kindness is when we treat a person so that they feel valued and helped. However, finding that kindness, on the other hand, with different beliefs, cultures, and other such things, can be difficult with varying opinions.

Additionally, even if we mean well and we believe that we're doing the right thing, it does not necessarily guarantee that our “good” deed is really so. Take for instance, if you gave a drug addict money to feed himself or herself, that would seem like kindness. However, you might find that the drug addict would go and buy their fix, and he or she would be worse off.

Although, someone may act out of kindness, kindness is actually being nice to someone so that it helps them, and not how you think could help them.This really should not put people off being kind. However, it's important to realize that although our intentions may be good, it doesn't necessarily mean it will translate so in our actions or results.

If we are to be truly kind, we need to find out what others really need. How does something really help someone. Only then we will truly be kind, because then we would be thoughtful. 

While we might have big hearts, we should have good minds. While thinking before you act might seem a strange way to apply to kindness, it fits perfectly. What we perceive as good or beneficial to others might not be so. This doesn’t mean that we condemn kindness, but rather: we have a head, and we have a heart, both should be listened to and applied to the situation.

Saturday, 18 June 2016

The Lack of It

  If knowledge can create problems, it is not through ignorance that we can solve them. ~ Isaac Asimov

Have you ever wondered why humanity seems so foolish or lacking in any form of decency? Well some reasons are because of lack: lack of common sense, lack of morals, and taking things for granted. However, at the heart of the problem is really taking things for granted.

People take common sense for granted. They also take for granted morals. People seem to be surprised that society acts so lawless. In fact, most people think,”Oh no one would be that stupid,” or "They should know better."

Although people are surprised that some behave evilly, or some stupidly. It shouldn’t come as a surprise. If people aren’t taught good sense or what is acceptable, people won’t know that. It may seem obvious to you, but what has been taught to you, you take for granted that others have had the same. It would seem common sense to not smoke in a barn filled with hay. To others, not so much.

Common sense, morals, they must all be taught. While most people did go to Sunday school or had some parent teaching them something, society doesn’t really emphasize on such things as right and wrong.

This is due to the whole, “accept everyone's beliefs", so have no beliefs. The right that you perceive to be so, might be somebody's wrong or vice a versa. Leaving people with no one teaching, less they do the ultimate wrong---offend someone.

Nevertheless, strangely enough we have courses now to teach right and wrong, it’s called ethics. Something, that in the past we did not need. However, all these things are needed today, because if you are not taught them, you won’t know it.

The sad thing is, since most people, as the older generation, has had some form of teaching, we believe that everyone is born with it. Moreover, even if people are aware of this teaching that they received, they just shrug it off as “old fashion” or just "religious”. However, this is not Maybelline. right and wrong or common sense need to be taught.

Some might argue what does it matter? Yes, they are right to a certain degree,  teaching someone does not necessarily make people possess common sense or morals? However, it helps. Just because people who can swim do drown sometimes, does not mean that swimming does not work.

If people aren’t taught they can not learn what you know. What is simple to you, is not to others who have not been taught like you. So if people behave as they do, it’s not stupidity or lack of morals, but mere lack of guidance.

The Labor of Children

Child labor is not nearly as bad as it seems. While that is a bold statement which might offend people. It’s true to a certain degree. There are worse things a child can do with their body to get food. In life, we cannot save everyone or help everyone. It’s a sad truth, but instead of judging child labor, shouldn’t we note that a child is working hard for his or her future?

With child labor, it’s bad, in a sense, that they miss education, and child hood moments. However, childhood is overrated. Most people have a difficult childhood, but they sometimes trick themselves that it was pleasant due to time.

If a child can help his or her family by working, isn't that exemplary? What is the point of being educated and dead from starvation. The lifestyle that we have is different from other people. Work is not unpleasant it provides us with purpose. Also, child labor beats child prostitution. If a child can work with their two hands to feed themselves isn’t that so much better? It’s not ideal, but one must realize we’re talking about a third world country. There is not much that is ideal, but maybe the chance of three square meals for everyone.

In developing countries, charity is very hard for everyone in the country. When you are worried about your next meal, it can be hard to help someone in theirs. While you might not be able to give someone their next meal, doesn’t it seem pretty good giving them the means for getting that meal?

Although, not all child labor is nice and dandy, and some get beaten up or work in dangerous situations, it's all really of a matter of not things being better, but what is more worse.If child does nothing and starves, that is stupid, if a child works for his or her food, that is bad, but it's not as worse as starving.

 Yes, we should complain about such things, and do the whole internet meme, but just complaining about the ideal of children working doesn’t make sense? Even in most developed countries children have done some form of labor, whether it being moving lawns, or other such things.
We cannot change everything, but the things we can change, we should pick wisely what we change. Making a better world, might just look a little bit different from what you thought and the makers of that world might have smaller backs than men and women. Helping others immediate case is not always the best. Helping in a practical way is sometimes so much better. Don’t stop child labor in the sense that you stop someone’s income, make it a safer environment, make it so that people do not starve. Don’t help someone survive today, help them build a tomorrow.

Wednesday, 15 June 2016

Not Love, Not Hatred

I shall allow no man to belittle my soul by making me hate him. Booker T. Washington

Lack of love does not kill people. Hatred does. The problem with people trying to teach equality, acceptance, and all that jazz, is that they preach that loving one another will solve everything. However, not loving someone does not kill anyone. Hatred does, and then some more.

In the recent Orlando shooting, people think that messages of love are ideal. While fitting and seemingly appropriate, they are not a solution. Thoughts of tolerance and acceptance rarely have fixed things in the past. Nor will they likely ever fix problems in the future.

The problem at hand is, you cannot force people to love someone. Furthermore, you shouldn’t force people to love each other. That is a recipe for disaster. Even the law system knows that it is a bad idea. You cannot force acts of good will. However, what you can do, is stop people from bad acts of will.

Setting aside all thoughts of terrorism and other such things, the matter that caused the shootings was hatred. The man that did the shootings, he was angry, and hated the world. Hatred is a strong emotion, and many people have it. However, although people have hatred, not all of them actually enact on it.

Which brings me to my point. You cannot force love, but you can restrain hatred. People preach messages of loving and accepting every walks of life. While utopia sounding, it’s unrealistic. People should talk about, how we can just get along so we don’t kill each other. 

The world is safer place if people have their hatred, but they deal with it. They either get rid of it, or they control themselves. Messages of love don't solve the hatred issue, because forcing someone to love, is not loving to them. Furthermore, it will not solve the hatred that they feel.

In addition, these messages of forcing love or other people’s opinions can only create more hatred. People do not like being coerced to doing things. Rather, we should be focusing on the real problem. People need to have more control, not more love. 

If we cannot love, we can at least control our hatred. The crux of the matter is that while you can learn to love one person, it does not mean that you have learnt to love everyone. However with hate, once you have learnt to control it, you can do so with everyone, because hate is hate, and love is not love.

Love is an answer to solving things, but you cannot force love. However, hatred for people is not ideal either. Nevertheless, not everything in this world is ideal. Looking at how much anger there is, we cannot expect people to love. However, we can expect to teach people, or introduce ideals so they can control their feelings.

Saturday, 11 June 2016

A Long War

 He has made a marvelous fight in this world, in all the ages; and had done it with his hands tied behind him.  ~ Mark Twain Concerning the Jewish people

In 1948 on the 14th of May, Israel became a nation. Ever since that day, the surrounding nations around Israel have either been in open hostility or in cold disdain. In their existence, Israel has been criticized by others, heavily and ruthlessly. To the very point of being ridiculously. This would seem fine, if half what people said was true. However, the truth as always, is rarely told.

In understanding more about the conflict that Israel has with the Palestinians, it’s important to realize that Israel has never been the aggressor. While opposing forces have always struck the first blow, Israel usually has always ended it.

 When war was first initiated by the Arab coalition, the Arab leaders were so sure that they would win. So confident that they would, they said to the Arabs living in Israel to get out because they were going to wipe out Israel and they wouldn’t care who they hit. This caused a massive exodus. Many Arabs left Israel, and the Arab coalition did not take over Israel. Leaving the people homeless and stuck in refugees camps where ironically their saviors mistreated them. 

The rest is really history. However, as we know, history repeats itself, this has been seen with those who attack Israel. First someone starts a fight with Israel, and then Israel ends it. This ending business has caused people to think that Israel is aggressive. Howbeit, they didn't start the fight, they ended it.

One of the greatest confusions and strife that has been caused is by the Media and the UN which has played a very large roll in the Israel/Arab conflict. With the media, they have repeatedly reported bias and often falsified news. 

For instance, there was a case of a woman who had been attempting to attack an Israeli soldier. While that happened, the news reported that the woman had been shot for no reason. Stating that their had been no knife at all. However, it was proven later on there was a knife. The news never reported this correction. In fact, when they reported the story, they even got the picture of the woman wrong, but put up a picture of a model.

Besides just reporting false news, the media seems to fail to report on the causality list of the Israelis, which includes Arabs and Jews. This blatant display, makes it seem that the Palestinian plight seems so much worse then it is actually. When in reality Israel is being regularly attacked by bulldozers, rockets, and suicide bombers.(women and children bombers to, not just men)

To further touch on this matter, would be the theatrics of of the Palestinians. We have heard Hollywood, and we have heard Bollywood. However, what most people don't know is Pallywood. Pallywood is where Palestinians pretend to have casualties that were never so. Crashed ambulances, wounded, burnt buildings and dead bodies that get up when the cameras stop rolling. While very ingenious on their part, the sad fact it’s not true, and the Media just seems to love it.

While Israel’s enemies do such acts, Israel has been seen as a monster. This is partly due to the media, but also to the UN. With the UN, they are always quick to judge. Often taking the time to criticize Israel for everything while atrocities are being committed around Israel and elsewhere. 

 Despite that, and though the UN does that to Israel, they know better. In an investigation, they found that Israel went above and beyond the rules of combat in the last Israel/Gaza conflict. Noting clearly, in that conflict when Hamas was hiding behind and deliberately ordering civilians to be human shields, Israel was calling and sending pamphlets to warn Gazian civilians to flee where they were going to strike to take out Hamas rockets.

With the good people of Gaza, they are run by a the terrorist organization called Hamas. However, the UN sees them as a legitimate country while only a few years ago they were terrorist that the world saw as bad as Al qaeda, which is basically the father of ISIS. The thing is, the media and the UN seems to trust Hamas compared to Israel. Hamas uses human shields, shoots rockets from hospitals and schools, and is a terrorist group.
Sometimes people question those who try to support Israel. Often labeling them as "Zionist". However, whatever people think of these so called "Zionist", they are just Humanitarians. The reason is, a humanitarian tries to protect all humanity, and Israel has shown that. Supporting someone who has woman rights, Education for everyone, freedom to vote, and doesn't lynch gays sounds pretty humanitarian.

With all this evidence, which is out there if one looks, it would seem that people should be more aware. There should be no conflict about the Israel/Arab conflict in Palestinian. People like to talk about gray instead of black and white. However, there just doesn’t seem to be any argument to be had about Israel being the good guy: Res ipsa loquitur.

Monday, 6 June 2016

A Quick Thought: Freedom Of Speech

What does freedom mean? Freedom basically means the ability to do what you want without anyone’s control. The problem with that is that, while you may have the freedom to do something, it doesn’t mean that you have the freedom to escape the consequences.

In society, one is allowed to speak whatever they like. They can say nice things, they can say offensive things. However, whatever they say, there will be a reaction: good or bad.

When we think of freedom of speech we think of being able to say what we want without going to prison or something horrible happening to us.

However, in society we cannot say what we want without fear of the consequences. Certain comments now a days, whether said virtually or physically, could cost you your: freedom, job, dignity, friends, and health. If you say or challenge some topics, you could be very well experience physical violence.

We have the freedom to say what we want. What we don’t have the freedom is to avoid the consequences of what we say. Making it really, we have all the liberty to do as we please, but it's as much freedom to speak out as a bunch of Asians in a square in China.

So is it really freedom of speech? Yes, no, because some things need to be said without fear. But something is not worth anything if there is no cost.

Sunday, 5 June 2016

Just People

In spite of everything I still believe that people are really good at heart. ~ Anne Frank Read

Imagine a pirate is charging at you. His beard is black, skin sunburnt, and a hat adorns his dread locked hair. As he is charging, he is wielding a cutlass, and he is screaming. Although, you might be thinking about other things. It is important to remember that this fine specimen of humanity is a human being, and people, no matter what they are, are still people.

Whatever happens to people, whether through war, through pain, through horror, something that we should always remember that people are still people. People will always be people, whether they be from a different culture, or different place. They have hurts, they have needs, they bleed as we bleed. We are all humans, brothers and sisters in this life we walk.
In this regard, we should carry each other, help one another. We are all the same. Caring for one another just seems so important as we live on this large ball in this great expense.

Despite that though, what I do acknowledge, that while people are still people, it doesn't mean that they have the same mindset or beliefs that we have. People often mistake people just being people makes us all pretty mostly the same. Yes, that is true to a certain extent, but when people go through certain things, taught certain ways, it's not that they lose their humanity, but it can radically alter it.

For example, all humans want to be loved. However, some will seem to not like love, just for the very reason they have been hurt in the past. They still are people, but they are hurt, which brings us to the core of the matter.

People are still people, but they can also be: angry people, sad people, and dangerous people, but all very human. This is why we cannot all be treated the same. If you have a friend that likes sports, you go out and do sports. If you have a friend that likes eating pizza, you eat pizza with him or her. It's not that one is not your friend anymore then the other, it's just they have different likes and are different people. At the core, they are your friend, but they should be treated differently.

In the same manner, you cannot treat our pirate friend before as mentioned as someone who is your neighbor who invites you over for lemonade and you lend them household appliances. You are not denying this pirate his humanity, but the truth is, people of different places will have very different ideas from you. So you cannot, one emphases on this, you cannot treat them all the same, they have a totally different mindset.

As Mr Pirate bring downs his blade, you might know that, he can’t afford medicare, he’s doing this for his mother, or he’s doing for his kid and wife who both have cancer. All that will not help you or him. You because, while he is still a fellow human, his ideals are very much different from you, and you may get severally hurt, because you believe that since everyone is human they should be treated the same no matter what. For him, because after maybe sending you off to see what’s behind the veil, he may very well join you. Leaving his kids, wife, and mother behind, because being a pirate is a hazardous lifestyle. All this is really because you don’t believe that other humans need to be treated differently.

To sum it up, we should always be polite to one another. However, we shouldn't expect that if we treat others as we want that they will follow suit. It's not that we mistrust people or that we mistreat people, but rather that we show wisdom with each individual and situation.

Friday, 3 June 2016

Touchy Feely

Feeling emotions is what makes life rich. You need your passions. ~ Daniel Goleman

What do to do with emotions? Like naughty nymphs, they either plague us or bless us. As a rule of thumb, it's best to capture them, inspect them, take what is useful that is to be had, and you flush them away. Get rid of them. However, whatever you do, do not stuff 'em down.

Emotions are not fine wine. They do not mature with age. Rather, they are like bread, best when fresh, worst when stale, and maybe just maybe, if done right can be used for penicillin.

There is nothing wrong with emotions. Emotions are healthy. What is not healthy is what people do with it. It's a bit like what people do with poppy plants or hemp. They are plants. It's just what people do to them, they refine them and use them for purposes, that in the end hurt society. Yes, it can be done right, but is it done right?

Controlling your emotions is good. Denying your emotions is unhealthy. A lot of people think that when you don't admit something, it disappears. While heaven must be like that. Most likely hell is like that, because all those problems come to haunt you again. If you sweep your emotions underneath the carpet, they will come and get you, just like the boogy monster, usually in an unreal manner. It's a bit like an open wound, if left alone it can kill you.

There are usually two types attitudes of dealing with emotions, both are equally disastrous. First, is the people who believe all emotion are good and don't seem to put a cap on it. Although, their method is a lot better. It's what we call wearing your heart on your sleeve. In a sense, we should, because a heart that feels pain or hurts, is a heart that in general still works. However, crying all the time, will make you totally nonfunctional and most likely a wreck.

The other group are iron hearts, you might think of some caricature military colonel. This type of style of dealing with emotions is not to have emotions. Howbeit, having emotions or a heart keeps us human.

I hesitate to say balance, because people might think of Yin and Yang, which is a horrible idea. Just think about it, balancing good and evil? Do you really even know what that means? It means that if there is more good and not enough evil, you will help evil, just to bring balance.

However, I digress. We should not control our emotions to the extent that they never come out to play. Emotions need to be in our lives. Denying them, will affect our minds, and our chemical composition, which could lead to serious injury.

It's not really that we control or let loose our emotions, but rather that we control our emotions at certain times and let loose when the time is right. People have it right, when they do these things. People instincts, aren't bad, they just aren't refined.

Ideal ways of dealing with emotions, is to control them, capture the emotions, and wait for a good time to release them. The next step would be analyzing them. Why did I feel that way, and the next would be releasing it at the right time.

Getting stuck on one of these steps could be disastrous, but there is no right or wrong way to do things, just better ways. As mentioned before, controlling or loosing ones emotions can be dangerous, but analyzing and analyzing can also be damageous If you keep analyzing how you felt or why you did what, you will most likely go just a little bit insane.

Emotions are good, it's just that we have a responsibility and need wisdom on how to deal with them. Sometimes, we don't understand why we feel why we feel. This is why we cannot hide emotions, we have to check them, look at them so that we can understand ourselves. So that we can be better people but more steadier people too.

Thursday, 2 June 2016

A Quick Thought: A Ball Of Yarn

 There is a story, it tells about a boy who was given a magical ball of yarn. With it, he could skip through time. Given this device, he would skip time to when he finished school every day. Doing this every day, he decided to finally he just skip school altogether to when he finished school. As the years went by, he kept skipping and skipping his life. This part is boring, skip, don't like this, skip. Till one day, his magic ball of yarn unraveled and he found himself on his death bed.

There are several things that you can get from this story, but one thing that sticks personally, is that not every moment in life is exactly pleasant. However, I wouldn't want someone living my life. Despite the not so pleasant moments of life, they are still our lives and the bitter moments, sometimes make the sweeter moments all the sweeter. If you didn't know bitter, how could you know sweet?

Life is meant to be lived, whether it be bad or good. By the same virtue, that people say you only have one life, we should want to live our lives fully: the good or the bad. If we skip out certain moments, our lives won't be so full. It won't be empty, just not as full or as real. Furthermore, if we skip the bad, sometimes we skip the best, because you find out who really stays by you, and sometimes you can find, maybe not joy, but some measure of it.