
Sunday 26 June 2016

A Great Leave(The Brexit)

A lot of people are thinking, why did Britain leave the EU? Some people would like to propagate the idea that it was mere “racism” that sparked the leaving. Such ideals are mere ignorance, which is ironic. Nevertheless, diving deeper into the matter, and looking at the facts, it almost seems like a revolution of some sort has happened. Where real freedom won out in the end.

The EU had 28 countries in it, and now 27. Officially created in 1993, but having beginnings in 1950, the EU, European Union has been around for a while. The main ideals of the EU was to create a better economy through strength in numbers and peace through talks. Fast forward a few years, you have the Brexit and 454 references to dealing with wash towels in their rules.

Although wash towels might not seem so bad, why would this cause Britain to leave? The reason is sometimes best explained in visuals. This can be done by simply having one volunteer and some red tape. Carefully place the volunteer on a chair marked as Britain, while saying “peace and strength” and then wrap red tape around them till they cannot move or breathe. This in a nut shell, is why Britain is leaving the EU.

Despite the well meaning and a great idea for Europe, the EU has only been looking of late like a controlling abusive husband. Controlling, justice, immigration, fishing, and even maybe an army that the EU president hinted at, the EU had many fingers in British pies.

While it might not seem so bad. This controlling had a disastrous effect. With the justice system for example, British judges could not deport a rapist due to him being protected by EU law as it would “breach his human rights”. Besides that side of the law, the EU makes up somewhere between 15-55% of Britain laws. Meaning that, the rules that govern Britain are just made up by someone who is essentially having other agendas besides the best interest of the country. 

Such agendas like the fishing laws which has basically stopped local fishermen/women to fish in certain areas. Instead, hopelessly forced to watch why they are stopped and EU fishers fish on their local areas.

Finally, with the immigration that is just the icing on the cake. People would like to make it out as people being xenophobic, but it’s not as simple or silly. The true reason are more serious and concerning. With the EU law, anyone with a EU citizenship can waltz into the UK. Forget refugees and all talks of Islam, this is a major security breach. Meaning that just about anyone is free to come free to go quite easily due to the flimsy rulings in place.

Coupled alongside a very troubled security, would be that the main reason the EU exist is to make it’s members more prosperous. However, paying Greece bailouts do not make anyone richer, and the next third Greece bailout was estimated to be 850 million. Whether or not if this  estimation was made after all the refugees started trampling over Greece is another wonder.

Which really brings home to the next point. The EU is taking Britain's money, it was estimated that 250 million a day is the costs Britain pays to the EU. Followed by that is a net 8.5 billion that Britain loses every year being in the EU. Which is funny due to the EU taking money to stop the refugee crisis, which was 6 billion to Turkey to stop it. That however, hasn't seem to really work, yet it seems to still be carrying on. So they take money that does not stop refugees and when it fails, they give refugees. Like slapping someone in the face for a mess that they didn't do and then getting them to clean it up.

In closing, these are just some reasons for Britain leaving. On some internet sites there are 20 reasons and in another 17 billion reasons mentioned. Nevertheless, thinking more into the topic, one might ask,"Why did Britain not leave sooner". Looking more and more, it would seem that Britain is leaving because they are in a relationship where the EU is taking and not giving. The refugee reason seems to be barely even an issue compared to the other reasons. If anything, the UK is leaving because the cost of money and liberty, are just a bit too much to swallow.

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