
Thursday 2 June 2016

A Quick Thought: A Ball Of Yarn

 There is a story, it tells about a boy who was given a magical ball of yarn. With it, he could skip through time. Given this device, he would skip time to when he finished school every day. Doing this every day, he decided to finally he just skip school altogether to when he finished school. As the years went by, he kept skipping and skipping his life. This part is boring, skip, don't like this, skip. Till one day, his magic ball of yarn unraveled and he found himself on his death bed.

There are several things that you can get from this story, but one thing that sticks personally, is that not every moment in life is exactly pleasant. However, I wouldn't want someone living my life. Despite the not so pleasant moments of life, they are still our lives and the bitter moments, sometimes make the sweeter moments all the sweeter. If you didn't know bitter, how could you know sweet?

Life is meant to be lived, whether it be bad or good. By the same virtue, that people say you only have one life, we should want to live our lives fully: the good or the bad. If we skip out certain moments, our lives won't be so full. It won't be empty, just not as full or as real. Furthermore, if we skip the bad, sometimes we skip the best, because you find out who really stays by you, and sometimes you can find, maybe not joy, but some measure of it.

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