
Saturday 18 June 2016

The Lack of It

  If knowledge can create problems, it is not through ignorance that we can solve them. ~ Isaac Asimov

Have you ever wondered why humanity seems so foolish or lacking in any form of decency? Well some reasons are because of lack: lack of common sense, lack of morals, and taking things for granted. However, at the heart of the problem is really taking things for granted.

People take common sense for granted. They also take for granted morals. People seem to be surprised that society acts so lawless. In fact, most people think,”Oh no one would be that stupid,” or "They should know better."

Although people are surprised that some behave evilly, or some stupidly. It shouldn’t come as a surprise. If people aren’t taught good sense or what is acceptable, people won’t know that. It may seem obvious to you, but what has been taught to you, you take for granted that others have had the same. It would seem common sense to not smoke in a barn filled with hay. To others, not so much.

Common sense, morals, they must all be taught. While most people did go to Sunday school or had some parent teaching them something, society doesn’t really emphasize on such things as right and wrong.

This is due to the whole, “accept everyone's beliefs", so have no beliefs. The right that you perceive to be so, might be somebody's wrong or vice a versa. Leaving people with no one teaching, less they do the ultimate wrong---offend someone.

Nevertheless, strangely enough we have courses now to teach right and wrong, it’s called ethics. Something, that in the past we did not need. However, all these things are needed today, because if you are not taught them, you won’t know it.

The sad thing is, since most people, as the older generation, has had some form of teaching, we believe that everyone is born with it. Moreover, even if people are aware of this teaching that they received, they just shrug it off as “old fashion” or just "religious”. However, this is not Maybelline. right and wrong or common sense need to be taught.

Some might argue what does it matter? Yes, they are right to a certain degree,  teaching someone does not necessarily make people possess common sense or morals? However, it helps. Just because people who can swim do drown sometimes, does not mean that swimming does not work.

If people aren’t taught they can not learn what you know. What is simple to you, is not to others who have not been taught like you. So if people behave as they do, it’s not stupidity or lack of morals, but mere lack of guidance.

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